My heart knows 12 January 2022: Sarthak stop people from hurting anupriya.. He says to villagers you are doubting anupriya, whom you know since long, who loved your children, stand with you all in every condition..
Atharav say you came from outside, don’t tell us. You would not be same if she was your wife.. Sarthak say I would be proud if was my wife.. Kalayani get thinking??…Atharav shout and show fake drama feel bad for Anupriya and shout Kill? them… Sampada and Atharva smile??… People hang them, and pour oil and put fire?.. Kalayani, Sarthak, Aao saheb and Baba shout anupriya and plead?? to leave anupriya… Stand fall out..
Malhar come and shoot at rope… Malhar jump inside too save them.. Just then kalayani see Ganga? falling from Shiv hair, and run to blow fire and save everyone.. Everyone is surprised to see water? and Kalayani, Aao saheb thank?? God Shiv.. Kalayani calm them and take out mouth piece, sampada get tense?, flashback shows that sampada put cloth in mouth..Keshav and Anupriya blacken face get clear.. Everyone recognise Keshav and Anupriya shout that Keshav is her elder Brother..
Aao saheb say how Keshav came out from Jail? Vivek say to stay quite and behave normal.. Anupriya say to villagers they only do her bad charcter asissnation.. Malhar shout at Villagers and ask them to go before he break their bones… Everyone goes.. Sampada and Atharav get tense?.. Anupriya cry? hard.. Sarthak think? when Keshav return from Jail??Kalayani say to anupriya that he is my mama and try to recognise him…
Kalayani finds that keshav was same person who kidnapped Moksh.. Atharav provkes saying you used baby, and ask anupriya about everything?? Kalayani stop him but Malhar ask anupriya about it. Anupriya cry? without saying anything.. Kalayani ask Malhar not to come in words of Atharav.. Malhar ask again.. Keshav say yes she knew, surprising every one.. Keshav further add anupriya knew everything, but she was week and always saved everyone.. She loved❤ you all, and I am not at all ashmed for my doings and want to Kill? Kalayani..
Sarthak recoginse Keshav & get tensed Keshav say when ever I will get chance, I shall kill? Kalayani.. Anupriya protect her.. Keshav say due to Kalayani parents my little sister?? suffered alot, people even dumbed her voice?.. Malhar hold Keshav and hurt him for hurting Moksh and Kalayani and beat? him badly.. Anupriya and Kalayani stop him.. Malhar say he lost respect for anupriya again.. Anupriya defend herself and ask Malhar and Kalayni to Believe her, Kalayani say she believe anupriya..
Malhar again beat?Keshav and ask question, he hold Stone and is about to hurt, but sarthak hold him and stop him.. Anupriya beat Keshav and ask Malhar to put Keshav behind Jail, I was just protecting you all from him.. Kalayani stop Malhar, and she will not let do him any crime! Malhar say you are protecting anupriya and Keshav, who hurted? our Moksh. Kalayani say she love❤ moksh more than you but its crime.. Sarthak calm him down and say let law decide his punishment.. Malhar drag Keshav..
Atharav say this Deshmukh family is the biggest drama company and play flute with marriage tune?.. He further say Kalayni is finding groom for Anupriya. Shocking?? everyone.. Anupriya confront kalayani and she say yes and anupriya slap?? her and goes from temple..Anupriya say Sorry to Aao Saheb… Aao saheb say Kalayani is child, and I am proud of you for supporting deshmukh family in front of Keshav.. And hug her. .Kalayani talk to Sarthak, saying was she wrong for Anupriya re- marriage? Sarthak support her and say but we can’t change people mentality…Kalayani think about Sarthak words, that He would be proud to have Anupriya as his wife, she think? why anupriya can’t have someone like sarthak and Sarthak think? why Keshav returned?? He see his case file and think this will be disaster if truth come out!
Keshav say to Malhar I am punished for the crime I never commited, go and read my case file..Kalayani try to talk to Anupriya, but she avoid her.. Sarthak come and ask about Malhar?? Kalayani ask Sarthak was she wrong to find groom from Anupriya?? Sarthak try to avoid question but Kalayani repeat again and again.. Anupriya stop her from saying all this.. Aao saheb say she was proud at kalayani outside for supporting anupriya, but she did this wrong.. Kalayani say due to Atul cheat, Anupriya is bearing pain??..
