Force of attraction update Saturday 6 July 2024

Force of attraction 6 July 2024: Manorama is looking around for Shiv to give the juice. Shakti and Shiv bring Rimjhim there. Manorama smiles. Ranjan and Rimjhim sit together. Rimjhim gets her mehndi applied. Nandu sees Shiv and brings laddo to him. Mandira comes there and sees that. Nandu asks Shiv to eat the laddo. He takes it but Shakti trips so Shiv goes to hold her before she can get hurt. A pillar is about to fall on Rimjhim but Shiv and Shakti save her.

Shakti asks if she is okay? she nods. Shakti looks at Shiv lovingly. Rimjhim thanks them. Shiv says everything is okay, lets dance. Shiv starts dancing. Rimjhim tells Shakti that he is such a nice guy, he doesn’t just care about you but your family too. If you have found love and he is reciprocating it then don’t lose it. Shakti smiles at Shiv.

Keertan comes to Mandira and says if Shiv’s truth comes out then it will be dangerous. Mandira says the truth will come out but Nandu will be framed. She shows the video of Nandu putting medicine in the laddo. She says Nandu will be blamed to do Padma’s work of harming Shiv. I will destroy all my enemies. When Shiv’s truth comes out then Shakti and her family will run far away from him. She asks him to do her work and cut some onions, he is confused.

Dharam pulls Shakti and they all start dancing. Shiv dances with Shakti. Ranjan comes there and starts dancing with her. He leers ar her and grabs her hand but she pulls it back. Ranjan says I will make you dance to my tunes, he tries to touch her but Shiv comes there and glares at him. Ranjan says I am sorry.. I didn’t see. Shiv says lets dance. He starts dancing with him and kicks him, he whispers to him to stay away from her otherwise you know how I can beat you up. Ranjan says sorry Sir and runs away. Shiv asks Shakti if she is okay?

Shakti says my personal bodyguard is here so how cna I not be okay? she says why was Ranjan calling you sir? he never called you that. I think he was hiding something. Shiv says you are right. Shakti says its related to something and he was hiding from Ragunath too, maybe he is related to your family. You should talk to your father. They both go to look for him. Nandu comes to Manorama and asks for Shiv, she says I need to give him juice, she takes it and goes to look for him.

Mandira asks Keertan to cut the onions so he can look sympathatic to Shiv. He asks what’s in the box? she tells him everything. He says this can tarnish our image. Mandira says we will sacrifice Nandu for this.Shiv is going to Ragunath but Manorama pulls him away.

Ranjan pulls Shakti aside and asks if she wants mehndi on his name? she says I will call Shiv. Ranjan says even your Chachi doesn’t trust you. I am going to marry Rimjhim tomorrow and you are going to be my sister in law then. He goes closer to her and says Shiv won’t come to save you because he needs to be saved now. Shakti is confused. Ranjan says what will you do now? Shakti is about attack him but he says I can wait till tomorrow, he leaves from there. Shakti worries about Shiv.

Manorama gives juice to Shiv. He is about to drink it. Ranjan hides and sees that.Manorama gives juice to Shiv and says you must be tired dancing and roaming around Shakti so drink this and don’t threaten people. Shiv says only person deserves it and he doesn’t deserve to be your son in law. Manorama says you can never change. Shiv says how come you became sweet with me? Manorama says just take this juice. He says how can I say no to you. He takes it. Ranjan hides and waits for him to drink the juice.

Shakti comes to Nandu and asks if he saw Shiv? he says I am also looking around for him. Shakti is searching for him and bumps into Mandira. She asks if she saw Shiv? Mandira says people come to you to ask for Shiv these days so don’t ask me. Shakti angrily leaves.Shiv is about to drink the juice. Ranjan goes to the electric board and pours water on it. The lights go off in the house. Ranjan hints at his goons to take away Shiv.

Scene 2Shakti is looking around for him. Otherside Ranjan sees Shiv drinking the juice and getting dizzy. He falls down so Ranjan sends his goons. They don’t see his face and roll up his body in a carpet. They take him from there. Shakti bumps into them and looks at the carpet. Ranjan panics seeing her. Shakti says my dupatta got stuck in the carpet. The man frees it. Shakti asks what’s this? The man says its a carpet, we have to clean it so taking it out. They both go from there.

