Shaurya is packing his luggage, Karona asks where are you going? Shaurya says now its time to focus on work, its enough, i will go behind people who want me, i will work with Rajiv now, i am going to Tokyo. Karona asks him to have parsad, everything will be fine, Shaurya says it wont make anything fine but will increase my calories, Karona says this is belied not some sweets, if you have belief then everything will be fine, Shaurya says i dont care about her decision, i am going to jog now.
Vaitlana calls Rajiv and says i dragged Shaurya out of Mahek’s house, now take Shaurya away from that cheap Mahek. Rajiv says we are going to Tokyo and our plan is working in full swing, he laughs evilly.
Mahek comes to Shaurya’s house and ask guard that she wants to meet Shaurya. Shaurya is jogging in garden. Mahek comes there and runs behind him but he doesnt listen to her, Mahek huffs and says you cant ignore me Shaurya, she calls Shaurya, Shaurya cuts her call. Mahek says Sonal was right, i should have run in Delhi marathon then i would have caught up with Shaurya. She reaches Shaurya and says why you are running so fast? Shaurya is about leave but Mahek pulls him closer and says can you see me?
Shaurya says you are not so tiny that i cant see but i am jogging, Mahek says i want you to stop, Shaurya says i went to your home too, Shaurya says to Mahek that if you want to talk to me then you will have to jog with me while talking, Mahek says but i came here running only, i am tired, Shaurya says that is your problem, Mahek says i am wearing slippers, Shaurya says that is your problem not mine, if you want to talk then jog with me or you can go back to your home, Shaurya jogs, Mahek takes off her slippers and jogs behind him.
Vaitlana sees her jogging behind Shaurya and says what is this girl is doing here? Mahek says Shaurya you are running like your house is on fire, Nehal told us about.. shaurya ignores her and starts running again, Mahek sighs.
Kanta is cutting vegetables and says I dont know what is happening there, Mansi says i cant concentrate on work, would Mahek be able to pacify him? Kanta asks Nehal to call Mahek, Nehal says give them space, i wont call and wont let you people call, dont come inbetween them. Pd says i will call, she takes phone and calls Mahek. Mahek is running behind Shaurya and gets call. She huffs and takes call.
Kanta asks what are you doing Mahek? Nehal says i told you to not disturb them, they are having patch-up, Mansi gets dizzy hearing, Kanta asks what are you doing Mahek? Mahek says he is running and i am running behind him, i will call later, she ends call. Kanta says why she is running?
Mahek is tired running behind Shaurya and says i cant run more.
Vaitlana comes out of house but Karona asks where are you going? stop now, where are you going? Vaitlana says i can go anywhere, do you have any problem? move away, Karona says if i move away then what will happen with your husband? if you want to see your husband out of jail then come with me in house right now, they see Mahek and Shaurya in garden, Karona says leave them alone, Karona grits her teeth and leaves.
Mahek is running behind Shaurya and falls down on grass, she asks for water, Shaurya gives her water, Mahek is feeling sunlight, Shaurya stands infront of her to protect her from sunlight, he lifts her up from grass and moves away. Mahek says i want to talk you, Shaurya says servant bring my bag, i am getting late for airport, Mahek says airport? In house.
Vaitlana says to Karona that you alwaya sign papers without seeing them then why reading today? Karona says we should not repeat our mistakes. Vaitlana messages Rajiv that this lover girl has come here, come here and take this storm Mahek away from here. Karona says why you are so agitated? Vaitlana asys says just sign papers.
Shaurya is getting ready in his room, Mahek comes there. Shaurya says you have no manners? how can you enter in my room? why you are behind me, leave me alone. Mahek is hurt and says if you remember exactly, its not even 24hours since you left my house, you entered my house forcefully, remember?
Shaurya says i remember trying to make you realize of my love but you insulted me and threw me out, everything is finished. Mahek says thats why i have come here, i realized about your love, i have come to tell you that I.. Shaurya says silent, sometimes being late finishes everyth ing. Mahek cries and holds her ears, she says i am sorry Shaurya, please, she bows her head and says please i am sorry. Shaurya sees her giving him puppy eyes.
Shaurya gets Rajiv’s call and says where are you? Shaurya says i am coming, rent apartment in Tokyo, i cant stay in hotel for 3months, Rajiv says okay, he ends call. Mahek says you are you going to Tokyo for 3months? he says yes. Servant is taking Shuarya’a luggage but Mahek pulls it away and start unpacking his sutf, Shaurya grabs her arm and says this is my house and i can do anything, how are you to touch my things?
Mahek says i just know that you cant leave me, Shaurya says who gave you right? remember you used to ask me to leave you alone, see i left you and i am in my world now, why dont you go back to your world now, sorry Mahek i dont trust you, leave now. Mahek comes closer to him and holds his hand, she says i am sorry, i did mistake but i have realized, i have no identity without you, i cant live without you, you were right, i want only you and nothing else.
Shaurya smiles and cups her face, Mahek closes her eyes and weeps, Shaurya pulls her face closer, Mehek closes her eyes leaning in for kiss but Shaurya pulls away and says no.. my heart is not allowing me to trust you again, Mahek comes closer and says how to make you believe that i love you a lot, please look in my eyes, cant you see love in them? Shaurya says no, i can just see your tears in your eyes, he pushes her away and leaves. Mahek is dejected and says leave Shaurya Khanna, as far as you can but i will see to it how you leave. She wipes her tears.
