Imlie Starlife update Saturday 7 September 2024
Imlie 7 September 2024: Surya is about to apply sindhoor to Binni’s hairline when Binni stands up and says she can’t marry. Daadi asks what is she telling. Binni says she can’t marry with a lie. Daadi asks what did she lie. Binni says she had a contract marriage with Agastya, this baby doesn’t belong to Agastya. Monty’s murderer drags Imlie. Imlie pleads to let her go and is shocked to see Raghu alive. Chaudhrys are shocked to hear Binni’s confession. Rajni says it means Imlie was telling truth. Binni says Imlie was always right, she tried to snatch Imlie’s husband, she lied that her baby belongs to Agastya as she was worried for her baby’s future, Imlie is Agastya’s real widow. Daadi asks to call Imlie. Binni apologizes Daadi and says she will leave this house today.
Surya asks her if Imlie asked her to tell this. Imlie says yes; Imlie would have let Amrith reveal her truth in front of everyone, but she protected her dignity for her baby’s sake and gave her a chance to reveal truth.
Shivani informs Daadi that Imlie is not at home. Surya recalls Imlie seeking diamonds from him to bring evidence to him. He rushes to his locker and doesn’t find diamond bag there. He says Imlie stole diamonds and escaped. He calls Tripathi and asks him to track Imlie’s location and runs out of the house. Daadi asks which diamond he is talking about and where is he going. Malti runs behind him. Nirmala tells Annapurna that something or the other happens in her house everyday. Shivani says not only Binni, even she and Sonali lied.
Raghu asks Imlie if she couldn’t know if he was alive or dead before burying him, says he killed Monty and now it’s Imlie’s turn. He picks knife from Monty’s body and walks towards her. Imlie snatches knife from him and threatens to stay away from him. Surya reaches there. Raghu escapes. Surya breaks the door open and is shocked to see Imlie holding a knife and Monty’s dead body on the floor. He doesn’t let Imlie speak and arrests her. Sonali reveals whole story to the family and says Imlie suffered humiliation via them and stayed here for their sake. Chaudhrys feel guilty for misunderstanding Imlie and troubling her. Surya calls Sonali and informs that he arrested Imlie in Monty’s murder case and is taking her to police station. Sonali informs family. Govind arranges a lawyer for Imlie’s bail. Sonali says she will accomany him to police station. Daadi asks them to return home only with Imlie.
Imlie tries to tell Surya that Raghu is alive and he killed Monty. Surya shuts her mouth with a cloth. Tripathi congratulates him for his wedding and offers sweets to lady constable. Surya says he didn’t marry as Binni revealed her truth and refused to marry him. Imlie frees her mouth and thank god that Binni got some conscience and accepted truth. Malti runs on a road in search of Surya. Nirmala runs behind her and informs Surya. Malti meets with an accident and is rushed to hospital. Surya reaches hospital. Nirmala doesn’t let him meet Malti and blames him for Malti’s condition. Imlie says Surya loves his sister a lot and she should let him meet Malti. Nirmala asks who is she to interfere in her family issues. Imlie delivers emotional dialogues. Nirmala says after Surya, Imlie is responsible for Malti’s condition.