I do 18 March 2022: haseena gives back the money to nikhat, while nazma is happy. Thbey mleave, while she is in a rage, that the two sisters are bonding, and says that she foresaw it, and hence got them here. She says that maybe they have come as sisters, but leave as enemies. She is determined to have her revenge.
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Asad comes to zoya’s room, and says that he wants to spend the last two minutes of her birthday with her. She gets emotional, while he asks her to close her eyes, and presents her a gift. She thanks profusely, and opens it, to find a beautiful watch inside.(MITWA) She loves the gift, and he helps her wear it. He says that now its beautiful. They both sit on the bed. He tells her that they may have signed the dovorce but still it would be official only after 3 months, and till then, they cant get married.
zoya is tensed. He says thats why he gifted her a watch, and has set an alert for 90 days, which when it rin gs, would indicate their wait is over and they would get married. Asad tells zoya that from this time onwards, he would never ever forget any borthday or any anniversary of hers. Zoya romantically says that then she would have to remember this also, as every second and every moment spent with him is really special.
Scene 1:
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya excitedly prepares funky sandwich for breakfast, wityh smileys. dilshad is excited to see this. zoya says that she got this habit from her sister, to get her to eating. She says that noone can refuse if someone feeds with such love. dilshad goes back to the time, when rashid fed her, when she was expecting, and made her eat twice as much. She remembers how they had thought of names before hand only.
They argue about how he wants a daughyter, but thinks he would have a son, and he would love his son, so much, that his son would be his life. she asks how much will he love her. He says that a little more. He says that she’s his life, and cant love anyone more than her.
Dilshad comes back from her past, with the cell phone ringing, and asad and zoya pointing it out to her. She sees that its rashid, and getting tensed, she asks them to carry on, while she just comes. She leaves to attend the call.
Asad compliments zoya on the cute sandwich. As they get down to eat, zoya’s messy table manners, bug asad but he somehow manages to stay quiet. He is deeply frustrated inside, and goes on with his breakfast, in the proper table manners. Finnally unable to take it anymore, he takes a tissue and wipes the jam off the side of her lips, and then clean up the table as much as he can, while she watches in surprise. As he sits down to eat again, zoya argues with him about his obsession with cleanliness. Zoya says that this isnt unhygienic behaviour, but an expression of her creativity, just like the most artistic people in the world.
She says that he may love her, but not some of her habits, and he would have to get used to this whole package. Asad says that he doesnt know how she manages to do this. Zoya challenges him to try her lifestyle for once. asad asks to let go. But zoya says that he would have to do this for love. Zoya gets up on the sofa, and tells asad teasingly, on the dining table, that if he loves her, then he has to love her love for crazy things too.
Asad has no choice but to give in, so that she gets down from the sofa. Then, zoya makes him lick the drop of jam, tht falls on his hand, while he is at great discomfort, to do something that beyond his code of conduct.Asad is frustrated, while zoya asks him to go and eat with his hands. He does so highly uncomfortably. she asks him if he felt nice. he says that he didnt feel nice at all, and wiping the corners of his mouth, he leaves. Zoya eyes him and thinks that she would train him to be messy, by the end of the day.
Dilshad asks rashid to stop calling her. He says that he has told time and again, but he cant wait anymore. He says that he knows there would be societal pressure and challenges, but accepts that he would face everyone, and she wont have to face any taunts. She tries to make him understand that he has a wife and kids, and should tell shirin first and then talk to her. He says that shall be so then. She cancels the phone. Both of them are tensed.
Then zoya finds asad arranging his wardrobe properly. Zoya says that he may have accepted the challenge, but wont be able to complete it. Asad says that he isnt used to keeping his clothes scattered. zoya says that he would have to do it, by challenge. zoya shows him by carelessly throwing the first one. asad does one, but with great caution. zoya goes on to ask asad, to dismantle his entire wardrobe, by throwing all his clothes carelessly on the bed. She asks if he’s feeling and he says that he isnt feeling nice at all.
She also makes him throw all his socks on the floor, and makes him take off all the stuff of his almirah on the floor. asad is highly frustrated. Zoya asks him to be the naughty boys who dont care for anything. He says that he never was one even in his childhood. Zoya says that it doesnt matter, and he would learn now, that she’s here. Asad is in a rage, but doesnt express it.
Scene 2:
Location: Panchmarhi
Nikhat is shopping for farhan’s birthday, and
haseena sees all this amusingly from a distance. She thinks that before she can surprise him, she would surprise nikhat herself.
Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Rashid sees shirin tensed, and walks upto her. she tries to talk, but he asks her to be quiet and see what razia is upto. they see that razia is frnatically searching through the mail that came in today. rashid asks whats she doing. shirin says that she’s been like this since morning. Shirin asks what is she upto. Razia however is very upset and scrutinises everything, that came. she makes an excuse that Razia reprimands the servants who left the vegetable tray at the corner of the house, and as she moves towards the tray, explosions start happening.
She is extremely scared and clutches tightly. The servant says that this isnt their tray. Shirin reprimands them for their carelessness. Meanwhile, Razia finds a letter scattered among the veggies, after the explosion. She stealthily sees it and reads that the perfect gift couldnt have been selected for her, hence settled for this, but still it managed to create quite an explosion.
The letter asks her to wait for the gift, as she would get that soon too. The letter asks her to be happy as this is the last time she would be happy. While all get in cleaning up, Razia .is shell shocked. Razia wonders if badi bi is behind this, but then discards away that doubt, and thinks that its just one person’s brain now.
