Saturday 20 April 2019 Update on Mehek

Saturday 20 April 2019 Update on Mehek



Vaitlana’s party is going on in Shaurya’s house. Mahek, Mohit and Nehal comes outside Shaurya’s house. Mahek says to security that we want to meet Shaurya, he says you cant. Nehal sweetly looks at him and says baby security please allow us to go inside, Shaurya asked us to go in, security says many people come here drunk to gt inside, you need permission card. Mahek asks Mohit to keep security guard busy, she leaves from there.

Prev: Friday update on Mehek

Shaurya is firing fire cracker, mother asks him to be careful, he says i am not kid, dont worry. Mahek goes to back wall of house, she climbs and jumps from wall inside house. All guests are in garden while fire cracker is burning, Mahek is on otherside, Shaurya sees her but she hides behind bushes, he looks around. Mahek prays that nobody should see me, i have to talk to Shaurya. Shaurya gets call and says i will call you later, he ends call and leaves.

Saturday update on Mehek 

Mohit asks security guard to let them go inside, Nehal says please let us go. One car comes there, girl is sitting inside. she calls guard, she asks who are they? are they beggars? Mohit says i am Mohit, i want to meet Shaurya for five minutes, she asks if he is here to ask for job or want to have food? she asks guard to bring food from inside and give them, give enough food for their family too, her car goes inside. Nehal says what is she? she thinks she is queen? Mohit says she doesnt know we have smart phone too.

Shaurya comes in his room and calls inspector, inspector says i have controlled and destroyed Diwali of sharmas, Shaurya says you will get promotion now. There is knock on door, he says wait. Same girl comes inside and says i am waiting for many years but you are not coming close, Shaurya turns and stares her, she says sweety you run away from me like i will eat you, i would like to but not without your permission, she caresses shaurya’s face, Shaurya pushes her away and says i told you many times to be away from me, she says how rude, i left my foreign to keep company to my shaurie,

Saturday update on Mehek 

Shaurya grabs her arm and says only my mother calls me by that name, she says earlier you used to let me call you by this name when used to roam around me, i like when you grab my arm tightly, Shaurya shouts enough, do you have illness of forgetting things? or should i remind you Shurti bhabhi?(sister in law), Shurti says i might have married your loser brother and became your sister in law but i know i am your first and last love, she turns to leave but looks at him and says not today but someday you will come to me Shaurie.. she leaves. Shaurya breaks mirror by hitting his fist against it.

Saturday update on Mehek 

Mahek is hiding in garden and says what if they have dogs? where is he? she sees Vaitlana coming near, she hides behind bushes. Shurti comes to Vaitlana and says mother in law seems like you have out on weight, Vaitlana says dont call me mother in law again, i will cut your tongue and hair and i dont have to carry extra marital affair to maintain size zero. They both see Shaurya talking to guest, they glare each other and leave.

Ratan comes to police station, he tells Kanta that courts are closed due to Diwali, we cant do much. Inspector ask them to go home, Kanta says you leave when your family member is in trouble? we are innocent people, courts and cases are not part of our lives, please forgive us taking me as your sister. Balwant calls Mansi and tells her that PD’s health has gone worse, i have called doctor, Mansi starts crying, Kanta asks what happened? Balwant asks what happened with Jeevan and Ravi? did they free them? Mansi says we are trying, take care of PD, she ends call.


Mahek is hiding behind bushes and sees Shaurya talking with guests.


Mansi tells Kanta that PD’s health is not well. Kanta touches inspector’s feet and says their grand mother’s health has gone worse due to them being in lock-up, dont be so stone hearted, please free them and let them go, inspector feels bad for her and says i cant do anything till orders dont come, i cant give you ride home. Ravi says God didnt punish you till now, but it will now, inspector leaves. Kanta asks Mansi to go home and take care of Pd, Mansi leaves, Ratan asks Kanta to not worry, everything will be fine, Kanta sits on bench and weeps, she says what kind of test is this God?

Mahek is hiding in bushes. She sees Shurti near but hides. Mahek’s phone starts ringing, she takes Kanta’s call. Shurti listens to it and comes behind bushes, she says who the hell are you? Are you from catering team? Mahek says no, Kanta is still on call. Mahek says no, Shurti says so you are a party crasher? you must have increased weight by crashing parties, she asks security guard to throw this trash out of house, Mahek says you are thinking wrong, Mahek ends call. Kanta is tensed.

Outside house, Nehal says to Mohit that this is like pg3 party, Mohit says our dads are in jail and you are talking about party? Kanta calls him and says where is Mahek? Mohit says she is inside Shaurya’s house and we are outside. Kanta says why did you let her go alone? what if something wrong happens? she ends call. Kanta says i was mad to send her to this competition.

Saturday update on Mehek 

Shurti orders security to throw Mahek out of house. Mahek says please let me talk to Shaurya, its about my family, guard drags Mahek out of house, she calls for Shaurya or his mother. Vaitlana asks how does she know Shaurya? Shurti says what if he made her pregnant? she says this girl is robber, throw her out.

