Dream girl 6 February 2022: The Episode starts with everyone fooling Laxmi as Manav is going to South Africa and he will not know this. Amrita asks Laxmi to release banner and she do9es. Everyone laugh and Amrita takes pics with her. Laxmi thinks they are so clean hearted people, she did not apologize and they have forgiven her. She sees the banner and is stunned, as says last three days for Laxmi, vote her out. They all go. Ayesha sees the pic and says this is so good news. Amrita says Karan will frame the pic.
Ayesha laughs and thinks there is no tax to dream, but the price to pay is by tears. Manav comes and hugs her.Ayesha asks him to take care and she has packed his warm clothes. Sona says she knows he is going for imp work, but can’ t he stay for Meera. He says I would have stayed, but shooting is so slow and heroine is getting married soon. Sona scolds such heroines. He says Ayesha will manage everything, like yesterday. Sona says fine, I will see. He says I will go now. Ayesha hugs him and says I will miss you. He leaves. Samar talks to a man and he asks him to go as he is not able to sell samosas.
Samar asks him to talk with manners. The man says he is talking like he is rich. Samar thinks if he was really samosa man, he would have not left job.He says sorry to him. The man asks can he sell 600 samosas in three days. Samar says fine. The man says say sorry. Samar says sorry. The man says don’t show your face if you fail to do good sales. Samar says I did not know struggles of poor man, Laxmi was right, if dreams are mine, then responsibility is mine. Laxmi asks everyone are they so annoyed for her joke. Karan says joke is to make laugh, not heart attack. Ayesha comes and sees the banners.
She says I heard everything Laxmi, I m really sorry. Laxmi asks for a chance. Ayesha says I can’t break Manav’s rules, I can do one thing for you, I can permit you to go home, no need to sit here and hear taunts. She smiles seeing Laxmi cry.Laxmi recalls her dreams. Samar tries to sell the samosas. Laxmi is on the road and sees him. She thinks Raj’s struggle also not ends like mine, I will help him, maybe I can get my way too. She asks him to give samosa not so cheap, and understand the people’s mindset, sell at high price and they will find its nice. She tastes one and says you should sell them at double rate.
He asks will they buy and asks her to show. He says you challenged me, hold on. She acts like Ayesha Sareen and her guests liked the samosas, fine, I will give the order, its olive oil. Samar says don’t lie, its fried in mustard oil.M any people come and buy the samosas from Samar. They smile and sell it for double rate. He asks them to buy the samosas, as way to heart goes through stomach. She says thanks, I got the idea, see how I turn the table. She smiles. Its morning, Amrita says Manav decided Akshay will go along. They come to café and see the food packed and kept there.
Karan says why are our names written on it. Hansmukh asks where is my name, am I invited. Karan says yes, see there. Karan says it will be tasty, who has sent it. Amrita says I think I know, lets eat it.They all eat the food. Ayesha gets a message and says treat….. They all like the food. Ayesha gets to know its Laxmi’s bag. Karan says God bless the person who made this food. Laxmi says thanks for the blessings. She asks them to resume eating, she is not doing this to get votes, but just to apologize. They ask does it have poison. Laxmi says my Bua made it, and my dad says where you work, take home food. Karan eats the food and Amrita looks on.
Laxmi says she played the prank to become a part of them, and apologizes to them. Ayesha thinks she is smart and trying to win them by food and sweet talk. Hansmukh agrees but Amrita says she has broke the office discipline. They all leave and Ayesha smiles. She says I regret Laxmi, not a single person has forgiven you, your Bua made food by so much hardwork, I would have said no if I knew this, go home Laxmi, I m feeling bad seeing you hurt. Laxmi thinks the people who are not forgiving her, they will never give a chance in films, so her dreams end.Meera bringing her anger out on Ayesha’s pic. Meera says I can’t look good like you, I hate Ayesha Sareen and ruins her pic.
Mithi comes and Meera scolds her in anger. Samar asks Bua ji about table and she says she sold it. Laxmi comes home upset. Bua ji asks did they like food. Laxmi says yes, but they don’t like me. Ayesha comes home and is stunned seeing her pic spoiled. She says who did this, and cleans her pic.Meera comes and says Mithi did this, I told her no, but she does not listen, I came to say as you can think I did this, she will be out of control. Ayesha thinks. Samar says dinner is ready and serves. Bua ji asks why did he keep all these things. Samar says its all for feel. Laxmi and Bau ji laugh on his rich habits being poor.
Samar is unable to sit well on the ground. Laxmi asks him to sit well and she will teach him to mix and have food. He says he did all this to make her smile. He asks about her problem. She says about her office problems. He says he can help her, he has come contacts. Bau ji tells about Salman Khan requiring a new heroine. Samar asks her to go for audition. Laxmi says about Mahabharat, where Arjun has focused on fish’s eyes, she wants to become Samar Sareen’s heroine. Samar coughs.Bau ji says I wish Samar knew this, he will be enjoying and don’t know about you. Laxmi says I will become his heroine. Samar asks just him. She says yes and smiles.
Ayesha comes to Meera’s room and sees a pic album, with everyone’s faces spoiled. She says so this is her problems, inferiority complex, she feels everyone is beautiful than her, don’t worry, I will fix it for you.
Its morning, Laxmi asks Lord to say some idea. Bua ji says she will get the job. Samar says people want to know match scores and talks in other language. He says why did I not get this idea before. He asks is she confused, he sells samosas so knows this langu age. Meera sees her phone and gets a message from Dhruv. She smiles as the guy compliments her. She says someone noticed me, and I did not feel this.She accepts the friend request. Its Ayesha messaging her and thinks if this idea works, it will be smooth to handle her, sorry Nandini, she will lose her second daughter too. Laxmi tries to take an auto and hears a vendor scolding the man.
Laxmi asks him to see his age and pays the money. The man asks why did he give, how will he return. Laxmi says its fine, my dad says help does not go waste. He says he will drop her in his owner’s car and wants to help her by dropping her to Navrang studios, he is also going there.She likes the car and he praises the owner. Ayesha comes to her cabin and sees Manav’s video call. She asks why did he wake up so early. He says I m in tension, the heroine does not know anything, I respect you more seeing them, you are so focused, they can’t match you. She says give her some time. Manav says what about Laxmi, if she is 5% better, send her here, I will manage everything.
Ayesha says so you called me for her. He says yes, she has same spark that dad saw in you. She says she should be sincere, she talks about going home daily. Manav says what, she does not have ambition. He ends the chat and she worries as Manav is still impressed with her, its good Laxmi went out, I can handle Meera and Nandini, but Laxmi should not come back here.Karan sees Laxmi in Salman’s car and gets mistaken. The driver says he will return her money. Laxmi thanks him. Everyone get the rumor that Laxmi is working for Salman’s movie. Laxmi hears the misunderstanding and smiles. Amrita does not believe Karan.
She says if Karan can think this, it means anyone can think so, and thanks Lord for the way.
Next: dream girl Monday update