Razia comes to Tanveer and says u expect i wont find out that u did all this crappy things with me? Razia asks her to look at her and talk!Tanveer is quiet! Razia shakes her face and asks what do u want? Tanveer is all scared and frantic and says ur cop? Dun take me to jail .. i will keep quiet. .m gonna be a mom..! Tanveer swears not to do any bad things. n says..dun wanna go home! Razia is shocked! The people caring for Tanveer share to Razia that the girl is acting like this since she came here at Madarsa.. she doesnt eat. .nor drink .nor sleep. .have to keep an eye on her for 24 hours! They share that think Tanveer has committed many sins so Allah punished her..! Razia self thot.. if Tanveer is so sick then who is doing all this? Who is this new enemy?? Someone shown standing in shadow wearing a hood looking at Razia..!
Asad is working on laptop ..! He is has a pony tail! Zoya says we promised we will keep the room dirty. i worked hard for it. .! Asad makes her sit and says. .the clothes i threw on floor. . i ended up slipping on them . .so i tidied the room! Zoya says.. how long u took to cook this reason up? Asad explains! Zoya says lesson no.2 . .how to ganda karo ur life more.. n she brings food on the bedsheet and says.. after eating clean hand on bed sheet.. this is ultimate zoya test! Asad is shocked..! Zoya tears open chips packet with mouth n spills cold drink on the bed! Asad fumes! Zoya offers pizza and he says dun like it.! Zoya insists and Asad says should try .! He tries to eat politely n Zoya takes big bite..! Asad says agree . .i accepted challenge.
.but i cant do all this! Asad says .. i agree i love a girl who eats sitting on bed.. n cleans hand on bedsheets n curtains n spills things all around but i cant do all this! Zoya asks .. then why do u love me so much?Asad says..that the girl.. may ruin a kitchen to make sandwich. .it has a smile on it. .n even if she adds one bottle of sugar in coffee . .she adds sweetness to my life.. n i realise that i love her.. she makes me smile..! Zoya says and is very pretty n Asad says.. yes! Zoya says. .dun ask me to change n Asad says neither do u..! Asad talks of cleaning the bedsheet n Zoya says one day ..eat in Zoya untidy style! Asad feeds pizza to Zoya..n she to him!
Haseena sneaks into the hotel room of Nikhat n steals an expensive shawl..! Nikhat steps out n is shocked to see her! Haseena says dinner time . .hurry up! Nikhat says. Farhan has gone to make a call . .will come with him! She says .. yes.. do come! Haseena leaves from there!!
Part 2
Humera watches Ayan looking for his watch in his room! She follows Ayan across the room and smiles seeing him all heckled up! She turns to leave n Ayan grabs her by her hand n pulls her and twirls her n pins her to the cupboard! Eyelocks! Ayan asks her what is she tailing him for? Humera feigns ignorance! Ayan asks what are u doing in my room ? Humera says cant find urself anything ..what will u get me for? Ayan asks how u know cant find something? Humera says.. ‘Main aapke bare me woh janti hun ..jo aap khud ke bare me bhi nahi jante ho’!
She is walking out of the room and spots someone bringing a huge box like thing wrapped in gift cover! They ask the servant what is this? Who sent? They reply maybe someone ordered? Ayan asks to call everyone to the hall..!
Imran asks Haseena to take off the dark glasses and hat..! She does! Waiter comes n gives Imran a gift n says a lady sent ..din give her name! Imran thinks its Najma n she says i din send. guess some secret admirer sent..! Farhan comes n asks its my budday n someone sent u gift.. who is it?? Haseena asks him to open it. .n he does ..its the same dress that was in Nikhats room! Nikhat is shocked..! A lady notices the shawl n says to Nikhat.. great choice.. for ur hubby! All are shocked..! Haseena smirks..! Nikhat says.. i bought a shawl for Farhaan ..same style! Haseena asks why u din give him? Nikhat says .. i have it in my room ..! They all go to her room!
Shireen is in her room and Rasheed wonders of telling her about Dilshad! Shireen says dunno who played this joke..! She asks Rasheed to rest! Rasheed say doc told to talk less.. ! Shireen says ok . .then tell whats the matter? Rasheed struggles.. ! He says after all that happened in past.. i feel . there is no guarantee in life.. any moment can be last.. dunno how long a time i have. but whatever time i have .. wanna live freely! Shireen says wanna party?
Well get well soon .. n then will keep party! Rasheed says saying something else.. wanna tell u about a decision that will change our lives! He says if she remembers that someone was gonna come n stay with them? Shireen says yes. .will get guest room cleaned..! Who is gonna come? Rasheed struggles …and before he can answer.. servant calls them to go to hall as some huge box like gift has come! Shireen goes to check!
Part 3
Ayan shares the gift is for Razia! Razia recollects reading the note about waiting for Diwali gift..! She panics! Badi Bi says..
Rassi jal gai .. par bal nahi gaya…
Umar dhal gai par tohfe dene wale aaj bhi hai
Badi Bi says.. mashallah! Razia says i dunno who sent this and what it is.. n wonder who will send this to me? Rasheed asks Ayan to open the cover and he does.. ! They are shocked to find a fridge..! Razia opens the door and a dead body falls out .. n all scream and shocked..!
Next Saturday update I Do