Previous: Wednesday Update on Gangaa
Madhvi and Amma ji discuss about Niru’s condition. Pulkit comes there just then. He tries to ask her about Niru but Madhvi stops him. Why did you come? Pulkit says papa is unwell. Madhvi asks him what papa. You dint think about him when you hurt him and divided the house? What did he do? He only worried about you guys. Every father wants his kids to become stable in life. You guys insulted him, said so much to him, and got the house divided! Dint you think then what he will go through? Amma ji tells her to let it be for now. I wont forgive the kids for what they did but he can meet his father for now. Madhvi stops Pulkit from going inside.
Madhvi closes the door of Niru’s room. I cannot see my kids insulting my husband. What if something had happened to him? How would I have lived! Tell him he cannot meet Niru ever. Go from here. Your parents aren’t here anymore. Don’t cross this line ever that you only have made. Your parents are dead for you! Ratan tells Pulkit to go for now. I will talk to Didi and Jija ji. Pulkit sadly leaves from there.
Ratan asks Madhvi how it happened. I think Ganga filled Sagar’s ears and did this drama. Madhvi looks angry.
Ganga thinks of Sagar’s words and is restless. She thinks of their childhood times. Real friends understand each other’s thoughts without saying anything. They sit down to look at each other’s face and pen down what the other is thinking by looking at his or her face only. They read what the other has written. They end up smiling as they have understood it perfectly. He promises to keep her happy always. The flashback ends.
Ganga wonders what happened today. You heard me yet you did not hear me. You act like you dint understand what I sad even though you did. Maharaj ji brings food for her as she hasn’t eaten anything since Sagar left. She denies. He goes back inside. Ganga collides with her trunk so she keeps it aside. Amma ji asks Mehri about something. She notices Ganga still by the door
but does not say anything to her. Madhvi comes downstairs. Doc enters just then. He was about to say something to Ganga but Madhvi takes him upstairs with her. Amma ji asks Maharaj ji to bring puja thaal. He brings it. Ganga looks on sadly. Amma ji goes inside once her puja is done.
Niru asks for Sagar. Madhvi says he must be around only. Don’t worry. You should rest. I will bring something for you to eat. She closes the door from outside.
Sagar comes home. Ganga asks him about his whereabouts. Maharaj ji calls for everyone. Madhvi asks Sagar where he went. Sagar calls out for Janvi. Janvi walks inside just then. Ganga looks at Sagar. MAdhvi hugs Janvi. He also calls out for a Sir. It turns out to be the Registrar. Madhvi asks him who he is and why is he here. I don’t want any other drama at home. Sagar explains he is Registrar. I am marrying Janvi right at this very moment. This is why I brought them here.
Amma ji tells him to stop. Marriage isn’t a game. Seems like you don’t need anyone’s blessings too. He reasons that this is how Registrar marriages happen. I have your blessings with me. I have brought garlands to complete the ritual. Ganga stops Sagar from putting the garland around Janvi’s neck. She says I want some questions before this marriage happen. How can it happen? Sagar says we are adults.
We are marrying as per our wish. She asks about the vermilion. he replies that putting vermilion in childhood doesnr signify it as marriage. Did we do any of the rituals? What does it mean? She says you put it in my head in front of everyone. Did it mean nothing to you? he says take it as a joke. You joked with me and I did one too. She says I have lived with thoughts of your love all my life, my every heartbeat says your name. He says you donated me so what else should I call it. She shouts at him to stop. She is in tears. I can understand you are angry. You don’t listen to anyone when you are angry. You would come to me later to apologise. What you are going to do today cannot be changed.
You don’t understand. Leave it. he says you call it your self-respect and when I do it you call it my stubbornness. He refuses to call it a small thing. what do you want? You can donate me and expect me not to react? I am not a toy. You cannot throw it away for your self-respect. I am a human being. I do get hurt and angry. She asks him if he will destroy three lives because of his anger. He blames her for ruining him already. You used me and threw me away from you. You know what such a girl is called?
Selfish, clever, opportunist and uncaring for favours! She slaps him. Everyone is stunned. She shows him her vermilion, bangles and the colours he gave her. what will you call it? What should I do with it? He suggests her to think of it as a donation. It is your choice. You can keep or remove it as you wish. I have no rights on you so I will not force you to do anything. I free you from this vermilion! He asks the Registrar to make an entry in name of Sagar Chaturvedi and Janvi Mishra.
We are marrying right now. We will be called husband and wife after today. Ratan smirks. He tells Janvi to think once and for all or I can free you too. She is ready for it. Amma ji calls it wrong. I will tell Niru. Madhvi tells her to let it happen. Sagar has lost his senses right now. If he gains it then we will never be able to separate him from Ganga. Sagar and JAnvi do the legal formalities and exchange garlands. Sagar holds Janvi’s hand. Ganga looks hurt. Niru wakes up and finds little Ganga sitting by his side, caressing his head. She gets up to go as he wakes up but he stops her. I have to talk to you. She asks him to leave her hand. there is nothing left to say. He knows she is upset with him. She re asons that you get upset with your loved ones. You took that right away. why should I be upset when I lost the right? He says you should understand me. She says you played a game with me. you should have understood it that Ganga can do anything but not compromise with her self-respect. I thought my Babu neither does wrong with anyone else nor let it happens but you broke my trust.