Koyal is nagging about heat with no electricity. Ragunath asks her to calm down and tells Manorama that everything is okay. Manorama asks Chacha to see what the issue is. Ranjan’s mother says this is poor arrangement. Manorama says I will go and look for a solution.

Manorama comes outside the house and sees the men taking carpet out. She says we have to check the electricity and you are worrying about carpet? She asks them to put it down and go with her. They leave the carpet there.

Shakti is worrying about Shiv. Manorama comes to her and drags her away. She says we have bigger problems and you are still looking for Shiv? Shakti says I think Ranjan did something with the electricity to harm Shiv. Manorama says he is scared of him and even asked me to give juice to Shiv. Shakti says he might have mixed something in it. Manorama asks her to stop it and leaves. Shakti sees the carpet thrown on the ground and is confused. She says I have to look for Shiv first, she leaves. Mandira hides and thinks if Ranjan is upto something? I don’t care, I have to follow my plan. Nandu comes there and asks what plan? she says the mehndi plan. He asks if she saw Shiv? I couldn’t give medicine to him and he might get sick. He goes to look for him. Mandira says I have to protect my son before harming Shiv and Shakti.

Ranjan and his men come to the carpet. They drag him away.Mandira comes to Keertan and he is cutting onions, she asks him to stop it and where is the box? He says it was here only. He turns around but the box is gone. Mandira is shocked and starts panicking.Mandira asks Keertan where is the box? He turns around and its gone. She panics and looks around. She says I have to find it before anyone can see it.

Manorama is angry that the electricity is gone. She tells the guests that they are working on it. She asks Rimjhim to go to her room.Rimjhim is going to her room and bumps into Keertan. She sees him crying and tries to wipe his tears but Manorama comes there and asks what is she doing? is she crazy? She takes her from there. Mandira sees all that and panics about the box. She says I will be destroyed before destroying Shiv. Shakti comes there and asks what did she say? you will destroy Shiv? Mandira says you are hearing things that I am not saying. Shakti asks where is Shiv? I have been looking around for him but can’t

find him. Mandira says I don’t know. Shakti says I know you are destructive and can plot against him. What were you saying that you will destroy Shiv? Mandira says how can I do that? I am like his mother. Shakti says I have seen your real face so don’t do drama. Where is Shiv? Mandira says don’t question me, she leaves from there. Shakti prays for Shiv.

Ranjan and his men are taking Shiv’s body in a carpet. They bring it outside and Ranjan says now Shakti will be mine.

Mandira is looking around for Shiv and Ranjan. She says what if Shakti was right and Shiv is in danger because of Ranjan?

Ranjan starts beating up the body in the carpet and says its time for my revenge. He beats him up badly.

Manorama scolds Rimjhim for showing concern to Keertan, remember him insulting you so forget about him.

Mandira comes to Keertan and says I told you to keep an eye on the box but you are useless. He asks her to relax and says I will find the box. Mandira says I told you to keep an eye on it. He goes to look for it. Mandira says no one else can find the box. Padma hides and has the box. She says Mandira will be exposed now, this box must have something big in it. I have to open it to expose Mandira.

Ranjan is beating up a man badly. Mandira hears that and goes to look.

Padma takes out the box and is opening it but a guest comes there and starts talking with her. She takes the box from there.

Shakti is praying for Shiv. The lights come back and Shiv comes to her. She smiles seeing him.

Ranjan beats up the man in the carpet and bring his body out to see its his brother in law only. He cries in pain. Ranjan panics and says I am sorry, I thought it was Shiv. How come you came in this carpet? He says I drank Shiv’s juice. Ranjan shouts at him that he is useless, I would have pummeled that Shiv by now. Mandira comes there and slaps him hard. She shouts how dare you think of harming Shiv? I will put you both in place, if Shiv gets hurt because of you then I won’t spare you. Ranjan looks on. She leaves from there with Keertan. Ranjan says she shouldn’t have slapped me, I will kill Shiv now.

Shakti asks Shiv where were you? He says I was fixing the light. She says I got scared because I didn’t see you. He says sorry for leaving you. Shakti asks him to promise to never leave her alone. He promises to never leave her alone. They both smile at each other. The fairy lights fall on them, they both stare at each other.

Padma is opening the box and is shocked to find what’s inside. She says this will destroy Shiv. I have to take it out.

next: force of attraction Sunday


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