Mehek update Saturday 8th June 2019 – Zee World

Mehek update Saturday 8th June 2019 – Zee World



Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

Shaurya lies Mahek in room at Guradvarah. Priest says hospital is far away from here and we cant leave till morning comes out, Shaurya says why not? bring any ambulance or something, priest says there is protest going on highway, we cant reach there now, and she is not in condition that you can lift her and run with her to hospital, have faith in God and we will try our best, he goes to bring medicines. Shaurya helplessly looks at Mahek, he rubs her hands and says i wont let anything happen to you Mahek, open your eyes, we didnt equal our things. He cries for her and cleanse her wound with antiseptic. Priest says she has lost so much blood but still breathing, it seems like some strength is preventing her from giving up, if blood stops oozing out then she will be saved. Other man asks Shaurya if he should dress his wound? Shaurya says no, she should become fine first, if she becomes fine then my wounds will be healed too. Shaurya says to Mahek that our fight is remaining, you cant leave me till we complete our fight, you cant leave me, i wont let you leave me. Priest gives kaada to Shaurya and asks him to give to Mahek, its good remedy. Priest says to Shaurya that you love your wife a lot, dont give up, keep trying, love has strength and God will listen to your true love, prayers have great power so pray, Shaurya sadly looks at Mahek and tries to make her drink kaada.

Police stops Ravi and Kanta and says there is protest going on road, we have informed to find Shaurya and Mahek, you have to wait. Kanta says i cant wait, she runs from there to find Mahek. Jeevan and Ravi looks on.
Shaurya lies Mahek’s head in his lap and caresses her head, he recalls their moments, their love confession. He silently cries and recalls their moments after marriage, how Mahek got stabbed to save him. Shaurya cries and says why you did it? why you came infront of me? Mahek please dont go, dont leave me, i need you a lot, i did so much with you, i dont have right to say this but i love you a lot, i really love you, please get fine for my sake, please dont give up, you cant deceive me like this. Shaurya keep sitting with Mahek’s head in his lap whole night. Morning breaks out, Shaurya sees sun rising, he puts Mahek’s head on pillow and goes from there.
Shaurya comes to Guradvarah’s prayer area, he close his eyes and prays to lord, he falls to his knees. he says I never requested for anything from anyone, I always snatched what I wanted but today when you are snatching my everything from so i am requesting you, I am pleading to give me my Mahek back, take anything from me in return but give her back to me

Shaurya comes in prayer area of Guradvarah and prays for Mahek, he spread his hands in prayer, one flower falls in Shaurya’s hand. Priest comes there and says your prayer got fulfilled, Mahek has opened her eyes, Shaurya gets emotional, he wipes his tears and runs to Mahek.

Prev: Friday update on Mehek

Shaurya comes to Mahek’s room and sees her opening eyes slowly. Shaurya is unable to say anything, he caresses her face, he lifts her and embraces her gently, Mahek looks around and whispers water.. water.. Shaurya lies her down and goes to bring water. Shaurya brings water, he makes her lie on his lap and makes her drink water, he wipes her face as water falls from her mouth, he caresses her cheeks and says thank you.. Mahek says whom you are thanking?

Shaurya says dont know, maybe thanking you or maybe everyone, or maybe to God. Priest comes there and says Mahek your husband is unique, everyone loves but he has passionate love for you, he is obsessed for you and God cant deny love like that. Man comes there and informs that protest has stopped and roads are clear so we can take her to hospital. Shaurya lifts Mahek in his arms and says i never gave right to anyone to aggravate me this much but i dont know how i gave that right to you, once you become fine, i will take my revenge, Mahek smiles but gets teary eyed, she lies her head on his shoulder and looks up at him, jo tu mera humdard hair.. Suhana har dard

Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

Shaurya brings Mahek out of Guradavarah. Kanta, Ravi and Jeevan comes there and sees Mahek’s head lying on Shaurya’s shoulder and sleeping. Kanta takes Mahek’s hand, Mahek wakes up and is stunned to find her, Kanta sees Mahek wounded on stomach, she asks Ravi to take Mahek. Ravi takes Mahek from Shaurya. Shaurya says be careful, wounds are fresh. Kanta says you must know as you have given those wounds, she asks Ravi to take Mahek to car, Shaurya says this was all because of Rohit and Ajay..

