Illusion update Sunday 23 January 2022

Illusion update Sunday 23 January 2022


Illusion 23 January 2022: Ranjeet decorates rose petals over ceiling fan blades to impress Rani. Rani walks in. He hides and switches on fan. Rose petals fall on Rani and she gets impressed and asks who did it. Ranjeet gets electric shock and stands shaking while Rani walks away. Kabir returns home and sees Jay angrily throwing tantrum after his girlfriend ditches him. Chanda’s drama continues. Kabir insists Jay to tell reason, but he walks away. Kabir then over phone informs Vijay that they will not work tomorrow until they hear Pooja’s decision.Pooja reaches factory in her car. Kabir gets out of auto and down signals her. Pooja angrily reverses her car and breaks auto’s shield. Auto driver yells if she has gone mad.

Pooja gets out of car and warns Kabir that she will ram car on him like this if he ever signals her again. Kabir holds her hand and insists to pay for auto driver’s losses. Pooja denies. Chopra interferes. Kabir warns him to back off, else he will trash him royally. Chopra gets afraid. Kabir asks auto driver to apologize madam and get compensation. Driver does same. Pooja asks Chopra to pay him and leaves.In factory, Pooja adresses workers and denies to increase their salary. Kabir finds a chance and provokes workers to go on strike. Pooja walks in and scolds Chopra for not handling his work properly and instead blaming Kabir always. Once she leaves, Ranjeet taunts Chopra. Pooja then gets a call from client that they are visiting factory to inspect work. She apologizes Chopra for scolding him and asks to somehow convince workers to get back to work. Chopra bribes peon and asks him to spread news that Kabir took bribe from Pooja.

Kabir returns home and informs family that tomorrow Pooja will lose her first contract. Suman asks not to play any ugly games. Dadaji also warns him that he is becoming like Pooja and forgot morales, factory feeds many worker families and if it is shut, they will be on road. Next morning, Kabir tries to convince workers to get back to work, but Vijay forms team and disagrees. Client visits factory. Pooja nervously walks to meet them.Kabir tries workers to get back to work. Vijay says they will not work until Pooja agrees to their demands. Kabir says their demand is right, but their way is wrong; his Dadaji made him realize that factory should never shut, else many people will go jobless; if they continue strike, Pooja may suspend them and hire other employees, then they will be at loss. Peon informs Pooja that client went directly to factory instead of coming here.

Pooja scolds him for failing to stop client and rushes towards factory. Peon tells Chopra that he did his work and now needs more money. Chopra asks to wait till the drama is completely over. Pooja reaches factory and sees Kabir interacting with client and seeing Pooja saying Pooja guided workers all night to complete order. Pooja takes clients to her cabin. Kabir thanks workers for continuing to work and promises to get increment from Pooja for them. He walks into Pooja’s cabin. Pooja says if he convinced workers to continue their work, he did not do anything great, she would have removed workers if they had continued their strike; she will not give hike at any cost.Jay collects 500 rs each from his many friends to complete their notes. He then calls his girlfriend Shreya and insists for a party with her. At home, Chandra brings grocery. Suman checks list and says she paid 100 rs extra to shopkeeper. Chanda starts her usual loud drama asking if she is blaming herself. Suman says she is blaming shopkeeper and not her. Chanda seeks Dadaji’s support who says Suman is just telling shopkeeper is wrong and not blaming her. Chanda continues her irritating overacting when Suman finds 100 rs in her pallu. Chanda cries that shopkeeper tied it in her pallu unknowingly. Suman gives money back to Chanda. Chanda takes it hurriedly from Suman’s hand continuing her drama.


Kabir returns to workers. Vijay with workers asks how much money did he take from Pooja for his drama. Kabir warns him to mind his tongue. Workers remember Ranjeet misleading them by telling Kabir is at Pooja’s cabin and taking bribe to mislead them. Kabir tries to his best to convince them, but they don’t agree. They walk to Pooja’s cabin to demand increment. Pooja thanks them for continuing to work and says she has accepted their demands and will increase 10% salary from next month, but now they should finish consignment within 24 hours for the benefit of company and themselves. Workers happily return and thank Kabir. Vijay apologizes Kabir for misunderstanding him. Kabir says it is his usual daily nok jhok with his cousin, so he does not mind. Chopra is amazed seeing his plan failed and thinks of not letting workers complete order.Amma comes to meet Pooja. Pooja briefs her about current situation. Chopra walks in and asks Pooja to go and rest while he supervises workers here. Pooja says she cannot sleep while workers are busy whole night, so she will stay here. He praises her and leaves. Amma asks Pooja if she trusts Chopra. Pooja says he is dramebaz, but trustable.

Next: illusion Monday Update



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