Tuesday update on Mehek 4th June 2019
Mahek says okay we will take your order. Mahek gives him remaining amount. She packs his order. Kanta comes there and glares at Shaurya.
Shaurya brings Mahek’s food to his workers, workers enjoy eating Mahek’s cooked food. One worker says they are so tasty, their taste is like homemade, Shaurya looks on. All workers leave after eating.
Shaurya sees one plate of chulle dish still remaining, he looks around and stealthily starts eating Mahek’s dish, he coughs and says its so spicy, he runs and drinks water. Vicky comes there and tastes chulle dish, he says its so tasty, he starts eating but is huffing too because of spicy but keeps eating, Shaurya sees this and says you are eating it? Vicky says its spicy but its so tasty.
Mahek is serving food to customers. Nehal asks if Shaurya came home last night? Mahek says yes but how do you know? Nehal says dont tell anyone, we will talk later. Nehal comes to Kanta and starts working. Sharma family is busy serving many customers, their business is working and people are taking selfies with Mahek too. Shaurya sees all this and smiles.
At night, Sharma family starts packing truck, Mahek says to family that you all leave, i will prepare for tomorrow and then come home, Kanta says i will stay with her, Jeevan says Mohit and Nehal are with her so we should leave, Kanta says to Mahek that come home fast, all family members leave except Nehal, Mohit and Mahek. Mohit says to Nehal that we are going to eat ice-cream, we wil comeback, they leave.
Mahek finishes up work and says i didnt eat anything whole day, i am hungry, i should eat something, she brings dish. Shaurya comes out of his restaurant and says i got acidity due to Mahek’s chulle dish. Mahek comes there and says what are you doing here? restaurant is closed, Shaurya says i know, this area is mine, i can go anywhere, i have acidity because of your chulle dish. Mahek says those who dont have taste bud for good food, they cant bear it, enjoy now.
Mahek sits on chair and starts eating. Shaurya is walking and stares at Mahek. Mahek asks why you are staring me? Shaurya says how can you eat this much oily and spicy food? Mahek says i am eating it from childhood and never had problem, we sell 200plates today. Shaurya says how much did you earn today? 1000rs? you will earn around 50,000rs in a month, my earning only on sunday is a lot more than your whole month’s earning, you are trying to compare to me? trying to do business with me?
Mahek says we are not competing with your restaurant, we are very small people infront of you, we cant compare with you, we are fighting for living not making stashes of money and the restaurant you are so proud of uses my mother’s recipe to make money. Shaurya grabs her arms and says you dont have taunt me about taking your mother’s recipes, i was offering you full money of those recipes and this restaurant runs because of my skills and experience, not some recipe. Mahek says you cant change truth by raising your voice or using power. Shaurya glares at her and leans over chair still grabbing her arm.
Ajay is hiding behind bushes and captures Shaurya and Mahek’s picture from far making it look like they are close and getting cozy with each other. Shaurya gets away from Mahek. Mahek says to Shaurya that those people whose shops you broke, they cant run businesses again, you didnt just break their shops with bulldozers, you broke their whole lives struggles, Shaurya feels guilty and looks away, Mahek glares at him and leaves, Shaurya looks on.
Ajay looks at picture he clicked and says Kanta slapped me right? now i will take my revenge. Kanta looks at her phone and is shocked. Jeeveen looks at her. Kanta has got Mahek and Shaurya’s picture in which they are close, picture which Ajay took of them.
Kanta sees Mahek and Shaurya close picture which Ajay sent her, she paces around her room. Jeevan asks what did you see in phone that worried you? Mahek comes home, Kanta stops her. Mahek says sorry i got late, i was eating food. Jeevan says dont know why Kanta’s face is pale, handle her Mahek, he leaves. Mahek asks Kanta what happened? Kanta says to Mahek that do you trust me? Mahek says ofcourse, Kanta says you know whatever i decide for you, it will be for your benefit only, Mahek says yes but what happened? i trust you completely and your decisions.
