I do 22 March 2022: Humaira asks ayan to take her alongwith him. but he just doesnt pay attention to her. As ayan and shirin are walking out through the door, rashid asks her to stay back. Mamu tells shirin to stay back, but she doesnt listen. He turns to rashid to do something to stop her from leaving. Finally rashid calls out to her one last time, as she is about to step out, and says that if leaving dilshad out of this house is the only option, then he would do this. shirin turns around, as he says that he wont get dilshad in this house, and asks her not to go. She is surprised and shocked. rashid says that he would leave this house. Ayan is angry and says that he doesnt need to go, as he cant bear shirin being called a left woman, and hence shirin
would leave him, so that he is responsible for it. Rashid tells ayan that he loves shirin very much, but he wont understand. ayan asks him not to use words, that he doesnt mean anytime, and that asad was never wrong about his opinion of rashid. He says that he proved asad right today. ayan turns around and says that rashid doesnt care about love, he only cares about himself, and that he left dilshad for shirin and now is leaving shirin for dilshad. Ayan says that he hopes to god, that he never turns up like him ever. He says that he cant live under this roof with him anymore.
Zoya tells dilshad that if she is married, then she should definitely go. she says that he concept of marriage changed after she met asad and fell in love. she tells dilshad that she is tied to rashid, through love and marriage also, and hence she rightfully should be with him. Dilshjad asks if she truly feels that. Zoya nods in a yes, and emotionally says that she wont be able to meet everyday now, and god knows when they would meet next. she asks dilshad to remember that her zoya is always by her side. Dilshad is overwhelmed by her support. Dilshad says that she will hope that they be together some day. Dilshad caresses zoya one last time before she leaves the house finally. She takes her stuff and walks out of the house, in a trance.
Meanwhile, humaira is outraged thinking that she would be distanced from ayan. Humaira is distraught that ayan isnt taking her, while razia composes her somehow. ayan takes the stuff and taking shirin’s hand, he begins to walk out with her. Both dilshad and shirin are shown to be leaving the house together, one leaving her son, and the other leaving her husband, while zoya and rashid and his family look on at their respective estrangement.
before dilshad and shirin take their final step outside the house, both hesitate and stop, shirin remembering Rashid’s confession, jerks off her hand from ayan, surprising him, and starts walking towards rashid, who feels genuinely relieved that shirin changed her mind. Ayan watches surprised, and she starts walking inside the house, and goes on to hug Rashid. Ayan stands disgusted, while the rest of the family, is confused with the latest turn of events. Zoya too is surprised, but dilshad turns around and tells zoya to convey to asad, that she loves him very much, and if possible, forgive him. She finally moves out, while zoya looks on crying.
Shirin clutches on to rashid tightly. ayan comes to her and asks whats she doing. she says that she cant leave his father and this house. Ayan asks her if she really wants to stay with a man, who cant change his descision for her. she says that he loves her too, and said that. she says that he has always been with her and supported their relation, and sacrificed everything for their happiness, and cant falsify that, and she loves him very much, and that has chained her here. He asks if she thinks that he really loves her. she says that she does, and rashid says that he does love her too. Ayan asks him not to make her understand. He says that rashid just klnows to use people, which he can see through, but she cant.
Ayan asks shirin to wake up and realise the true identity of this man, and wants to live with dilshad after so many years of his marriage with her. he asks her if she ever got the rights that she desrved, and whn has he ever done anything for their sadness. Ayan asks shirin to come along, and takes her hand. ayan says that she would go, as she isnt in her senses rigfht now. he tels shirin that she would have to share him with dilshad and she wont be able to bear that. Rashid holds his hand, and asks him to let go. rashid tells him that shirin wont go anywhere, and if he feels like he can go. All ask rashid as to what is he trying to imply. Shriirn is distraught as ayan looks at rashid disgustedly, and begins to retreat towards the main door. He lets go of shirin’s hand with a jerk. All are tensed. ayan says that he would let himself out then. Ayan tells rashid, that he feels ashamed and disgusted to be his son, and that he cant believe he spent so many years, with such a low level man. Ayan asks shirin one last time if she would go with him. Shirirn stands silently.
Scene 2:
Location: Haseena’s residence
While farhan is unpacking, nikhat hesitatingly approaches him, and says that she gave a thought to whatever he said, and has decided that she would stay with him only. He is surprised, and asks her not to be hasty is descision making, as he knows what she is going through, and doesnt want her to be under pressure.
Nikhat says that when a girl leaves her house, and gets married, she promises that she would stay by her husband’s side, in grief and sorrow, and happiness and joy. She says that she cant leave him in this pain that he is in. She says that she knows that sameera is still in his heart and she wont ever be able to take that place, but atleast she can be his friend. he smiles and they happily agree. He asks if she has ever been told, that she is better than she seems to be. she says that he can call her that now, and assures that she would help him in searching for sameera, but she wants a promise from him, that after today, he would never hide anything from her.
he shakes hands with her and promises the same. They smile at each other. Haseena, watching this from a distance, is frustrated and angered.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan is disgusted at shirin’s stance and wonders that he never asked anything from the lord, but today he would wish that he never turns up like him, and asks rashid never to come to him, as he doesnt want to cast his shadow on him. He says that he wont be able to bear this anymore, and will move out, and start a new life, even if that means leaving this house, without his mother and his love, but would built a life and home, that he doesnt have any shame living in. Ayan tells rashid that finally he managed to ruin the life of his second son too. Rashid is shocked and hurt. Ayan sarcastically thanks rashid. as he turns away from them, and begins to walk, humaira goes berserk, and shirin rushes to him. as ayan walks out, he sternly and stoically faces dilshad, who steps into the house, with her stuff, and eyes bowed. all are shocked seeing her at the door, with her stuff.
