My heart knows 19 February 2022: The Episode starts with Kalyani dancing in the basti to divert fisherman and fisherwomen. Malhar tries to search Moksh. Sarthak searches him in the house. Anupriya looks at Kalyani who is dancing. Malhar and Sarthak search Moksh in every house. Even Pawar, Aparna and Vaman search him. Vaman says Moksh is not here. Aparna says if Sampada sent Moksh already. She says we have to search him somewhere else. Sarthak tells Malhar that a woman is going hiding her face and says I am following her.
He follows her, but soon misses her. Sarthak realizes someone is behind him and turns. Malhar is behind him and they see someone running. They stop the veiled lady and asks what are you taking? Malhar finds desi wine. Lady apologizes. Moksh is kept in the tokri in a house. Kalyani continues to dance. A glass bottle falls down from a fisherman’s hand. Anupriya keeps her mobile and runs to pick the glass pieces before Kalyani steps on it. She picks the big pieces. Kalyani dances on the small glass pieces. Malhar comes to a house and sees moksh crying. He sees glass pieces near him. He jumps and goes near him. He takes and hugs him. He cries asking him not to worry.
Pawar comes there and says sir. Malhar comes out and thinks it was his imagination. He asks Pawar and Sarthak to search that side of basti. The lady calls Sampada and tells that the function was over, but suddenly a girl came and started dancing. She says everyone went to see her dance. Sampada says from where she came? She asks her to take the baby to ship. Lady says she is ready and taking him now.Kalyani feels dizzy. Anupriya worries for her. Pawar takes Malhar to the fish room. Before they reach there, the lady takes Moksh from there. Kalyani falls, Anupriya holds her and asks her to be there, says she will go and check where are others.
Kalyani asks her to go and search Billu. She says I will keep them busy till here. Malhar and Pawar search for Moksh in the room, but he was just taken out from there. Pawar says Moksh baba is not here. Anupriya thinks where to search them and realizes she has kept her phone here.She collides with the lady taking Moksh and her phone falls down. Anupriya tells her that she will pay the money. Lady says it was old and needed repair. Lady says how will I call my husband Vikas now. Anupriya asks her to use her phone and says it is kept where the function is going on. They go there. Basket falls from lady’s hand. Kalyani holds it and signs Anupriya.
A fisherman takes her to dance again. Lady sees her husband dancing and takes him to side. She says Sampada is giving them so much money. Malhar and Pawar come there, but don’t see the tokri. The fishermen force Kalyani to dance and hold her hand. Malhar gets angry and asks them to go back.Kalyani falls down. Anupriya holds her. Malhar makes her drink water. Sampada comes there and is shocked to see them there. She covers her face and comes to lady and her husband. Lady apologizes and says my husband is drunk. Kalyani asks Malhar to go and search Moksh.
Sampada tells lady and her husband that they have to go somehow, while mixing in the people. Just then Moksh starts crying. Malhar asks Pawar to catch Sampada. They see Sampada. Sampada pushes Pawar and runs out. Her foot get stuck with the rope and she falls in the net. Malhar recalls keeping the trap for her. Kalyani gets happy hearing Moksh crying and runs to him. She takes him and cries. Malhar hugs them. He takes Moksh and cries. Sampada is angry while Police constable holds her. marjawun ya jeelun zara plays…They come home, Kalyani asks Moksh not to go again leaving her and says if you do this again then I will make you have bittergourd juice after finding you.
Anupriya prays for their togetherness. Sarthak tells Malhar that Atharv is more dangerous than Sampada and tells that they have to search him. Pawar comes and tells that Atharv is staying in a Mumbai hotel and he has a flight to Dubai to catch tomorrow. Malhar asks him to tell Mumbai Police that they need more force. Kalyani asks Malhar to send someone else and says if Atharv does something to you, then. Malhar asks her not to worry and wherever I go, I will return to you both. He kisses Moksh and leaves with Pawar.Atharv thinks he fooled Kalyani and got the passport. He asks receptionist to check out. Now he will drink wine in Dubai.