Mahek says i am contestant of India’s supercook not robber. Shaurya comes there and says stop this nonsense, what are you doing here? you want to go to jail too? Mahek says i am sorry, if you want to punish me then you can, i will take my name back from show but dont hurt my uncles, they are in jail because of your fake case.

Shaurya sees all guests listening to her, he drags Mahek to corner and says you think its false case? i could have proven them terrorists from Pakistan and sent them to jail for years, you know what? Karma is bit*h, they used my show’s name to promote their business, your Jeevan chacha is paying for his deeds, if you dont leave then i will call police and send you jail too with your chachas(uncles).

In party, mother asks everyone to come for dinner. Mahek says it was not advertisement tool but just to gather people to watch first episode of show. i know you dont like me so you could have punished me but why did you push my family in all this? why hurt them? Shurti is listening in on their conversation.

Mother comes and asks Shurti to leave and attend guests, Shurti leaves. Mother comes to Shaurya, Shaurya says this is official matter, you go from here, Mahek says i need your help aunty, Shaurya says her uncles did stealing and police caught them, its legal matter, you leave, she leaves. Shayrya drags Mahek, she says leave my arm, it is hurting. Shaurya says enough of your talks, get lost, Mahek shouts that i wont leave till you free my uncles from jail, you have no right to take revenge for not liking me on my uncles, punish me whatever you want but i beg you to free my uncles from jail. Shurti is looking at them.

Shaurya says your tone is not showing that you are begging, you have arrogance, say it again with tears, and politely. Mahek helplessly looks at him and cries, she folds her hands and says i am sorry, i beg you.. she chokes and says please free them, Shaurya is pleased seeing her like that, Mahek says i will do anything you say, i will leave your show, i will publicly apologize, please, Shaurya smirks and looks at her.

Mahek says i will do whatever you say, Shaurya says are you sure you will do anything? Mahek says yes but.. Shaurya says you have no choice for if and buts, will you do anything? Mahek wipes her tears and says i can do anything for my family. Shaurya looks at Shurti and says your uncles will be freed on my one phone call but i will make that call only if you dance with me, Mahek says dance?

Shaurya says yes dance, with me here infront of everyone, will you dance? Mahek thinks, Shaurya asks what happened? are you scared? you just say big words Mahek from old Delhi, Mahek says dance infront of all? Shaurya says oh yes because you dont deserve to dance with me privately, he says i am going to dance floor, if you agree with my demand then come behind me otherwise you know way to outside, he leaves.

Saturday update on Mehek 

Mahek thinks. Shurti stops Shaurya and asks if she is his girlfriend? she looks like behenji (unfashionable) type, what happened to your taste? its pathetic, Shaurya smirks and leaves. Shurti stares at Mahek. Mahek sits near gate and recalls Shaurya’s demand, she gets call from Kanta and is tensed, she takes call, Kanta asks where are you? did you meet Shaurya? make him understand please, PD is getting ill, everything is in your hands, Mahek says dont worry, i will handle everything, just take care of PD, she ends call. She recalls inspector arresting and slapping Jeevan, she wipes her tears and goes inside.

On dance floor, all couples are dancing. Shaurya is talking with guests. Mahek enters there. She is tensed, Shaurya sees her entering, he sees Shurti dancing with some guy. Shaurya comes to Mahek and says what have you decided? Mahek says altougth i dont have interest in having dance with you but if its payment to free my uncles from jail then i am ready, Shaurya smiles and offers his hand, Mahek puts her hand in his hand and looks at him with pleading eyes, he takes her to dance floor.

Shurti comes and says what are you doing with this stealing girl? Shaurya says thats none of your concern, go in corner and get drunk and pass out. He brings Mahek to dance floor. He asks Mahek if she is scared or excited? Shaurya starts dancing with Mahek on sholon se song, Shaurya says to Mahek that this is one time dance, participate if you want or get out. Are you scared that if I loose control then something will happen to you? dont worry i wont loose control, he throws Mahek away.

Mother is about to go to Shaurya but Vaitlana says shaurya made many girls dance to his tunes but this is first time he is dancing happily with a girl, who is she? mother says she is contestant at Shaurya’s show, her name is Mahek Sharma, Vaitlana says she seems more than contestant, there is something going on between them i can smell that. Shaurya and Mahek are dancing on dance floor intimately while Shurti glares at them.


Mahek is dancing with Shaurya, Mahek seductively dances with Shaurya, Shurti is glaring at them, she drinks w ine seeing them. Mahek is about to slip but Shaurya catches her, all clap for them. Shurti leaves. Vaitlana says wow, this girl is falling all over him, impressive, Shaurya’s mother asks to end party, she says its late night. Father says let Shaurya dance, i am seeing his new side after much time, he is drunk. Mother asks everyone to come for dinner, all guests leave. Mahek says to Shaurya that your ish has benn fulfilled, you have made fun of me infront of all, now will you call police station? Shaurya says what if i dont call? mahek says you promised, Shaurya says i break it, what can you do? we rich people are animals, we dont care about promises.