Ayan is stunned to see dilshad walk inside the house. All others are shocked too. dilshad is tensed herself. She is at a loss of words. She asks ayan where is he going. Ayan asks her not to think that he’s leaving for her, but he’s leaving for his father and leaves from there. humaira goes berserk and breaks herself free from razia, and runs after him. rashid too calls out to her. shirin and dilshad look back at rashid. As they turn away, rashid starts feeling dizzy.
As Rashid gets a heart attack, while shirin and dilshad confront each other at the door, razia cals out to shirin. Both shirin and dilshad are shocked to see rashid’s condition, and they rush to him, while the family eyes dilshad tensedly. Dilshad retreats her hand, as shirin reaches out to him and caresses him.
later, rashid is helped inside the room by dilshad and shirin, where shirn asks her if she can take it further from here. dilshad is hurt and takes off her hand, but as they move forward, rashid takes dilshad’s hand, much to shirirn’s displeasure. As rashid lies down, both the ladies reach out at the blanket to lay on him, and are awkwardly facing each other. Finally they both take their hand away. Shirin sits by rashid’s side, and tells him to go to sleep. dilshad stands by the bedside. rashid asks if ayan came home. shirin says that he didnt, and would come back just like he came back in childhood. unable to control her sadness, shirin leaves the room, and breaks into crying. Dilshad is tensed, she comes outside to face shirin, and asks her not to worry, as everything would be fine, and ayan would return.
shirin asks her not to pretend as this is what she wanted all along, that her house be broken. as dilshad tries to protest, shirn says that she doesnt want to create a scene, especially when rashid is sick, and wants dilshad by his side, but she shouldnt presume that they have some relation, as they already have one, that of hatred.
Dilshad is surprised. She says that she understands her emotions, and even though they cant be friends, atleast they can try to understand each other. Shirin says that she understands that she never wanted to leave rashid, and cunningly got her way back in his life. She says that asad left her, she felt alone, and her kids are alone, and she had to take her revenge and finally she fulfilled it. Dilshad is distraught, while shiirn goes on a sad banter. she says that now her eyes are on rashid’s bed. Dilshad reprimands her. Rashid too comes out and calls for her. shirin rushes to him, while dilshad steps aside, tensedly.
Dilshad enters and eyes her room, and sits resignedly. she gets zoya’s call, and wiping her tears and composing herself, she takes it. Zoya asks how is she and if everyone is behaving properly. Dilshad lies that they are behaving nicely, and everyone is concerned for rashid’s health. Zoya asks if shirin said anything. Dilshad remembers shirin’s words, and lies that she didnt say anything. zoya says that she cant lie as she doesnt know how to. Zoya is shocked when dilshad says that she is tensed, that ayan went from the house. She says that its isnt much to be tensed about, as ayan leeaves the home in anger, but then comes around and returns home. Zoya assures that it indeed is like that, and they would bring him back if needed.
Dilshad asks if asad came back. zoya says that he hasnt and she’s alone, and he would come anytime now. Dilshad asks her to take care and cancels the call. Zoya wonders that she would be able to make asad understand all this or not.
Humaira remembers ayan leaving the house, and is distraught and turned to stone hesrelf. Razia comes and finds her like that. Nuzrat tells razia that she is like this sicne morning and asks her to go and talk to humaira.Razia comes and sits by her side. Razia tells her that ayan would return, and reminds her of the instances earlier, when he left and then came back. humaira tels her that this time, he wont come back. Razia asks if she didnt feel bad that ayan left her. Humaira says that it doesnt matter, as she waited long enough, and that she doesnt care for him, as he doesnt care for her at all, as he didnt even cast a last glance at her, and hence now she neither cares for him or for anyone else. Razia is shocked to hear this. Razia says that life isnt about one person, and its okay that she’s angry at ayan and has turned herself to stone, but she shouldnt behave like this for anyone else in the family. Humaira says that she has turned to stone, as all emotions and feelings of hers, went away with him only. Razia is disturbed to see her like this.
Scene 2:
Location: Haseena’s residence
Savita aunty comes to Haseena’s residence, to invite farhan and nikhat, and the rest of the family, to the wedding of Ankita. They congratulate her while she tells the details. She sternly reminds them to come. they comply.
Nazma excitedly comes and tells nikhat, that they are free on sunday, as haseena isnt at home, and promotes for Zee Rishtey Awards. They decide to watch it together.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
As razia is walking through the corridor, she finds badi bi, burqa clad, leaving her room and wonders what was she doing in her room. she goes and rummages through her things kept in her room. She takes off the dupatta, lying on a pillow from the bed, and finds a beheaded and blood clad doll from underneath it, and is scared out of her wits. She is shocked and deduces that badi bi is behind all this trap and game plan. she says that she thought that this couldnt be badi bi, but she proved her wrong. She is in a rage at her, and composing herself, is determined to have her get a piece of her mind. she walks out, and finds her walking through the opposite corridor. she hastily follows her, and badi bi steps down the stairs, and wonders why is she going out at this point of time and wants to find out. before she can follow, she gets a phone call, that warns her that now only her sleep is being deprived off, very soon, she would be ruined. She walks otu trying to trace the caller, and finds a hooded fellow behind the wall, while she pursues conversation with the lady. She confronts the person, and tells her that what did that person think, that she would continuously harass her, and razia wouldnt know anything, assuming it to be badi bi. However she is shocked, as she finds that badi bi is calling out to her, from behind. She turns around to face badi bi, while being be wildered as to who the other person is then. The screen freezes on her tensed face.