Kanta says dont ask me questions but just promise me that you will do whatever i ask you to do without any question or obligation. Mahek looks on and says i will do whatever you ask me to do, Kanta nods and says go rest, Mahek leaves. Kanta calls someone and says i have work with you.
In the morning, Shaurya comes to Mahek’s colony and is giving cheques to neighbours. Mahek’s family comes there and says what is happening? Mahek asks Shaurya what he is doing here? Ratan says he is giving cheque to pay for shops that he brokedown, Shaurya says i took action against Sharma family in anger so i am paying for all the destruction, i am paying for my mistake and rectifying it, i shouldnt have acted on my anger. Ratan says you finally got some brain but who made you think rationally?
Shaurya looks at Mahek but says my mom made me realize, Shaurya says to Vicky that give two cheques to Sharma family, one to Ravi and one to Jeevan. Kanta asys you are very big man but we dont need your debts, you have done enough favors on us, i dont want anyone to think that Mahek and you still have any relation, everything has ended so we dont need your money. Shaurya says Sharma family’s anger is still bigger than everything else, dont know when you people will change, he angrily leaves.
Mahek is working in food truck, Mansi is helping her in cooking. There are many customers at their truck. Karona comes there, Jeevan asks how she is? she says i am fine, he looks at Kanta but Kanta ignores her. Mansi says to Mahek that your oil such good aroma, Mahek promotes oil she is using. Sonal comes there in kitchen and says Karona wants to meet you, Mahek leaves.
Tuesday update on Mehek 4th June 2019
Sonal takes over Mahek’s cooking and praises oil. Mahek comes to Karona and touches her feet calling her maa, Karona blesses her. Jeevan says you have come for first time here so you have to taste something, he offers her dish, she tastes it and says to tell you truth, not one dish in my son’s restaurant is as good as this dish.
Jeevan says its all Mahek’s magic. Karona sees Kanta but Kanta doesnt greet and keep ignoring her. Mohit is setting chairs outside truck but mistakenly throws kerosene bottle, he doesnt see kerosene leaking. Someone is smoking cigarette and throws cigarette near kerosene bottle. Mahek says to Karona that thanks for making Shaurya realize his mistake for breaking shops, Karona says i didnt say anything to him? Mahek says he came to our society and apologized for his mistake, he paid people too, Karona says i didnt advise him anything, its good he rectified his mistake.
Shaurya comes there and asks KArona if they should leave? Mahek looks at Shaurya in surprise and recalls how she taunted him last night for breaking shops of poor and how today he rectified his mistake by listening to her, she smiles at him, he asks what? he takes Karona to car. Kerosene bottle catches fire near truck due to cigarette. Mahek is cooking in kitchen. Shaurya sees truck catching fire, he says blo*dy hell, he runs to Mahek and brings her out of truck before she gets stuck in fire. Shaurya throws water on fire. Mahek gets scared and hugs Shaurya tightly, they share eyelock.
Kanta is calling someone and says you know Mahek is very nice girl, just confirm this marriage proposal, she ends call and smiles. Jeevan and Ravi runs to Mahek, Shaurya moves away from Mahek. Shaurya says to Ravi that are you people mad? you are doing business but have no brains, it would have caught fire if i didnt see it, Ravi says you Shaurya.. Shaurya says enough, i dont want your lectures, i could have called police to tell about this fire and they would have taken your truck away, Jeevan says dont try to threaten us, Shaurya says i am not threatening, there is my restaurant near your truck, if you cant work professionally then go away.
Mahek sees Shaurya’s hand burned, she is pained to see his wound. Shaurya glares at her and goes to his restaurant, Mahek looks on.
Mahek comes to Mohit, she gives ointment to him and says Shaurya’s hand is burned so give it to him, Mohit says if i take it to him then first Shaurya will blow at me and then Kanta will scold me, he is Shaurya Khanna so he can take care of his wounds. he leaves, Mahek looks on tensed.