Kanta says dont even bring your shadow near Mahek, you didnt leave any chance to hurt, you have done enough, Mahek is in this state because of your stubbornness, stubbornness which you identify as love, if you truly care for Mahek then this time dont even be seen near Mahek, leave her and go away. Shaurya sadly looks at her. Shaurya says i will go away but not now, as soon as her wounds heal then i will leave her alone but right now she needs doctor, Ravi says dont even touch her. Kanta says we are here to take her to hospital, you are the reason that she has got wounds, dont even be seen near Mahek, dont even think about her now. Priest comes there and asks Kanta why she is getting angry on him?

Mahek got saved because of his prayers, where will you find such loving husband for your daughter? Kanta says husband? he is not her husband, he is black mark in her life, she is in this state because of him, she says to Shaurya that you really care for Mahek then dont you dare to be seen near Mahek from now on, Shaurya sadly looks at Mahek, Mahek tries to speak but cant form words. Ravi and Jeevan starts taking Mahek from there, Mahek sadly keep looking at Shaurya. Shaurya is pained to see her go. Ravi makes her sit in car and leaves from there with Mahek, Shaurya looks on.

Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

Mahek is brought to Kanta’s house. Doctor checks her and says thank God she got medical attention on time otherwise anyone could happen. Mohit says i will break legs of Rohit and Ajay, Kanta says you wont do that, PD says so we should leave those animals free? Mahek says i wont sit quiet till i punish them, i want to file FIR against them. Kanta asks Jeevan to file FIR, i wish i could file FIR against Shaurya too. Mahek says dont say that, nothing was Shaurya’s mistake. Kanta says whenever Shaurya comes near you, it brings pain to you, you are so blind in his love that you cant see it, dont you remember he brought all problems upon you? Shaurya calls Sonal but she cuts his call.

Karona is bandaging Shaurya’s head, Shaurya is busy calling Sonal. Karona says let me bandage your head first then call these important calls, what happened? how you got these wounds? tell me? Shaurya sees Sonal not picking his call, he leaves.

Sonal says to Kanta that Mohit went to police station, they will take time to file FIR. Kanta asks if Mahek’s phone is with her? she says yes, Kanta takes Mahek’s phone from her and says to Mansi that put this phone away after switching it off, Mahek needs rest and i wont want Shaurya to reach Mahek by any means. Door knocks. Sonal opens it and sees Shaurya there.

Shaurya says i want to see Mahek. Kanta says i asked you to not come here, why did you come? Shaurya glares at her, he dodges her and goes upstairs, Kanta runs behind him and says stop.
Mahek is in her room, Nehal says what if Shaurya didnt reach in time to help you? Mahek says i wish i could say thanks to him once. Shaurya comes in her room, he sits beside her and asks Mahek are you fine? he puts hand on her face. Mahek leans into his hand and shakes her head.

Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

Kanta comes there and pushes Shaurya away, Shaurya falls down, Kanta says what do you think about yourself you goon? you can come here whenever you want? Shaurya says i just wanted to see if Mahek is fine or not. Kanta says when you will understand that she will be fine only when you leave her? go and die somewhere away from her. Mahek says please dont say that. Kanta says when you will understand that he is reason behind all your pain? Ajay, media and all other problems were brought to you because of him, his death came to up to him but you stood inbetween them and got hurt.

This Shaurya is not only black from heart but even his fate and luck is evil, he is the evil of you life, Mahek is pained to hear all this about him. PD says what language are you speaking Kanta? why you are saying such bad words? cant you see how much they love each other? they put their lives in danger to save one another. Kanta says you have seen too many films, if this guy stays in Mahek’s life then she will remain in pain only. Mahek says dont say that, if Shaurya was not present last night then.. she grunts and screams in pain. Shaurya runs to her side and cups her face.


