Happy hearts 25 march 2022: RV and Happy coming for their honeymoon. Rocky looks on. RV says our differences will be sorted, none will disturb us. Rocky says all your plans will be foiled RV. Happy drops the juice on RV and says sorry, I m hurt. RV says I won’t be able to forgive myself to hurt you. She thinks I don’t want to spend my life with a murderer, I will make you mad. The lady says your suite is ready, come. They go to the room. Happy says everything is so beautiful. RV says not more than you, there are special surprises for you. She says my jaw is aching, can you give me some ice in a napkin. He says yes, of course. She thinks do you expect me to celebrate and enjoy a romantic moment with a cheap person like you, in your dreams RV. He gets ice. The room service guy gets the bags. RV asks about the cafe. The guy says its mind blowing. Happy says I will inform mum that we reached safely. RV says inform her, tell her that I can take care of you, trust me. He goes.
Smiley says I don’t understand how you let Happy go with RV. Sandhya says nothing such will happen. She calls Happy and then Rocky. Happy calls Grover and says I m making RV feel guilty, he is behaving nicely with me, he won’t do anything until I provoke him, Rocky is outside the hotel, he will find some way to come in, I feel bad for him, we are using him in our plan. Grover says I know you are making a big sacrifice, think again, we should abort this plan if you aren’t sure. She says I can do anything for Rocky and my family, there is no option now. RV asks what are you saying, what option you don’t have. Happy gets tensed and holds a vase. Rocky says I can take care of Happy all life, RV can’t do anything. Sandhya says you went there to save Happy, I wish Happy could understand this, take care. RV says tell me Happy. Happy says to let our marriage fall. Sandhya says I will pray that every mum gets a son like you. Rocky says don’t worry. Madhu sees Sandhya.
Happy says I was telling mum that I can’t let our marriage fail, we promised to support each other, I want to give a chance to our relation. RV hugs her and says this means a lot to me, your love means a lot to me, I won’t waste this second chance, thanks. Rocky sees them getting close. The room service guy gets the complimentary cake and keeps it. RV says I have reserved a place for our dinner date, just you and me at the romantic plate. He gifts a diamond necklace to Happy. She thinks you want to suffocate me with this costly chain, sorry this won’t happen. She says its beautiful, this will be beautiful. He says I can do this for my priceless wife. The room service guy looks at them. RV hugs Happy and asks her to wear the necklace. She says sure.Madhu says I wanted Happy to go away, but this should have not happened, you and Happy always ruin things, what was the need to send Rocky after Happy. She scolds Sandhya. She gets insulting Sandhya and Happy on their character. Sandhya asks her not to dare stain Happy’s character. She says I didn’t send Rocky after Happy, he went there as he worried for her, go and ask Simmi, I don’t need to separate them, you have already done that being so stubborn, they love each other, I will still pray that their love gets successful, their happiness and love is imp to me than my ego, I regret that you couldn’t understand Happy, she is ready for this family, but you can’t see anything.
The room service guy comes to Rocky and says I m keeping an eye on RV, he is behaving with Happy nicely, they have dinner date plan, that place is very lonely and deserted, he is taking Happy there, be careful. Rocky pays him money.RV and Happy are at the cafe. She likes the place. Rocky takes a disguise and sees them. Happy says I m scared of heights, since Anaya’s death, so sorry, I m so sorry, I m shaken up by her death, don’t know what happened with her that she chose such a painful death. RV recalls. He says I will never understand why Anaya did that, I feel suffocating when I think of it. She asks shall I go and bring my medicines, I have to go to washroom also, order a chocolate dessert for us. He says sure, come back soon. Rocky follows Happy.Happy catches him and removes his fake beard. He says it hurts. She scolds him. He says I couldn’t come without a disguise. She asks why did you come. He says I can’t leave you with that horrible man. She asks what will RV feel seeing you here, stay away from me. He says I know that you don’t need me, you are a strong fighter, why didn’t you punish RV, what happened to you. He holds her and finds her hurt. He says I will kill RV. She says no. He asks why, because he is your husband or do you care for me. She cries and says let me go Rocky. He says I won’t do anything without your wish, I won’t listen to you or myself if your life is in risk. RV looks for her. Happy holds Rocky’s face. Ho na juda….plays…. She cries. RV hears a sound and comes there.
man stopping RV from checking the Janitor room. Happy hears them and asks Rocky to just go. Happy gets ready. RV makes her wear the necklace. He tries to get close. Happy asks him to step ahead slowly, so that their relation gets firm. He says fine, I will wait for you outside. She calls Grover and says we are leaving now. He says don’t worry, I m reaching Shimla. RV says I can’t wait more, I will make you mine tonight, Happy. He has some drugs bottle. They come for dinner. She says its amazing, you booked the entire place for us. He says just for you, your planning is always perfect, always ten on ten. He says I can pass any test of life. She thinks you have ruined my life, I will ruin you.Rocky comes there and sees them. RV insists her to have a drink. He says I always wanted to propose you. He proposes her with a ring. She asks what do you think of my wish. He kisses her hand and makes her wear the ring. Rocky looks on. RV says I love you, I will prove it today, that I love you a lot. They drink. Rocky says please take care of yourself. Happy says sorry, I was very thirsty and had it. RV says not bad. RV serves her more wine. She says sorry, I got a call, I know you don’t want anyone to disturb us, let me talk to mummy, she will get tensed. She answers the call. Sandhya asks where are you. RV spikes Happy’s drink. Sandhya says I m so worried. Happy says we are fine, RV is taking much care of me, I feel relaxed. RV thinks you will be more at peace after having this. Sandhya prays for Happy.
RV says I have a surprise for you. The men come and play music. Happy smiles. RV and Happy dance. Khamoshiyan…plays… He tries to get close. She acts dizzy. Madhu sees the pics of girls and says its good, I wills how the pics to Rocky when he comes. She shares the good news with Sandhya. She sends Simmi to room. She says I m finding an alliance for Rocky, I want a good bahu for this house, you made me the villain of Happy and Rocky’s love story, the ones who love truly fight the families and society for each other, like Rocky fought for Happy, your Happy just loves herself, money and status matter to her. Sandhya says Happy isn’t like that. Madhu says you are her mum, I want such a girl who loves innocent Rocky, and doesn’t depend on money. RV asks are you okay Happy. Happy says I will feel better if I rest. Simmi calls Rocky. He answers and says I m busy, I can’t talk. She says Madhu will fix your wedding. He says I will handle her, I will talk later. He sees RV and Happy gone.RV says I love you a lot and this time I will prove it. She says I m feeling dizzy. He goes to her and says you trust me right, just be with me, relax, I want to show you how much I love you, just I will have right on you. She says just call the doctor, get away. He says relax, I m with you. Rocky asks the manager about RV and Happy. The man refuses to say. Rocky scolds him. The man says the madam got giddy and Sir took her to the room. Rocky breaks inside the room door. He catches RV and beats him. He asks Happy is she fine. They fight. Manager stops them. RV says make this man out, I paid the money. Police comes. RV and Rocky complain about each other.
RV says Happy is my wife, why will I hurt her. Inspector asks who are you to come between husband and wife. RV says Rocky is a psycho, he is following my wife, I m a lawyer Ranvijay, its our duty to control such people. Rocky says he is lying. RV says I have to take my wife with me. Rocky says Happy needs my help. Inspector catches Rocky. RV and Happy leave in the car. RV says you are still in love with Rocky. She names Rocky. He says police have taken Rocky, you just have me, I love you a lot, I will do what I want, you don’t have the strength to stop me. Happy opens her eyes and recalls dumping the drinks.
Next: happy hearts Saturday Update