Malhar comes there dancing with band baja. Atharv is shocked. Malhar laughs and says your smile vanished. He says you shall be happy as I came to take you using your cheap tactic. He asks band guys to play band again. He asks Atharv to dance. Atharv shouts. Malhar says game over. He asks Pawar to catch him and says we will drag and take him. Atharv snatches Pawar’s gun and aims at Malhar. Malhar aims gun at Atharv.Malhar coming to the hotel with band baja and dances in Atharv’s style. He asks Pawar to arrest him and says we will drag and take him. Atharv snatches gun from Pawar and aims at Malhar.
He runs out and hides behind the jeep. He sees tempo coming and climbs to it. Malhar asks him to stop else he will shoot him. Atharv falls down and gets head injury. Malhar brings him to hospital. Doctor says there is no internal bleeding. Malhar calls Mugdha and asks her to give her statement in court tomorrow. Mugdha says I will support you fully and will get him punished. He says I will talk to your lawyer and hopes we don’t have to see his face again. Comm issioner asks Malhar to tell Kalyani that he will be promoted. Malhar asks really and gets happy. Pawar comes and says he has come. Malhar asks him to be there and keep eye on Atharv. He goes home.
Kalyani is talking to Moksh while he is with Anupriya. She asks him to start eating food soon. Sampada comes and takes Moksh from her hand. Kalyani says Sampada. Sampada says he is still my son. Vaman comes and slaps her. He asks her to stop it and says he did a mistake by leaving her and Aparna. He tells that he has no right to tell her, and helped her due to guilt. He says Moksh’s happiness is with Malhar and Kalyani and asks her to stop all this. Sampada says I did a mistake by trusting you and says I am Moksh’s mother legally. Malhar says you was his mother. He brings the judge who gave Moksh’s custody to her. He tells that Aai and baba has given statement against you for trying to send Moksh from here. Judge apologizes to Malhar and Kalyani and tells that he is taking back the custody from Sampada and tells that she can never claim for custody again.
Malhar holds Kalyani’s hand and they walk towards Moksh. He recalls his promise to Moksh. He says I have said that one day the day will come. He takes Moksh from her. Judge says if you want then you can file case against Sampada. Malhar recalls Vaman requesting Malhar not to send Sampada to jail, as she is his daughter. Malhar agrees to his request. Fb ends. He tells Judge that he is leaving Sampada respecting Aai and baba. Kalyani says you will be punished and you will yearn all life and you will think of your mistake. She says you have given him birth, but has no right on him now. She says you claim to love Atharv, who left you and will get rotten in jail. She says this will be your punishment. Sampada says no and cries.
Aao Saheb scolds Vaman for coming after many years and asks what do you think that I will give my daughter to you. Vaman says he did a mistake by leaving them and suffered a lot. He says I will take care of her till my last breath. Aao Saheb says I will not give my daughter to you. Anupriya comes infront and tells Aao Saheb that time Vaman didn’t have the courage to go against his father and tells today he requested Malhar and asked him not to keep her in jail. Atul asks did anyone ask your opinion? Anupriya says did anyone ask you? She tells that they are still in the relation because of you and says years ago, Aparna and Vaman’s relation broke because of your son and says when you can forgive him then why can’t Vaman. Pallavi says how can you answer Aao Saheb.
Anupriya says my daughter taught me to support truth. Pallavi asks Aparna if she wants to go and counts Aao Saheb’s favors on her. Anupriya says today you are worried for Aao Saheb, whom you have never taken care of. Aao Saheb asks her to either go with her husband who never supported her or stay with her who has always helped her. Aparna leaves her suitcase and cries. Aao Saheb asks Vaman to go and says now you got your reply. Aparna cries. Pallavi cries.Malhar asks kalyani what is she doing? Kalyani says done and writes something. She says this is the same paper which I left incomplete and completed today.
She says I have written this paper to prove you that I studied that day and would have passed if written the exam. Malhar says let me check. Kalyani says you want to check. Malhar says yes. Kalyani says I think that you will get emotional and teary eyes. Malhar says I shall know if you have written right answers or not. Kalyani asks him to take text book or take answer paper to Principal. She says even now you are checking and says God has given all intelligence to you.Kalyani thinks Malhar can never get happy and asks herself why did she try.
