My heart knows 7 February 2022: The Episode starts with Malhar asking Kalyani if she was crying? Kalyani says no and says I drank hot coffee. Malhar asks about Atharv. Kalyani says he is in room sleeping. Malhar asks her not to lose hope and tells that his men are outside the factory and is sure that Maai is captive there. He says I don’t want to enter factory now, my men will wait for Atharv to go there and then will catch him red handed. He asks her to give time till morning and says he will make everything fine. Kalyani asks if he would like to have coffee and asks shall I make.
Malhar takes the coffee tea from her hand, which she was drinking and takes a sip. He gives coffee cup to kalyani. Kalyani tastes the tea. Tujhe kitna chahne lage hum plays…Malhar takes cup from her hand and drinks. Kalyani smiles. Malhar shows the cup to Kalyani.In the morning, Atharv calls Atul and Pallavi and shows his injured palm. Aao Saheb asks what wrong have happened today. Atul worries for Atharv and bandages his hand. Commissioner comes there. Atharv tells him that someone attacked him and stabbed knife on his hand. Malhar thinks Atharv is using trick on himself.
Atul asks Commissioner to assign some competent officer for Atharv. Commissioner asks Malhar to assign all his officers in Atharv’s Service. Kalyani thinks Atharv will change Anupriya’s place now.Kalyani’s friend Shatabdi and other ladies play sindoor khela. Atul explains that Shatabdi and her relatives came to play sindoor khela, it is auspicious for the bride. Pandit ji says this is auspicious and says it is said that it is sindoor khela in bengali. Aao Saheb asks how can bride play with sindoor before marriage. Pandit ji says it is auspicious, but the sindoor shall not be applied to her maang.
Kalyani comes out wearing the saree in bengali attire. She greets Shatabdi and asks them to start the rasam. Atharv says my clothes shall not be ruined. Malhar thinks what is going on in kalyani’s mind.Suddenly a heavy wind comes. All the ladies panic. Kayani lifts her ghunghat and signs Malhar. She thinks you have stopped Malhar, but can’t stop me. Suddenly everyone sees veiled Kalyani falling down and come to her. Atul asks if she is fine? He takes her to room. Malhar gets worried for her. Kalyani coughs. Atul asks her to wash her hands and take rest. Kalyani closes the door. Atul tells Atharv that Kalyani will be fine. Malhar thinks what Kalyani is trying to do. Kalyani is seen running on the road, stops and wipes sindoor from her face.
She sits in the rickshaw to go to eknath industries. She thinks I acted about this rasam to come out and thanks the weather forecast on her mobile. The lady acting as Kalyani lifts her veil and she is Sampada. Sampada thinks Kalyani shall return fast and nobody shall know that I am inside the Pallu. A fb is shown, kalyani comes to Sampada and tells that they both don’t want this marriage to happen. Sampada says she can’t see Atharv getting married. Kalyani asks for her help. Sampada agrees. Fb ends.
Kalyani comes to the eknath factories and thinks who is keeping eye on the factory, as there is nobody here. Sarthak comes there and tells Kalyani that he has already checked in the factory as it is opened and nobody is here. Kalyani gets worried for Anupriya. She finds her handkerchief there and checks in the car parked there. She tries to break the decky. The man comes and tells the car is his. Kalyani and Sarthak take keys from him. Kalyani opens the decky and finds it is empty. She says Aai is not here. The car owner asks are you mad to break the car decky. Kalyani shows Anupriya’s pic and asks him to tell if he saw her.
The man tells that two men took her in the car and told that she is unwell. Kalyani asks him to help her and take her to the place where he dropped them. He agrees to drop them there and takes them to Ahilya Nivas. He says this is the place.the taxi driver taking Kalyani and Sarthak to Ahilya Nivas and says he dropped them here. Kalyani thanks the driver. She tells Sarthak that Atharv might have thought that they will not search Aai again in the house. Sarthak says we will search Anupriya in the house. Kalyani asks bappa to help her and stop her marriage with Atharv in the evening. Aao Saheb knocks on the door calling Kalyani.