PD asks Mansi to take Kanta out of room, Mansi takes her away. Nehal says that Ajay and Rohit should burn in hell, Mahek has injuries on her whole body. Mahek says no they will be punished in this life only, they should pay for their deeds. Mahek says they should be punished in such way that they think thousand times before misbehaving and abusing any other girl ever. Shaurya hears it and thinks about it. Mahek holds Shaurya’s hand and squeezes it, Shaurya looks on and leaves from there.

Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

Ajay and Rohit are with Sheetal, Sheetal says dont worry, i have asked my cousin, he will hide you both in mandir and will make you both go bald and then Shaurya wont be able to find you. Rohit says if there will be any problem? Sheetal says no, nobody will find you both. Shaurya comes there. He brings out iron rod from his car and starts beating them, Shaurya says i will beat you both so much today that you would never ever think about harassing any girl. Sheetal screams for help and says is there no law and order here? Shaurya ties Rohit and Ajay’s hands, he puts them in car and leaves.


Shaurya brings Rohit and Ajay outside Mahek’s house. He drags and throws them in Mahek’s feet, Mahek looks at him a little proud. He brutally beats Rohit and Ajay, he says Mahek night forgive you both but i wont, he punches them. Police comes there, Ajay says inspector save us, he beat us so bad. Shaurya grabs their collars and says i will punish you both, i wont spare you. Mahek says Shaurya thank you but let police do their work. Shaurya nods and pushes them away. Inspector says to Shaurya that you are eye witness so you have to come with us, it will benefit case. Shaurya looks at Mahek intensely, Kanta sees this, Shaurya turns and leaves. Mahek is emotional. Nehal says he loves her so much that he did this for her.

Kanta says this is not love but pure madness, his obsession is so high that if anything comes inbetween then not only it will burn down Mahek but will burn us all too, we have to stop his obsession, Mahek looks at her tensely.

Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

At night, Sonal and Nehal are with Mahek. Nehal mimics Shaurya and says love should have intensity, he beat them so nicely, Sonal says he taught them nice lesson. Mahek says dont say much, if Kanta hears it then you both will beaten more badly than Ajay and Rohit. Mahek gets Shaurya’s call, she blushes and goes on terrace to take call. Sonal teases her that is it your personal bodyguard calling? Mahek takes call and asks is he fine? Shaurya says its about you, are you fine? if you are fine then i will be fine too. Mahek is stunned to hear it, she tries to control her smile but cant.

Mahek says i am fine, Sonal and Nehal were praising you. Shaurya says they are my fan but i will be happy when Kanta praises me, i want to talk to you, can you come down your street? Mahek sees him standing outside her house, she says you have started on my street again? go away, Shaurya says i want to talk to you, Mahek says we cant talk, we have to remain away for few days. Shaurya says i have to talk to you and i will talk if not today then maybe tomorrow but i will, you go to sleep. Mahek looks at him sadly from window. Shaurya starts leaving. Kanta comes out to throw away trash and sees Shaurya leaving and Mahek standing near window, she looks on.

Karona calls commissioner and says you know Shaurya’s anger, i will make him understand. Shaurya comes there. She ends call and says did you go to meet Mahek? is she fine? Shaurya says she is fine, go and meet her soon, she will get happy to see you. Karona says you care for her that much? that you can put yourself in danger? that you can risk anything for her but you cant say simple sorry to her? you did mistake by leaving her at wedding alter so why not apologize to her?

Saturday update on Mehek 8th June

Shaurya says i am trying to show her that i am repenting my mistake, i dont have to verbally say it, we fight with our close ones but we win them over again, they are my own people so i will repent everything. Karona says i am a woman, i know you should calmly sit down with her and tell her gently about your mistakes, this way her family will have peace too, they will get to know that you realize your mistake. Shaurya says if i had to calmly explain everything, if i had to be gentle in love then i wouldnt be Shaurya Khanna, he leaves, Karona looks on.

Kanta is unable to sleep and says this Shaurya Khanna is way worse then eclipse for moon, dont know how we will get free from this evil Shaurya. She recalls how Shaurya beat Rohit and Ajay and how he came at night to meet Mahek. She says i have to find someway.

Mehek June teasers 

Mehek full story 



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