Lost in love update Sunday 13 August 2023

Lost in love 13 August 2023: Dr Satya stops his mother Amba when she questions Sai if she is married. Amba says she is tired of convincing him for marriage. Satya asks her to let him leave peacefully and asks Sai if she wants to accompany him to hospital. Sai says she will go by herself. Amba asks Satya to forget whatever happened in the past and start his life afresh. Satya rides his bike recalling the moments spent with his girlfriend who asks if he will get serious when she leaves his wife. Amba stops Sai and asks her to suggest Satya to marry and describes the importance of marriage. Virat notices Sai’s sari getting trapped in a cycle wheel and pulls her duppata away on time. Amba misunderstands him as a roadside goon and tongue lashes him for pulling an unknown girl’s dupatta. Virat tries to speak, but Amba continues to scold him. Virat says he knows Sai well and her dupatta was getting trapped in a wheel, so he had to pull it out. Amba continues. Sai stops he and says she knows Virat well and asks her to continue her shopping. Amba leaves.

Virat asks who was that woman. Sai says Satya’s mother and asks why did he come there. He returns her mobile she left in his car and warns her to stay away from Satya and his mother.Pakhi meets an advocate and asks if he fights civil or criminal cases. Advocate says both and asks what is her problem. She says both. Sai reaches hospital where senior doctor Survase informs that medical council members would be coming any time, but Satya hasn’t come yet. Sai says Satya left long ago. Nurse informs that Dr Satya had come but left with nurse Sheetal. Sai asks if Sheetal finished a few tasks she gave her. Nurse says no. Medical council members walk in and meet Dr Survase. Dr Survase offers them beverage. They refuse and insist to go on inspection directly. Survase introduces them to Sai and nurse. Members start inspection. One of them inspects labor room and finds surgical equipment not sterilized. She asks who is a gynec here. Sai says she is a gynec here. Member reprimands Sai for her careless behavior and questions her credibility. Sai fails to explain her. Doctor says when their labor room is unsterilized, how will they handle medical cases.

Satya walks in and says their hospital is well equipped to manage any medical cases. Member identifies him as Indian Medical council’s youngest member and says if he is in this hospital, they need not worry at all. Satya says he can show her whole hospital. Member asks Sai not to feel bad as its part of her job. Sai says she understands. Sai then walks to Satya’s cabin and reprimands him for taking his nurse away during duty hours uninformed and putting her into a tough situation.

Satya listens to her silently. Sai warns him to keep his personal and professional lives separate and not interfere in her work. She then returns to her cabin. Sheetal walks to her and apologizes her for whatever happened today. Sai reprimands her next for failing to perform her duty and putting her in a tough situation. Sheetal reveals that she is a single mother as her husband died 2 years ago due to COVID, her son suffered a head injury and when she informed Satya, he rushed with her to treat her son; a goon troubles her in her area, so Satya drops her home and made sure that good is arrested. Sai offers her water to calm her down and says this all wouldn’t have happened if she had informed her about her situation beforehand. She then walks to Satya and apologizes him.

Sai apologizes Dr. Satya for misunderstanding him and says she actually didn’t know that he is treating Sheetal’s daughter. She says if he or Sheetal had informed her beforehand, she wouldn’t have… Satya asks if she wouldn’t have judged him or Sheetal or their intentions, he doesn’t have problem with her anger but has problem with her thinking; she apologized for her anger, what about her thinking; one has to get closer to a person to understand them better, its good that he understood who she is and feels sad that she is like others who have small heart and much smaller brain. Sai returns home sadly recalling Satya’s words. Savi returns from home and hugs Sai. Sai asks why she is late from school today. Sai says today was her school project’s presentation day. Sai says she must have won the presentation then. Sai says its Vinu dada.

Virat walks in with Vinu holding a trophy and today’s topper is Jr Dr Vinayak Chavan. Everyone clap for him. Pakhi says she is proud of her son and extends her hand to hug him. Vinu runs and hugs Sai instead, leaving Pakhi and her supporters shocked and Sai feeling happy. Vinu thanks Sai for her help and says if she had not taken her to her hospital, he wouldn’t have won this award. Bhavani says masta masta, he won award like Sai. Ninad asks what did he do that he won an award. Vinu says he met Dr. Satya in Sai’s hospital who is too good and had unique way of treating patients, he wrote an essay on what he observed and won this trophy.

Pakhi walks to her room feeling shattered. Virat walks to her and says he knows she is upset seeing Vinu hugging Sai instead of her. Pakhi says she is a mother and is happy that her son won a first prize. Virat asks if she is really not upset with Vinu hugging Sai. Pakhi says she doesn’t mind until her son loves her and just wants her son to progress in life. Virat gets emotional hearing that and holding her hand says he felt good to know that love increases when shared. Sai says yes and makes an evil expression (as per the scene, but by the actual expression though).

Satya in his room imagines his dead wife Girija and tells her that Dr Sai is a weird character, she misunderstood him; she knows he doesn’t flirt with anyone and is a one-woman man. Girija says he is. Satya says Dr Sai thinks only she is right and rest are wrong. Amba silently enters and keeps chilli powder near him. He tastes it lost in thoughts and shouts why did she do this. Amba asks him to taste her new masala variation. He tastes it and says its less strong. Amba says just like his marriage line in his palm. She complains Girija to convince him to move on in life and stop having an imaginative talk with her. Satya says he was talking about Dr Sai and describes what Sai did. Amba laughs and says he is talking about some other woman other than Girija for the first time in last 5 years. Satya says can’t she see him angry. Amba reminds him of Guddi Padwa festival tomorrow. Satya shows him saris brought for her and other 3 family members. Amba feels happy.

Mohit gets ready for guddi padwa shopping and asks Karishma to hurry up. Karishma applies Lakme cream and promotes it. They both then leave for shopping. Next morning, Chavan family gets ready in traditional attire to celebrate festival. Virat gets Vinu ready in dhoti kurta and reveals they celebrate new year on guddi padwa. He gives flower gajra to Vinu and asks him to distribute among all women of the family. Ashwini takes gajra from Vinu. Pakhi walks to him. Ashwini asks Virat to give gajra to her and asks him to fix it in her hair. Virat fixes gajra in Pakhi’s hair looking up. Pakhi gets a message from lawyer that her work will be done today and grins.

Next: lost in love Monday


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