Sampada gets worried and thinks Kalyani shall come fast. Atul asks what happened? Aao Saheb says guests are coming and asking about Kalyani. Atul calls her and knocks on the door. Sampada gets tensed. Atharv knocks on the door, breaks the door and gets inside. They see Kalyani sleeping on bed. Atul calls her. Kalyani pretends to wake up and tells that she doesn’t know what happened to her when she was playing sindoor khela with the ladies. She recalls Sarthak asking her to get ready for marriage and they will search Anupriya. She recalls getting inside the room through the window and pretending to sleep. She asks Bappa to help her search Aai else she has to marry Atharv.
Sarthak tells Malhar that it is good that Atharv doesn’t know that Anupriya is here in the house and asks him to ask his constables to search her. Malhar thanks him. Sarthak asks him to thank Kalyani and says you are very lucky to have Kalyani as your lifepartner. Malhar says I know. Atharv takes Kalyani to the hall and shows her marriage decorations. Atul says Atharv did this arrangements overnight thinking you like bengali custom and says you will marry infront of Goddess idol. Atharv says we will marry in 1 hour. They clap. Kalyani says marriage was in the night.
Atul tells that Pandit ji told that Mahurat is good and if the sindoor even touches the maang of bride then the marriage happens. Kalyani asks where is our Pandit ji. Atharv asks her to go and get ready fast. Kalyani says I can’t get ready in 1 hour. Atul says you can get ready in 1 min and half. Atharv asks her to get ready.Malhar talks to the constables on conference call and asks them to search Anupriya everywhere. Atul asks her to come. Atharv thinks your bidaai will happen in 2 hours and thinks she thought herself and Malhar as intelligent. He says either your bidaai or your mum’s bidaai will happen. Pawar and Rao couldn’t find Anupriya. Sarthak asks Malhar not to worry as the marriage is at night.
Malhar gets Kalyani’s message that marriage is in one hour. Aparna gets Kalyani ready for marriage. Kalyani says I have failed to search my Aai. She says Malhar ji, Kaka and I tried a lot, but failed to locate you. She opens the sindoor bottle and sees poison. She says once she finds her after the marriage, she will eat poison and give her life, as she can’t stay with Atharv and it is better to die. She says you will be very upset with me, but will understand my helplessness. She says I will make Atharv lose even if I have to give away my life. Atharv comes there wearing the sehra. Kalyani asks if he came to hear that she has lost and he has won.
She asks him to go and says she don’t want to see his face. The groom is not atharv, but Malhar and he keeps his hand on her mouth. Kalyani says Malhar ji you…She asks about Atharv. Malhar says what do you think that I will let you marry Atharv.A fb is shown, Atharv sings song and applies perfume. He says it is costly. Malhar says lets play your band before marriage and hits him to make him unconscious. Atharv faints. Kalyani gets happy and says she don’t hope this smartness from you and says I mean. Malhar asks her to keep her thoughts to herself. Kalyani says there is a problem and says Atharv is taller than you.
Malhar says I will hear heels and asks why did she tell this. Kalyani laughs and says you have become smart being with me. She says I have seen in films that brides change before marriage and says if Aai comes to know about this…She says you have to save my Aai. Malhar says I will get info about Aai from Atharv’s men. He says we will search Maai. He says I hope that we will find Aai. Kalyani says you are the best Malhar ji and hugs him. Song plays….tere bin ab….tujhe kitna chahne lage hum…He holds her and hugs her. Kalyani looks at him surprisingly. Malhar also looks at her. He says I will leave, take care.
Kalyani prays to Ganapati Bappa and asks him to help her, like he always helps her. She folds her hands.
Episode starts with the guest lady telling Aao Saheb that she is seeing these arrangements for the first time. Aao Saheb says it was Kalyani’s wish, Atharv made the arrangements following all customs and have bend down infront of Kalyani’s stubbornness. Guest lady asks if Malhar has no objection with the marriage. Aao Saheb says it was not marriage, Malhar acted with her. Atul is happy for Kalyani’s marriage and tells Sarthak that he will not be upset today and says I hope Malhar don’t do anything wrong. Sarthak says Malhar is not at home, he left early morning. Some ladies come there.