My trust broke but not my will. I wont give in to anything till I am strong. About your favours and pity, I paid you back by returning Sagar back to you, that too with interest. We are even now. Say now, who won? He tells her not to make him small. She says you are always big for me, just like my Bappa. If you think you have become small then you should yourself find the reason. He wakes up saying Ganga. Amma ji congratulates Niru. Sagar brought his wife home. He married Janvi. Niru is shocked. Amma ji says I know you have many questions but we will talk later. Everything happens for a reason. Don’t take stress. I am calling them inside. Just bless them. Sagar and Janvi come in. Niru looks pointedly at Sagar. Janvi touches Niru’s feet but he does not react in any way. He looks away when Sagar touches his feet. Niru asks about Ganga.
Ganga is sitting on the terrace teary eyed. She thinks of what Sagar did. I wont cry. I have to handle myself for Bappa and his dreams come what may. I wont cry. Someone pats at her head. She is relieved to see Bappa and hugs him. He says I always told you we have to aim for the real moon and not for its shadow. She says I was only doing that. My moon is Sagar. He
makes her sit. The one who you think to be the moon is not the moon, it is just the shadow. He broke down before a situation only. Your Sagar is nothing but merely an illusion. She says he isn’t an illusion. I love him a lot. He knows it too. But this is only your wish to gain love. You are only looking at Sagar as someone thirsty for love. God is the real love. Understand the real love. You will be at peace then. Love lights inside us day and night and takes away all the darkness, all questions. Figure out that love and your real self. If you find it once then you wont need anything else. See your real self for once. You will be at peace then. Always remember, my brave girl does not need Sagar nor Babu nor vermilion or any support. You only have to look inside your heart to find all the answers. She looks at the moon. Her Bappa is not there anymore.
Niru finds it all wrong. What does Sagar want? Amma ji says only God knows. He wants to talk to Sagar. Something is going really wrong. She talks about court and its formalities. I have called Janvi’s parents. We will do the rest of the rituals once they are here. He still finds it wrong. She reminds him that he also wanted Sagar to marry Janvi. He says I only want him to be happy. Janvi’s father will not be able to forgive this insult. The world is small. Sagar’s career would have been finished. This is what scared me. Did that fear made me do something wrong? She denies. Everyone gets scared of many things in life including me, Madhvi and almost everyone. We all know Sagar does not love Janvi. He only married her in his madness. Let it be. Stay calm and accept it as soon as you can. He feels restless. Did Sagar again do something? She stops him from even completing his sentence. Pray that this marriage is successful. Sagar is in the corridor when he comes face to face with Ganga. She thinks of his promising words initially while he thinks of her donating him to Niru.
They both go separate ways. Sagar comes to his room. He is taken aback to see his room all decorated. Madhvi and Prabha have done it. Madhvi asks him how it is. You did not give me enough time to decorate the room. Prabha says he stole the most beautiful flower of the world. Janvi smiles shyly. Madhvi is happy to see her in an Indian outfit. She puts kajal behind Janvi’s ears to ward away all the evil eyes. Prabha and Madhvi leave. Madhvi gives her the box of vermilion before leaving the room. Make Sagar apply it. This is the biggest indication of marriage. Janvi asks Sagar to put vermilion in her forehead. He is about to do so but stops recalling marrying Ganga and his outburst later. Janvi tells him to go ahead. He comes out of his trance. What did I do? I got angry and took such a big step. What did I do in anger? He says Ganga and goes out of the room. Ganga is sitting by the stairs when she hears Sagar calling out for her. She gets happy for a second but then goes in a room. She closes the door from inside. Madhvi, Prabha and Janvi look at them from upstairs. He bangs at the door. Open it or I will break it. She wipes her tears. She finally opens the door. He asks her to come. I have to talk to you. She stands in front of him as she says no. You cannot go past this.
Everything between us got over when you married Janvi. We share no relation now. He asks her how she can do this. She reminds him that he did this. You broke it completely. He says wow. You put the blame of your act on me so easily. Listen to me carefully. It all happened because of you. She says you cannot cover up for your mistake wont by blaming someone else for it. He says you hurt me by donating me there. I wanted to hurt you the same way you did. I wanted to make you realise my pain. She asks him if he is happy now. I am indeed in pain but look at yourself. I told you not to marry Janvi but you went ahead with it.
I told you not to take any step in anger which might destroy 3 lives but you dint listen to me. See where you have brought us now. You were stubborn since childhood but no one will be able to set this right this time. She holds the door when he takes her name. She says this door wont open for you now. He asks her to open the door.
If you don’t open the door today then I will not come back before this door ever. She says that will be right for us. He leaves from there in anger.
Madhvi asks Prabha not to tell anything to Niru. His health might worsen. Prabha nods. Madhvi looks up and is shocked to see Niru standing there. Did he see everything? Niru goes in his room followed by Madhvi. Niru is in tears. What did I do? I only wanted to make my kids’ life and career better. I feel as if I ruined their lives instead.
I am responsible for their state. Madhvi says I am more responsible than you for this mistake. I promise you I will set everything right. Next morning, Ganga is getting ready. She keeps the vermilion box back without applying it. Amma ji throws a white saree at her. This is in your destiny.