He comes out and writes 200 marks out of 100. She says 200. He says 100 for the paper and 100 for not leaving stone heart man like him.Malhar telling Kalyani that she gets 200 out of 100, 100 for the right answers and the other 100 for accepting the stone heart man like him. Kalyani gets happy and dances. Malhar smiles. Song plays….pehla nasha pehla ghumaan…..She comes out of her imagination. Malhar gets a call and he hears that Atharv is not eating food. He says I will come.Kalyani thinks what happened to her and why she is dreaming about singing song when Malhar is around. He comes to room and sees kajal applied to Moksh’s face.
He asks who’s son is this? Where is Moksh? Kalyani says he is our son and tells that Aai asked her to apply black tika on his face, so she applied black tikas on his face to ward off the evil eye. She tells that she wants to make his face black with kajal so that nobody’s bad eye falls on her. Malhar asks her to clean his face. She says no. he says else I will apply tika on your face and make it black. Kalyani asks him to tell directly that he don’t want anyone to see her with bad sight. Malhar says yes and tells that she is very beautiful in all Aurangabad. Kalyani hears the song and looks at him. Malhar flap his finger. Kalyani asks if he means what he said. He says what did I say? He gets the tissue paper and wipes kajal from his face.
Anupriya tells Aparna that she shall think of her happiness and shall not leave a chance to complete your family when Vaman wants to unite with you. Kalyani comes there. Aparna goes. Kalyani hits her head on the wall. Anupriya asks what happened and says you will get hurt. Kalyani says both mother and daughter will get mad. She asks why are you talking to Aparna and taking enmity with Aao Saheb. Anupriya says every human is not good fully or not bad fully. She says everyone has Ravan and Ram in him/her. She says Aparna has lived her life alone and who can understand this better than me.
Kalyani says what are you saying? Anupriya says whatever had happened with Aparna was because of Atul. Kalyani says you have no Ravan, but Ram and Meena Kumari. She says we shall support her and Aparna shall not be punished for Atul’s wrong doings. Malhar wipes the kajal from Moksh’s face and says your Aai is very childish. He says when you grow young then you will be more mature than her. He says don’t know when she will become matured. Moksh laughs. Kalyani hears them and asks what are they talking?Malhar says Moksh was scared of his make up and asks her to promise not to do it again. Kalyani promises and threatens politely to break his teeth if it was there.
She plays with him and asks him to think many times before making fun of him. She tickles him and asks what your baba was saying that I am not mature? She thinks how to look mature and thinks she don’t even look mature. She thinks Aai is mature and what she does, she is always serious, talks less and wear boring colors clothes. She says if malhar likes boring people then she will become for Malhar. She ties her hairs and tells Moksh that she is looking some what mature. Malhar comes there talking on phone saying Atharv escaped. Kalyani asks what happened? Malhar tells her that Atharv escaped from Police custody. They come to Sampada. Malhar asks her about Atharv. Sampada says I don’t know about Atharv and don’t want to see his face after whatever she has done with her.
Malhar gets Mugdha’s call and she tells that she is outside their house.Malhar meets Mugdha and says I will catch Atharv, don’t worry. I will search him. Mugdha says actually I can’t give statement against Atharv. Malhar asks what, if he threatened you. Mugdha says no, infact I made him escaped from hospital. Malhar asks what are you saying? He tried to kill you and you made him escaped. Mugdha says he didn’t go anywhere, he is in my car. Malhar opens the car door and finds him missing. Mugdha says I left him here. Malhar says then where did he go? Anupriya shouts Kalyani’s name. Everyone goes inside.
They see Atharv resting on the bed and drinking milk from Moksh’s bottle. Malhar asks him to leave the bottle. Mugdha tells that something happened to Atharv and he became childish after the accident. She tells that she went to hospital to vent out her anger and came to know from the doctor that he has become 5 years old kid. She says she knows how it feels to be mentally retarded and can’t punish 5 years old boy and that’s why made him escape from police custody.
Next: my heart knows Sunday update