Aao Saheb tells that Kalyani wants to play sindoor khel with the ladies and says Pandit ji says it is auspicious if they stay here. She thinks what Kalyani thought that she can elope with their help and thinks the game will be hers. Sarthak sees the veiled ladies asking someone (Anupriya) to stand carefully. The guest lady asks about Kalyani. Kalyani comes there and thinks of Malhar’s words. Atul compliments his daughter and asks her to do Mata darshan.Sampada tells Kalyani that she won’t let this marriage happen until she is alive.
She asks why the marriage is happening now, it was scheduled for the night. Kalyani pretends to talk to Billu and tells her that she will not marry Atharv. She asks her to act to fight with her when she stands up. Kalyani stands up and asks her not to keep blaming her and threatening her taking Billu’s name. Sampada says you are doing wrong and will be cursed. Aao Saheb asks her to leave the house if she d on’t want to attend the marriage. She says Atharv is excitedly marrying Kalyani and Kalyani is very mature to marry him. The groom comes to the venue and dances. Kalyani thinks Malhar got into Atharv’s character fully and thinks sehra might fall down.
Sarthak tells that he has no objection with Atharv as Kalyani has accepted him. He hugs him thinking Malhar is in the Sehra and tells him that Atharv’s men is around and tells that Anupriya is here with the ladies. Atharv sits in the mandap. Sarthak tells him that Atharv might be thinking that we will not find Anupriya. He asks her not to tell Kalyani else she will be more worried. Kalyani tells him that he shall not dance so excitedly and says if someone comes to know then..Aao Saheb tells her that she has entire life to talk to Atharv. She thinks if Malhar gets married to her then Moksh’s custody will go to Sampada. Aao Saheb asks Atul to take care of Sarpanch when he comes. Sarthak looks at her.
Kalyani tells Atharv thinking him to be Malhar that Sampada will snatch Moksh’s custody from him if he marries her. She asks God to help her and stop this marriage drama. Sarthak comes to the ladies and gives them wet tissues and asks them to give to everyone. He thinks once sindoor is removed from the face, I can identify Anupriya. Atharv and Kalyani exchange garland. Atul does their ghatbandhan. Kalyani thinks why Malhar is not taking her words seriously. Pandit ji asks them to take the rounds. They start the rounds. Kalyani asks him why he is not saying anything. Atharv moves the Sehra and recalls making Malhar unconscious. Kalyani asks him why is he silent.
Pandit ji says three rounds are left now. Just then a lady falls down. Sarthak sprinkles water on her face and she is someone else. Atharv finally speaks up and tells Kalyani that Maai is not there. He shows his face shocking her. Atharv asks what do you think that Constable and you will win. Atul asks what happened? Pandit ji asks them to tie the ghatbandhan fast and says 2 mins remaining for the shubh mahurat to end. Atharv says if we take the rounds now then mahurat will end and says they shall do sindoor rasam first and then take the remaining rounds. Atul tells Pandit ji that he agrees with Atharv. Atharv is about to fill Kalyani’s maang with sindoor when Sarthak shouts and asks him to stop.
Atharv’s goon hits Sarthak. Kalyani says kaka. Atul says I will attend Sarthak. Atharv asks Kalyani to marry him if she wants Anupriya and Malhar fine. Kalyani prays to Durga Maa to save her. Anupriya is tied behind the Goddess and frees her hand.the bengali woman playing the shank. Maa shera wali plays….Anupriya is tied behind the Durga Maa idol. Atharv is about to fill Kalyani’s maang with sindoor. Anupriya frees her hand and sees sindoor in Atharv’s hand. She thinks how to stop the marriage and tries to take the sword from the Goddess idol’s hand. She finally gets it and throws on Atharv’s hand. Everyone is shocked and looks at the idol, Anupriya is still behind the idol.
Sarthak thinks how can the idol throw the sword. He asks Kalyani to run away and says Durga Maa don’t want this marriage to happen. Atharv asks her not to run and says Maai will feel bad. Anupriya frees her other hand. Kalyani runs out. Atharv runs behind her. Kalyani throws the stuff on him and asks him not to come near her. She threatens to put kerosene oil on him. Aao Saheb asks why she is acting mad? Atul says you was happy to marry him for my happiness. Atharv asks why she is showing madness. Kalyani asks do you want to see my madness and pours kerosene oil around her, and sets the fire.
