Imlie Starlife update Friday 6 September 2024


Imlie 6 September 2024: Imlie in a shock asks Binni if Monty killed Raghu for his diamonds, why didn’t she inform her before. She insists Binni to come along and inform the truth to Surya right now. Binni says she cleared Imlie’s favor by telling this truth, it’s up to Imlie how to handle this situation as she doesn’t want to fall in this issue. Imlie walks to Surya’s room silently and wakes him up. He wakes up blabbering where are the criminals. Imlie shakes him and says she found out who Raghu’s murderer is. Surya switches on his mobile recorder and asks her to speak. Imlie describes what had happened and says Monty is Raghu’s real murderer. She asks him to call constable Tripathi and arrest Monty.

Surya says she spoilt his sleep with a fake story, he needs evidence to believe her. Imlie says she needs diamonds to prove her point. Surya gives he diamond and then Nirmala and Malti’s jewelry and property papers and says she can keep them all. He snatches diamonds back and says since she couldn’t stop his marriage, she created this story. He asks her to get lost and threatens to call Daadi and complain that a maid is disturbing him at midnight. Imlie says if he wants a criminal to accept his criminal, he will see it in the morning.

Next morning, Daadi calls Panditji to perform Surya and Binni’s wedding. Panditji says she already warned him that Surya and Binni’s kundalis don’t match, that is why there was a problem during engagement yesterday. Daadi says she is okay with any consequences and asks him to just perform wedding. Binni calls Monty and tells him that she is coming to return his diamonds as her task is complete. Imlie thanks Binni. Binni says she is going to a dangerous place as Monty is a murderer and may harm her. Imlie says she is Imlie who grew up playing with risks and not toys, she will prove her point to Surya. Binni asks why is she bothered about the people who hate her. Imlie says once she proves her innocence, they all will love her.


She says that she may not return from wherever she is going and wants to advice her that relationships are very important as she and Agastya had craved for relationships since childhood, Agastya would have given his name to Rashmi/Binni’s baby seeing her situation. She suggests her to reveal truth before it’s out via someone else and everyone abandons her. She says where there is no love, there is no relationship. Binni looks at her wedding dress. Surya gets ready for wedding. Malti asks him to rethink again. He says he has made up his mind. Rajni informs him that Panditji has come. He walks out with her. Imlie enters and steals diamonds from his locker. Surya realizes he forgot his stole and returns to room. Imlie hears his footsteps and hides. Surya senses something is wrong. Malti takes him away.

Surya walks down for the wedding. Daadi performs his nazar. Shivani says she will go and call Imlie. Daadi yells that Imlie will create trouble, so she doesn’t want her here. Malti tells Surya that Imlie told she will provide evidence, she is not even seen here. Panditji starts Surya and Binni’s wedding rituals. Imlie reaches Monty’s house and nervously walks into the house. She slips and falls down and is shocked to see Monty’s dead body. She panics seeing blood on her hand. Panditji asks Surya to apply sindhoor in bride’s hairline. Malti signals Surya not to. Binni stands up and says she can’t marry. Imlie. Imlie tries to pick Monty’s mobile and notices a man’s shadow behind a curtain. Man walks to her and drags her back. Imlie pleads to let her go. She is shocked to see Raghu alive.

Next: Imlie Saturday 

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