Love will never lie update Tuesday 26 May 2020

Love will never lie 26 May 2020: Ishaan delays the engagement and says someone else has more right over Mauli than him and consent of that person is really important. He walks to Mishti and says she is that person, kissing her hand.

<< Love will never lie 25 May 2020

He says Mishti came into his life like a teaspoon of sugar, he wanted her smile for whole of his life; she is his best friend, swag guru and his stress buster. Would she like to be his daughter? He will be heartbroken if she says a no, he really wish to be her Papa. He wants her grow as intelligent, mature and understanding person; bring a sky to her dreams.

Is she ready? Mishti looks towards Mauli and asks if he wants to get engaged to Mama, and marry? Ishaan nods. She asks if he would love her mama. He promise to love her mama dearly. Mishti replies, Popsy- No!, Yes and yes and yes-Papa!. Ishaan holds Mishti in his arms and swirls around.

Kunal reaches the hall and thinks Mauli must surely be here. Ishaan says they must now see who stops intervene in their engagement. He gives his hand for Mauli to put the ring on. Soon, the lights of hall goes off. Mamma wonders what happened to the light. Ishaan goes to check. Kunal drags Mamma from the hall into a store. Mamma was worried and tells Kunal to leave. Kunal says he will leave, but she must only tell him whose daughter is Mishti. Mamma asks what kind of question is this, he has no right to question about it after years.

Today it’s a huge day for Mauli’s life, why he is creating this drama then? Kunal says he isn’t causing any interference in Mauli’s life. He only wants to know whose daughter is Mishti. Mamma asks why he wants the answer now. Mamma tells Kunal that Mauli was broken when Kunal left, she had no reason to live. Mishti came into her life as a ray of hope, they adopted Mishti. The lights were on, Mamma asks Kunal to leave if he respects her.

In the hall, Mauli notices Mamma was tensed. She explains she was only worried because of light interruption. The rings had been exchanged. Ishaan speaks to the guests that it’s been his long awaited dream to marry Mauli, and finally they are together. He promises Mauli he will prove to be a good husband, at least their deal for 7 or 8 lives is done here. She is really nice, and it’s not easy to be her husband; she would attract all appraisals everywhere.

People must be jealous watching them together. He has done a lot to get her, and can achieve anything with her support. She brings sweetness to his life. Kunal heard this from behind a curtain. Mauli only smiled at Ishaan’s expression. Ishaan named his life after Mauli.
Dida scolds Mishti as she was eating sixth in a row. Dida scolds Mishti while she insists Dida initially, then runs to hide herself in the washroom. Dida says Mishti has taken after her father, Kunal was also like this. Mamma goes to make up Mishti. Kunal had heard the conversation, he pulls Mamma aside again and asks if Mishti is his daughter? She behaves exactly like him. Mamma tries to avoid Kunal but he swears upon his life. He says alright, she won’t ever see his face ever again. Mamma stops Kunal and says yes, Mishti is his daughter. Kunal was emotionally distressed upon hearing this. Mishti heard this as well and wonders how Pari’s buddy can be her papa.

Mamma stood in a corner, worried and thinks she must tell Mauli that Kunal knows about Mishti.Ishaan asks about his daughter Mishti. Mauli asks Mamma where is Mishti. Mishti sat in a corner, recalling how Mamma told Kunal that Mishti was his and Mauli’s daughter.Ishaan walked in the midst of road, deep in Mishti’s thoughts. A car hits his arm while passing by closely.
Mauli and Ishaan find Mishti asleep in a corner, Mauli notices she slept crying in the corner. Dida says she had more than six ice creams, and was annoyed after being forbidden. Ishaan says he had planned a long drive with all of them.

Dida tells Ishaan to take Mauli for long drive, she, Radhika and Mishti will go home.Kunal returns home crying. Pari was waiting alone, hugs Kunal and asks where he had left for so long, leaving her behind. She shouts at him and complains if he didn’t even miss her? Her babysitter tells Kunal that Pari missed him, and didn’t even eat anything. She goes to serve food. Kunal accepts he is a bad buddy and promises he would never leave her.

Pari was now offensive, as only she could blame her Buddy. She clutches his arm which aches. Pari asks him to show her what happened, and applies an antiseptic over his bruise. Kunal smiles watching her.
Ishaan brings Mauli blindfolded to a dating spot. Mauli happily walks towards the setting. She claims it to be beautiful. Ishaan says Mauli hadn’t eaten well, so he booked a separate table. Mauli teases if he had to bring everyone here?
Pari had fallen asleep in Kunal’s lap. He thought about Mauli lying to him that she wasn’t pregnant. He was hurt. He shouts why she lied to him?

Ishaan and Mauli enjoy a drink together. As the dinner was served, Mauli notices all the dishes were her favorite. Ishaan boasts that he is going to love her wholeheartedly, serve good food and take care of his mother in laws’. She must not lose such a man at any cost. Mauli looks down with a smile. Ishaan says he bought a number of gifts for her, but was always afraid to give them; today since they are engaged he can rightfully give all the gifts. Mauli was happy to see all the boxes. In the last pack, Ishaan takes Mauli’s hand. He wish for a happy family with Mauli and Mishti living together and come to light the lantern together. Mauli dreams of being a happy family with Ishaan but soon Kunal replaces Ishaan, she takes a jerk. She and Ishaan watch the lantern fly high.
At home, Mamma was restlessly waiting for Mauli. She opens the door.

Mauli returns excited and says Ishaan gives her no space. He gave her a lot of gifts, and even had decorated a beautiful place. She says Ishaan loves Mishti a lot as well, she is happy as he might keep great care of Mishti. He will be a better father than Mishti’s real father. Kunal came home and asks Mauli if Mishti’s real father even know who Mishti is? Mamma tries to stop Kunal. Kunal asks if Mauli never wanted him to know Mishti is his daughter.

Mauli questions what right Kunal had, she didn’t tell him because he wasn’t worth knowing. He neither had any right then, nor does he have any rights now. Kunal claims it to be unjust to himself and his daughter both. Mauli asks if he would teach her what’s unjust, and demands a clarification from her. Kunal says he had returned to her leaving that second woman behind. Mauli says did he really return, he was stressed and depressed, he was making them feel as if it was a favor. She needed care and love as she was expecting.

Kunal says obviously he was stressed, he had broken his relation. He needed time to heal. Mauli reminds that Kunal was dubious of her pregnancy, he wished they didn’t have a child. He didn’t want a child, and now we don’t need Kunal. They turn to see Mishti standing in the hall.

Next: Wednesday update love will never lie


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