Everyone is shocked. Kalyani asks Devimaa to save Anupriya as well, like she saved her. Atharv’s goon beat Sarthak. Anupriya frees her other hand. Sarthak sees her and runs to her. He says you was tied here. Anupriya asks her about Kalyani. Sarthak says she ran. Anupriya says Atharv will not let Kalyani go easily. Atul asks Atharv to save her. Atharv says your daughter should have thought before setting the fire. Atul is shocked. Kalyani thinks Atharv must have done something with Malhar ji. Sampada tries to make Malhar to gain consciousness and says if you don’t get up then Atharv will marry Kalyani.
Atharv tells Kalyani that he will marry her taking rounds around this fire and fill her maang with sindoor. Kalyani says even Devi maa is with me and will not let this marriage happen. Atharv takes sindoor in his hand and says once this fire is set off, I will fill your maang with sindoor. Anupriya comes there holding trishul and says you will marry if you are left alive. Kalyani shouts Aai and asks if she is fine. Anupriya says yes and says I won’t let anything happen to you. She comes infront of Atharv and keeps trishul on his neck. Atharv says you know really well, how dangerous I am. Anupriya asks him to be silent and says if you utter a word then I will put you on fire.
She says you want to marry Kalyani forcibly, I will see how you forces her. Atul asks Anupriya why she went to Kashi if she is so worried about Kalyani. Anupriya says she will save her now. Kalyani feels drowsy. Atharv says evil will win in this kalyug. He snatches trishul and is about to stab Anupriya. Malhar comes and holds the trishul with his hand. Everyone is shocked.Malhar says Maa ka sher is her rakshak also not only vahan. He pushes Atharv. Atul asks Malhar not to interfere. Malhar says nobody shall interfere, not even you. He asks Anupriya if she is fine.
Anupriya asks him to see Kalyani first. Malhar jumps in the fire and holds Kalyani just as she falls down. Kalyani asks if Aai is fine? Malhar says yes. Kalyani faints. Atharv says I will marry Kalyani now and asks Pallavi to read the mantras. Atul says marriage can’t happen when she is unconsciousness. Atharv’s goons come and hold Sarthak. Atharv says he will fill sindoor in Kalyani’s forehead today. Malhar asks him to come there and says I will tell you today and says Kalyani was never yours. He fills her maang with his blood and gets up holding her in his arms.
Anupriya and Sarthak are happy. Atharv jumps in the fire and says you can’t snatch my bride. Malhar says I have snatched already and asks him to stop it if he can. He says who is Bapat’s father, Malhar Rane….Atharv breaks kerosene oil bottle and says I will witness this fire and completes the rounds and marriage with kalyani. Malhar hits him with his forehead and makes him fall down. Atharv says I will give this fire to your forehead.Atharv asks goons to hold Malhar. He goes inside the room and sits on bed.
Anupriya goes to room and sees him sitting smiling on the bed. Malhar hits goons holding Kalyani in his hand and takes rounds unintentionally. Anupriya asks Atharv what is all this? Atharv says there is so much drama and asks her to make ginger tea. He says I want to rest now. He asks her to sit and says your daughter is married now, now we can go to kashi yatra. Sampada comes and says why you both, we there. She says even burden is off my head now. The goons continue to attack Malhar and he continues to beat them.
Anupriya says what you are saying? Atharv says I have to make you understand all. He says it all happened. A fb is shown, Sampada comes infront of Atharv’s car. Atharv asks her to die infront of Malhar’s car and scolds her for wearing short clothes. Sampada says she is wearing these clothes to make Kalyani jealous and says if it is proved that they have relation then the baby’s custody will come to her. Atharv says they are very clever, we have to do something big. He says that’s why I sent goons to hotel who caught them together. He says then I asked Kalyani’s hand in marriage and was sure that Atul will not refuse. He says he made Malhar helpless and made him marry Kalyani.