Happy hearts 26 march 2022: RV saying you think you could get away, you need your husband’s support. She removes the necklace and hits RV. He gets hurt and falls down. She steps over him and goes. Its morning, RV is still fallen on the ground. He wakes up and looks for Happy. He recalls the incidents and thinks why can’t I remember anything else. He checks the car. He says where did Happy disappear. He shouts Happy.Inspector says I m letting you go, if anything happens, I will see you, its a matter between husband and wife, don’t interfere between them. Rocky signs the papers and goes. He says I will kill RV if he hurts Happy. He checks a voice message. He plays it for the inspector. Happy says Rocky save me, please, I m scared. Rocky says we have to go to the hotel fast. Inspector agrees. RV comes to hotel. Sandhya asks where is Happy, tell me. He asks when did you come here, I m finding Happy.
Smiley asks how did you get hurt, where is Happy. He says I don’t know, go and ask Rocky. Rocky comes with police. He says I don’t trust you, that’s why I always follow, where is Happy. RV says I don’t know. Sandhya says he knows everything, don’t know what he did with her. Rocky says Happy was with you, where is she, tell me. Madhu talks to a couple about Rocky’s alliance. She accepts the alliance. The girl’s parents give her sweets. Simmi looks on and cries.Smiley says Happy called at night, she was scared. Rocky says see Happy called to ask for help. He asks RV to say the truth. Inspector says don’t break the laws. Rocky scolds RV for hitting a woman. Sandhya says I won’t spare you. Inspector says I want more force, seal this hotel get the warrant, we will investigate. RV says don’t get me in custody, my wife is missing, don’t think of forcing me, I m a reputed lawyer. He gets arrested.
Rocky says he is behind it all, make him admit me. Inspector asks him not to worry. Sandhya cries. Rocky consoles her. Madhu and Simmi argue. Madhu says Rocky will move on with Harleen. Simmi prays for Happy. Rocky says we can’t trust RV, he is very clever, something is wrong, he did something wrong with Happy. ACP says let us do our work. Rocky says I was in lockup all night, Happy would have been safe. Rocky and Sandhya complain about RV, he was torturing Happy. Smiley shows the evidence posted on social media. Rocky says RV gave her drugs last night, you will find its proof as well. ACP nods.The police investigates and gets proof against RV. The lady says we have seen RV beating Happy, she was much scared. The neighbors give statement against Happy. Doctor also gives statement about Happy’s injuries.
Inspector gets the reports. Rocky asks what’s this. ACP says our team had detained you last night, it was our mistake, you were right, RV had the illegal drugs, we got RV’s fingerprints on it. Rocky says you have proof, arrest RV soon. Rocky goes out. He sees Happy’s pic going far and runs to pick it. He saves the pic from getting burnt and says I won’t let anything happen to you.RV gets interrogated. He says I don’t know anything, give me my phone. ACP beats him and says you think you can beat women, women can’t beat you, you have harassed Happy. She hurts him. She says call anyone you want, you will need help today, you will be charged for domestic violence, we know you have given drugs to Happy, Rocky said the truth about you, where is Happy. RV says I don’t know. Rocky says I will find you Happy, where are you. He sees her pic.
ACP says there is no good news, an accident happened, you have to come to identify the body. They get shocked and cry for Happy. Rocky goes with the police. Inspector says the body is completely burnt, we got this necklace from the body, I have seen this in Happy’s neck that night. Rocky says this isn’t Happy. ACP shows the necklace. Rocky says it belongs to Happy, this can’t be Happy, trust me. ACP says contact the forensic team and match the dental records, we will know whose body is this. She says we will inform you after the results come. Rocky says she can’t leave me, she isn’t Happy. ACP says even I pray that the dental records don’t match, who will support her family, be strong. Rocky asks what will I tell them, none of us can live without her
Rocky consoling Sandhya. She cries and slaps him. She says repeat after me, Happy is fine. Rocky hears the inspector.
Inspector says Happy has sent those messages from the same location, RV’s blood is found on the necklace and the dental records also matched. ACP says sorry to say, this body is of Happy, the dental records matched. Rocky and everyone cry. He thinks of Happy. He gets angry and goes to RV. He asks RV why did he burn Happy alive. RV says Happy can’t die, I can’t lose her, I don’t know where is Happy, I don’t remember, Rocky has done this, its his plan.Rocky says he is a liar. ACP scolds RV. Rocky cries. Grover comes. Rocky says Happy left, RV killed her. Grover asks what. Rocky says RV burnt her alive. Grover says RV is a cold blooded murderer, I doubt that he killed Anaya, where is Sandhya. Rocky says she is in shock, she is in the hospital, what will I do without Happy. Grover asks him to move on. He promises to get RV punished. He says I will not let RV stay in peace. Rocky hugs him.
RV says Happy you can’t leave me. He sits crying. Grover comes. RV says help me, I didn’t kill Happy. Grover scolds him and asks him to confess his crime. RV says why should I confess when I didn’t do anything. Grover slaps him and says I will fight this case against you, you killed Anaya, I will get you a death sentence now. RV says I didn’t do anything, you know I can’t kill her, please help me. Grover goes.
After few days, the court punishes RV with a death sentence. Rocky comes to meet RV. RV says you loved Happy, I also loved her, I didn’t kill her. Rocky says you can never understand love, you snatched my Happy, you will die now. RV says I didn’t kill her. Rocky says say the truth, I regret to not punish you before, I will never forgive myself for this, I will watch you dying. RV says please save me, I beg you. He gets scared when jailer comes. Rocky cries and says I couldn’t save you Happy, you don’t forgive me for this. Pandit chants mantras. RV sits crying.
Happy sees her pic and recalls RV. She recalls burning some body. Grover says you think this will work. She says sure, just swap the dental samples. He says don’t worry, I have asked my aide to do this. She prays for the body got from morgue. FB ends. Happy says today RV is finished and I got also free thanks to Grover, RV had to leave, he has killed Anaya and also attacked Kulwant, if he was alive, he would have not left Rocky, I m dead for my family but I m happy that my family and Rocky are safe now. Rocky thinks of Happy and cries. Judaai….plays…. He says RV got punished but Happy how shall I live without you. He hugs her clothes. He imagines her with him and smiles. She makes him sleep and goes away.
Next: happy hearts Sunday Update