Mother comes there and asks Shaurya to come, she wanna talk, he says i am busy, she says i want to talk rightnow, she leaves. Shaurya says this chapter hasnt ended Mahek Sharma, he leaves. Mahek is tensed.

Shaurya comes to his mother, mother says why you are torturing that innocent girl? Shaurya says she is not innocent, she is that type of girl, Mother says she is bearing your misbehavior, she should have slapped you but she didnt, this is her upbringing, shaurya says she wears shalwar suit so you have assumed that she is nice girl but this is all pretense, Mother says i dont care, end this drama or else i should do it? She glares him and leaves. shaurya tries to stop her and says let me handle this mom. she doesnt listen and goes away.


Mother comes to Mahek and asks what happened? she says have dinner with me. Mahek looks at Shaurya with disgust. Mother asks her to tell her the truth, Mahek tells her everything, how her uncles got arrested because Shaurya filed copyright case, how her uncle was slapped and her family was insulted. Mahek says i need your help aunty, i dont want to win any competition, i just need my family safe. Mother calls Shaurya there, she asks Mahek to not cry anymore, she wipes her tears.

Shaurya says bloody drama company, doesnt leave any chance to gt sympathy, mother asks Shaurya to call inspector or should she? Shaurya calls inspector and ask him to free Jeevan and Ravi, he ends call. Shaurya says to Mahek that because of you, i had to bear loss in business, mother asks Mahek to leave, your family is lucky to have you, Mahek hugs her and thanks her, mother says i should say sorry on Shaurya’s behave, he wont say it, she folds her hands and says i am sorry that your family had to bear this because of Shaurya, she gives parsad to Mahek and says say sorry to your family, she leaves.

Shaurya says she will get big headed because of your sympathy, mother says you have gone mad, you cant see difference between stone and diamond? this is my upbringing? she angrily leave. Shaurya glares.

Mahek comes out of house. Nehal asks what happened? Mahek says lets go to police station.

At police station, Jeevan and Ravi are freed. Jeevan is walking like dead man. Kanta asks if he is fine? he doesnt answer, Mahek, Nehal and Mohit comes there. Kanta hugs Mahek, Mahek looks at Jeevan’s state, Kanta says i knew you would make everything right, did that devil misbehave with you? Mahek says i am fine, dont worry, Nehal brings water for Jeevan and asks him to please drink it, Jeevan doesnt take it, Kanta says lets go home, Jeevan is unresponsive, they leave from police station. Policeman says to inspector that they seem nice people, got stuck, inspector says thats why we should not make friends or foe with influential people.

Shaurya comes in his room and recalls how mother said that Mahek didnt slap him, how she apologized to him, how she blamed herself for wrong upbringing.

Kanta and family comes home. Whole neighborhood comes there, one neighbor asks if police beat them? Jeevan recalls getting slapped. All neighbors are gossiping and laughing, Kanta is in tears, one neighbor says they must have done some fraud, Mahek wont be part of show anymore, Sheetal taunts them too. Nehal asks neighbors to leave and look after your homes.

Shaurya sees Shurti in his room and says what the hell? she is checking his laptop, he says how dare you check my personal stuff? Shurti says come on darling, there is nothing personal between us but tell me why you dont have picture of girl whom you were dancing with? Shaurya says i keep her picture in my heart, dont you have any work? dont you have to destroy life of someone?

Shurti says i came and left your life without permission so i wont take your permission to come in your room, tell me what you were today? you think you can make me jealous by dancing with that clumsy girl? i am Miss Dehli 2008 and 2009, many guys like you are running behind me, shaurya snickers and says its weird that you dont smell your heart burning, miss Dehli 2008, 2009 is jealous of her ex-boyfriend dancing with common girl Mahek Sharma and that ex-boyfriend whom you dumped.

Shruti lies her head in his lap and says baby till when you will punish me for my mistake? i was young and dumb too, i made mistake, Shaurya says your husband and my brother is not here, there are many guests in house so you should not stay in this room, shurti tries to come closer to him, Shaurya grabs her arm and throws her out of room, he closes door and thinks.

Sharma family comes home. Balwant asks Jeevan to not worry, he hugs Ravi too.Mansi asks Ravi if she is fine? she hugs him and cries. PD says to Jeevan that i knew, you would come, now get rest, she makes Jeevan sit on chair. She comes to Kanta and hugs her, Kanta cries, PD asks her to cry and calm down. Mahek, Mohit comes there. Mahek sees state of her family, all dejected and breaking down. She asks Nehal to come with her.

Nehal says do you think of something else other than kitchen? leave it, Mahek says just help me, all are hungry and thirsty, they will get ill, Nehal says i cant, i am damn tired. Mahek sees her family sad and thinks that my family had to bear this because of me today again and i couldnt do anything.



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