Kalayani stop anupriya from going out, after all this drama?? Anupriya say she can fight alone!! Kalayani say she I know you are strong, but need partner!! Anupriya say she don’t need anyone other than kalayani, she is happy now and what will villagers say?? Kalayani gather villagers and ask if they have problem with my Anupriya marriage?? Aao saheb and sarthak witness everything.. Everyone deny..Anupriya stop her from saying anything further.. Kalayani say people will talk for 2 days and forget, they were not there to even support you, to console you when atul left..
Its not big thing if you marry again.. Aao saheb stop her saying she is still married to atul, she is his wife legally… Kalayani says it has been 18 years, when Atul left Anupriya, now legally or illegally she is not married to him.. She ask Sarthak to explain aao saheb, that if husband and wife aren’t staying together for 18 years, their marriage is null and void.. Sarthak nod in support.. Kalayani further say all this is written in law… Aao Saheb say she doesn’t want to hear about law, she is just concerned for society, let us stay here with respect… Kalayani say to Aao saheb that you are concered for so called society always, if you would gave thought about Anupriya re-marriage 18 years back, she would not be at this place today..
Aao saheb get shocked?.. Kalayani add saying with Atul and Madhuri you are too responsible for Anupriya problems… Anupriya slap?? Kalayani hard…Kalayani say to Aao saheb, if you have thought about Anupriya re-marriage 18 years back, than her life would not be like this.. Anupriya slap?? her hard.. Sarthak stop her and ask to control her anger?.. Atharav and Sampada bring Doli and Heena and tease saying deshmukh family is famous for drama, kalayani is planning Anupriya re-marriage, in the village and smile? cunningly, saying Aao saheb I shall finance Anupriya re-marriage…
Sarthak ask him to stop and behave.. Kalayani try to ruin Doli.. Anupriya say today you even betrayed and behave like these villagers… You even think? that until I marry, I am not happy.. She take Heena and write Kalayani name, and say only this name is required in my life… Atharva shed crocodile tear?? and ask Kalayani to give Agni Pariksha, and say to hold Burning? coal for proving that you can fight with these villagers.. Sarthak, Anupriya, Aao Saheb stop, but kalayani smile? and say I can fight with whole world for my Anupriya, and keep burning? coal in hand.. Sampada and Atharav face turn pale?…. Just than Malhar come and stop kalayani…
Malhar say even I agree with Kalayani thought about Anupriya re-marriage only she didn’t talk with you first is her mistake, but from now ownwards, we both will not interfare in your life, as you proved that for you Blood relations are more important, as Keshav hurted? my wife and moksh, you are saving him and take Kalayani… Before going he say Keshav is going to pay for his deeds.. Shocking? Anupriya, Sarthak and aao saheb… Sarthak think? matter is getting worse day by day…
Kalayani say to Malhar that Anupriya can’t to this thing. Malhar say she was saving keshav, and putted your and moksh life in danger… He dress her wound with anger? as well as love❤.. He get call☎ from Pawar that Keshav file? is found, he ask to bring…Aao Saheb says we all believe you Anupriya but truth should not come out.. Sarthak try to talk to Malhar but he say not to back up Anupriya.. Sarthak say he is not but asking him not to open keshav old case?, but Malhar say he will and goes… Sarthak say How to stop him, its going to create disaster and ask god to do something…
Kalayani talk to herself about her wound? and her decision by acting as anupriya and kalayani…Anupriya see Kalayani’s acting..Pawar shout to bring water? and all come out and see Keshav’s records burning?.. Malhar try put off fire?, but Kalayani scold him.. Malhar say to Kalayani only you knew about these files? and on anupriya saying you burnt? it.. Kalayani deny and Aao saheb support her and sarthak back up saying Keshav is paying for his deeds already, be realistic.. You are turning mad behind keshav day by day…
Malhar says I shall now definately find out truth, as now I am sure someone from house is with him… Atharav listen and think? something is fishy with deshmukh family on keshav part, all are behaving weired…Malhar talk☎ to someone and ask him to send link for case of Keshav that was uploaded online.. Kalayani bring Haldi paste and try to apply on his hand, and say how can he think that anupriya will ask her to do wrong things?? And say see how much it is burnt?, and try to apply, but spoil his hand and t-shirt.. He get irritate and dry his hand using Kalayani Drape, she say you ruined my new suit..