Shaurya comes out of house to leave but sees Mahek on roof of house, drinking wine and calling Shaurya as Khanna Sahab. Rajiv comes there and says what is all this Mahek? All family members come out of house. Servant says to Shaurya that she took wine bottle from bar. Rajiv asks Mahek to come down, Mahek says i will go to God now, Shaurya is stiffing his laugh, Mahek says this devil Kumar was about to marry me but this clever fox Vaitlana came inbetween and broke everything, Shaurya smiles, Vaitlana says only this was remaining, cheap girl, Shaurya glares her.
Mahek says i am tired of this world, God i am coming to you, Karona says be careful. Mahek says either my Basant come to me or i will leave world, Shaurya laugh. Mahek says i will die, i will do suicide now. Karona asks Shaurya to handle her, she asks Mahek to come down, Mahek says no mummy i wont come down till my Basanti says yes to my proposal, i wont be saved now, if i die then police will come and take Vaitlana to jail, shaurya laughs. Karona says be careful.
Rajiv says please come down, Mahek says i will come down only when Shaurya Devil Kumar.. my Basanti will say yes to me or else i will die. Karona says i am ready for marriage, please come down. Mahek laughs and says i dont want to marry you, i love your Basanti, God i am coming, Karona says stop Mahek. She asks Shaurya to say yes, what are you doing? she will fall down from roof. Shaurya says stop Mahek, i am ready, Mahek says what did you say? Shaurya says i am ready, i will marry you, all clap, Mahek is happy, Shaurya says i love you and smiles, Mahek says i love you Shaurya, i will come down from jumping from here only, Shaurya says no i am coming, Mahek says Basanti and mummy both agree, this is great, Shaurya runs to go to her
Vaitlana calls Sanjay, Sanjay asks what you want? Vaitlana says have you gone mad? you have no idea what i am bearing here, these lovebirds are irritating me, kill one of them and game will be finished, you can get shooters easily, Sanjay says do one thing, look in mirror and see your face is beaten up, Vaitlana says mind your language, Sanjay says let them fly in air, it will be fun to hunt them more, he ends call and thinks.
Shaurya comes on roof and asks Mahek to give her hand, Mahek smiles, Shaurya says you are drama. Mahek hugs him and says i love you Shaurya.. i love you.. Shaurya smiles, Goonji si hai son plays, they loving gazes at each other. All are clapping for them, Rajiv is acting too, Mahek blushes and hides her face by hugging Shaurya.
Shaurya says i heard that middle class girls are shy but you today.. Mahek puts hand on his mouth. Shaurya says you have to pay for stopping me, she asks what? he says my first kiss, Mahek blushes and looks down, Shaurya lifts her face and leans in to kiss her lips, Mahek closes her eyes, Shaurya almost kisses her but Mahek runs away.
All are waiting for Mahek to return home. Nehal says if Shaurya doesnt become my brother in law then i will bring storm, there shouldnt be any tragedy in this love story anymore, Pd says love story is not completed without drama and tears. Door knocks, whole family runs to open it, Mahek comes inside, whole family is asking her questions, if she met Shaurya? did she talk to him? did he agree? Kanta asks what happened Mahek? everything fine? what did Shaurya say? Balwant asks her to tell, Mahek says what would he say? alongwith me, you people would have to bear devil Kumar for whole life, she blushes. Family starts dancing happily. Shaurya comes there with Karona and his puppy, Karona has brought shagun, Mahek beams at Shaurya, she sees family still dancing and coughs, family stops, seeing them.
Shaurya says i have come to dance like crazy and you people stopped? lets dance. Shaurya and Karona sits, family is dancing. Karona shows them shagun, Jeevan says it was not needed. Karona says dont talk in middle specially you, all get tensed hearing it. Karona smiles and says you just have sweets, Jeevan laughs. Karona says this is bribe to make your daughter as my daughter, she offers sweets to everyone. Karona hugs Kanta, Kanta eats sweet.
Mahek shyly smiles at Shaurya. Karona says to Mahek that i was waiting for daughter in law who can take care of me, come to my home soon otherwise i will tell your chachi about your act today, Mahek gets stunned hearing it, Karona makes her eat sweets and hugs her. She says family that i want marriage to happen soon, we shouldnt wait to do good thing, we should start ceremonies from tomorrow, Kanta says it would be too soon, Shaurya says dont take tension, i will handle everything, Pd jokes that Shaurya is desperate to get married, all laugh, Mahek blushes.
All family members go inside. Shaurya says to Mahek that you dont have to worry, i know you are tensed about our first marriage night, dont worry, i have put in my phone.. Mahek says you keep joking, only 10days are remaining in wedding and i have workload of job too, KD sir have given me so many responsibilities. Shaurya puts hands around her neck and says if you have so many responsibilities then focus on that, i will handle all marriage work, Mahek cups his face and thanks him, Shaurya says you are welcome Mahek Khanna.. should i call you Mahek Khanna or Mahek Sharma? Mahek says call me Mahek Shaurya Khanna, Shaurya smiles, Mahek hugs him.