I do 19 February 2022: Asad is tensed about nazma and imran. Zoya joins him and asks him not to be tensed, as nazma is very mature. He says that he’s also concerned for Nikhat, and that he didnt want her to be associated to haseena’s family. he says that ayan had assured that imran loves her and he complied.
But he didnt know that nazma and nikhat would fall for the same guy. zoya makes him understand that not all things are within their control and that these things happen. They should wait for the time to take its course. He says that both are their responsibility and he cant turn his face away from one. Zoya says that she knows that has the faith that whatever descision he takes, will be for the welfare of all. She tries to tease him and cheer up, saying that
she didnt know that he was so caring underneath all that hard surface. asad says that he isnt like that and is only pretendinjg, so that she is lured into his trap. Zoya asks if he thought that she would fall for this. Asad is told by zoya, that she has her running shoes under her wedding dress. She says that he may never know that she might just run away before marriage. Asad says that she may have said today, but she shouldnt ever iterate it again. she says that then he should marry her real fast. He hugs her tightly and they enter a passionate embrace.(MITWA MOMENT)she says that marriage is that promise that she would always maintain and wont break, come what may. He asks her to promise the same. she complies. They relish their passionate embrace.
As the doorbell rings, zoya offers to open it. Imran is at the door identifying himself to asad, dilshad and zoya. they are all tensed to see him.
Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Mamujaan remembers how razia had wanted another chance, but in his anger, he had dismissed all of her pleas. He also remembers how she had resognedly says that she’s guilty and a low level woman, but who’s he to call the kettle black, and asks if he forgot the murder that she was involved along with him. Mamujaan thinks that he has also committed a crime and god is punish ing him right now for that only.
in humaira’s room, he wonders what would happen to his daughter now, who’s unnecessarily facing the penance of the crimes of her parents. He also remembers about zoya as a child, and thinks that he had distanced one daughter from himself, and the other one went away from him. he thinks that tomorrow is her birthday and god knows if she would wake up and realise that. He breaks down into tears.
Scene 3:
Location: Razia’s captivity
Razia wakes up with mosquito stings and thinks that she would die in this hellhole and hopes for someone to take her out. She finds the warden asleep, and has an idea to escape. As she tries to go for the keys, the warden flinches and razia retreats back. she attempts again, and manages to get the keys. She opens her lock tying her to the bed.
Scene 4:
Location: Ayan’s residence
She says that she would look for razia in the kitchen. But mamujaan says that she has gone to her relatives for some time. She then goes onto ask everyone, about their gifts. rashid asks how is she feeling. She says that she woke up with a heavy head, as if she woke after a long time, and cant remember what happened the last night. Humaira asks for ayan, and shirin shows him who has just arrived. ayan unaware that she is herself again, asks her how are you, rajni ji. They are all scared and horrified on hearing this, while humaira is confused.
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya tries to cheer up asad, when he expresses his concern for not being able to talk to either Ayan or nikhat. He thanks her, but she says that he shouldnt thank her for every small thing, as he should get used to wifely duties being performed by her. Asad asks why and who is this Mrs. khan that she is referring to. Zoya gets angry, and says that she would be Mrs. Khan and no longer Ms. faruqui, after the marriage. Zoya goes on a rant of nonsensical chatter, and asad reminds her that she was to go and get coffee. She shuts up and leaves, with a pouty face. Asad says that he thinks that nikhat wont have a problem, but he desperately hopes that its true.
Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s and asad’s residence
Humaira is shocked at ayan calling her rajni. Humaira is suddenly aware of her changed personality, and she is shocked seeing the saree and the vermillion in her forehead. They are all tensed as to what effect this has on her. Rashid tells her everything, and humaira is confused. ayan tries to make her understand that she was unconscious for a long time.
Mamujaan says that she wasnt unconscious but not conscious either. she asks as to why is this dressed so peculiar, and asks if she had gone mad. But ayan asks her not to worry, and asks her to rest inside with nikhat. Nikhat asks her to try the birthday clothes and takes her inside.
Inside, as nikhat asks her to change the dress, humaira is still insistent on the question. But nikhat asks her to forget everything and concentrate on her birthday. Nikhat remembers her rozas that she had kept even though she behaved as a Hindu. Huamira still doesnt understand how she is wearing sindoor or the saree. She asks nikhat if she got married, and nikhat is speechless. She thinks that she shouldnt tell her broken relation right now, as she needs to be happy. Just then she gets asad’s call and she hurriedly picks up. asad asks how is she. she says that she’s fine. He says that he wants to meet her. she asks if everything is alright. He says that its too long and he wants to talk about imran. Not wanting to reveal too much in front of humaira, she just manages to say that she is okay and they can talk later as she’s busy with humaira’s birthday and that he shouldnt bother about her. Asad says that he still feels that she’s very tensed with this relation. For humaira’s sake she says that she’s okay. Asad says that he needs to talk more. But nikhat says that she’s needed for the party and that she would talk later. Asad cancels the call.
Zoya gets him coffee, and asad says that she was sounding very different. He thinks that she was sounding much more relieved and relaxed sincew the last time that he saw her. Zoya says that all the signs indicate that she has clearly moved on, and she isnt worried for her relation with imran anymore. Asad thinks that he has fingers crossed that it is true after all.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
When humaira again asks about her marriage, she says that it didnt happen and runs out, asking her to
Scene 4:
Location: Asad’s residence
Nazma is tensed, when asad comes and patting her on her head, asks why did she go through all of that, when she could have told them. she apologises and hugs him. he asks her not to cry and asks if she’s sure that imran’s a good boy and shall keep her happy. She says yes. Asad says that no descision of his would come in between her and her happiness. Zoya comes in and tells asad, infront of nazma and dilshad that imran called up to ask if they are coming for meeting his parents. Dilshad expresses concern about nikhat and her stance on this. Asad is in a dilemma seeing nazma, who’s equally tensed and thinking about nikhat. Zoya waits for his answer. Asad along with zoya tells dilshad about nikhat’s reaction on the phone, when Asad hopes that .
Scene 5:
imran says that he loves nazma for a long time. He tells her that they are coming here to talk to her, and she can take a descision and imran says that he cant take such a big step without asking her
Scene 5:
While surfing through the newspapers, she accidentally sees the news of the bus accident, and remembers her life before the accident, razia sending her off, and her fight with ayan. she is unaware that ayan and nikhat are seeing her from the door. He asks nikhat to go and get others and keep her happy so that she doesnt remember anything of the past. She leaves. Ayan comes in with a poetry and tries to amuse her, while she remembers their fight. The entire family bursts in wishing her for her birthday, while she is shocked at having remembered everything. she asks all of them to stop, shocking them too. When asked, she asks to be left alone for god’s sake. She runs out, and ayn tries to stop her. She asks him not to come close to her, and stay away. she runs out, while all are shocked.
Next Sunday update I Do