Malhar hold Kalayani and say I will watch? anupriya and you and goes… Kalayani say why would I save that keshav?At Night near Well: Anupriya talk to herself why Keshav is back?? We all forgot that black past and he came back to ruin it!! How shall I stop him?? Sarthak come and say you know about Keshav case, but you must not be aware about.. Before he complete Anupriya say that you were Lawyer against him. And I completely agree that Keshav deserved that punishment as he was drunk and driving car?.. Sarthak ask anupriya are you aware with family who died?? Anupriya say she only knows about that keshav use to drive car?for that family and he did that accident..
Sarthak goes and think? that Anupriya is not aware about who died that day… Anupriya think? I can’t telk you Sarthak that Keshav is Innocent…Atharav shout buy bangles and show handcuffs… He call Malhar and say I am going to open Keshav file? and whole truth will be out soon (like seriously, he is opening: is he court or lawyer???) he further say Keshav was Deshmukh’s family driver??✈ and he has saved someone on his name, shocking? everyone… Anupriya say he did accident and bearing punishment.. Malhar say why everyone hidden that Keshav was his family driver??✈?? Aao saheb say yes but atharav is saying rest things wrong…
Malhar thinks? about incidents related to keshav..Anupriya talk to constable, and ask for meeting Keshav. He deny because for his duty and procedure.. Anupriya think? I need to meet Keshav, so that he doesn’t help Atharav.. Constable accidently push anupriya and Kalayani hold her.. Kalayani say she think? that if anupriya was ready for marriage, she will have fallen in her would be husband arms with romantic❤ atmosphere…. Anupriya side her…
Anupriya ask why kalayani was following her? Kalayani give permit letter to constable and say I am Malhar Rane’s wife, I can do this much easily but don’t tell Malhar, otherwise he will give punishment..
Kalayani say to Anupriya so you are here to meet Keshav Mama??? Anupriya say I would have met him without your help even, but why are you here?? Kalayani say she is here to meet Atul.. Anupriya ask her but why??? Kalayani say you were showing me attitude to me, I shall not tell you and is about to go, when Anupriya ask to remove Magalstura before meeting Atul..
Kalayani meet atul.. She tell him that because of you and Madhuri, Anupriya has suffered alot, so please agree for Anupriya re-marriage.. Atul say ok as you wish and tell I have joined Puja Mandli and we sing? Bhajan, now you should go… Kalayani hug her and goes thinking? that now I can re-marry anupriya happily as she was sure that Atul will be happy? about it… Atul think? and feel sorry that he can’t tell Kalayani that he was not able to hear anything due to pain in ears?? since 2 days…
Malhar call☎ Sarthak and Inform him about downloading keshav file? details.. Sarthak get tense? and feel helpless.. He pray?? to God to help.. Suddenly Kalayani keep bag and it strike with broadband.. Sarthak ask Malhar did he saw photo?? Malhar say that file? is not downloading, I shall use police station internet and cut call.. Sarthak get tense? and think? matter is going out of hands…Malhar get call☎ from pawar who inform that Anupriya and Kalayani went to meet Keshav and see kalayani fixing broadband box, and scold her for saving Keshav on Anupriya saying..
Kalayani try to say something but fall in arm of Malhar… He pushes her down and she complain it to Moksh..Aprana and Pallavli promots zee cinema awards…Kalayani was giving oil massage to Moksh, talking about Sarthak and Anupriya marriage and wrap him in towel.. She notice Moksh turning blue and she shout?.. Anupriya and Aao Saheb come and hold Moksh… Aparana scold Kalayani for being careless… Sampada smiles?… Kalayani inform Anupriya that he is allergic to something, I have called for medicine..
Aprana scold her saying to call Doctor instead, I have informed Malhar.. Aao Saheb scold Aparana saying you must have called☎ doctor first.. Kalayani get call☎ from person for medicine..Malhar drive back home, just than Kalayani pay that man and Malhar was shocked? to see that face person and he notice his weeler number..Kalayani take Malhar inside where, Sampada shows proof about Moksh turning blue while scolding Kalayani and Malhar… Malhar sideline her and take Moksh, he take Moksh and realise that blue color was on towel..
He tell this and confront Sampada… Sampada deny saying she didn’t do anything?.. Kalayani scold her for hurting Moksh and take her phone and put in Blue colored water, Sampada try to take her phone and Kalayani pushes her down… Samapda face turn pale?? and she goes after getting irritated…Kalayani say sorry to Malhar about getting panic and she say sorry.. Malhar scold saying stop saving Keshav with Anupriya and put efforts for Moksh safety….
Malhar call☎ pawar and tell that person vechical number and ask for his complete details and think? that person is for sure related to Keshav’s past…
Next: my heart knows Thursday update