Mahek is packing things in truck. She hears Shaurya screaming in pain from his restaurant and says to Sonal that you go home, i will come later, Sonal nods and leaves. Mahek goes to Shaurya’s restaurant.
Shaurya is tending to his wound in room freezer, Mahek comes there and says i heard your voice, are you hurt? Shaurya says from the time i have met you, i keep getting hurt, i will bear this pain. Mahek says i dont know how will you bear pain but you wont be able to apply ice on your burnt hand.
She takes ice pack from him and starts tending his wound, Shaurya is mesmerized by her, jag ghoomiya thare jaisa na koi plays, Shaurya says my little scream brought to close to me? Mahek says thank you for saving my truck. Shaurya says i didnt save only food truck, i saved food truck oowner too, Mahek says you ruin your favor by keep bragging about it, Shaurya says if i didnt save you today then whole Sharma family would have been in fire.
Tuesday update on Mehek 4th June 2019
Mahek says you are so rude, i remember you dozing off fire but i also remember how you rudely talked to my Ravi uncle, Shaurya says your uncles are so stubborn, they dont listen to anyone, they dont know how to understand others. Mahek says my brain is not working that i keep coming back to you, Shaurya says who called you? go back. Mahek says i am leaving. Mahek tries to open door of room freezer to leave but its jam. Shaurya pulls her aside and tries to open door but its locked, he says you are walking problem, did you close it?
Mahek says yes i mistakenly closed it when i came in, Shaurya says great now, this door’s handle is broken, it gets jammed, this room’s temperature is -6 Celsius, now keep freezing here for whole night, Mahek gets worried hearing it. Mahek says Kanta chachi is waiting for me at home, how will go home?
Shaurya says to Mahek that door is jammed, nothing can happen now. Mahek tries to call someone, Mahek says to Shaurya there is no network in my phone, you try to call someone, Shaurya says i already checked that there is no network here, we have to spend night here, Mahek says whole night here? Shaurya says you want me to call chopper that will come down after breaking roof? Mahek says dont say rubbish, i am cold here, Shaurya says its your punishment for getting my hand burned, Shaurya sees Mahek shivering in cold room and says there is one way only, Mahek says what? Shaurya smirks.
Kanta says to Sonal that why did Mahek stay at food truck? she is not even picking call, what was the need to stay there? she tries to call Mahek, Ravi says calm down, Kanta says i am getting horrified these days that what might happen.
Shaurya says to Mahek that there is only one way now, Mahek asks what? Shaurya takes off his jacket and starts coming close to Mahek, he says dont you know how to warm cold baby? Mahek says stay away from me. Shaurya pins her against rack and says i am sorry but i would have to do it even if i dont want, he leans in towards her, Mahek shivers and says move away, i will shout, Shaurya says you will become more cold baby dont scream, MAhek says anybody save me, Shaurya says i dont want to do it too but its the only way to remain warm, we have to do it, Mahek cries and says we cant do it, anybody save me, help me.
Tuesday update on Mehek 4th June 2019
Shaurya leans in close to her and is about to kiss her, Mahek closes her eyes and weeps. Shaurya starts laughing at her and moves away. Servant opens door of freezing room. Mahek runs out of it, Shaurya laughs, he says to Mahek that i had network in my phone and had already called servant. Mahek beats him with spatula and starts leaving, Shaurya says its late night, i will drop you home, she says no need, Shaurya says let me drop you, Mahek says i said there is no need.
Mahek and Shaurya start coming out of restaurant, Mahek says i will leave myself from here, thanks. She starts leaving, Tujhe dekh dekh sona plays. Mahek turns to look at shaurya, Shaurya is intensely and sadly looking at her.. jiya dhadak dhadhak jaye plays, Mahek leaves. Kanta is hiding behind wall outside restaurant and has seen everything between Mahek and Shaurya, she gets worried.
Next: Wednesday update on Mehek
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