Can you see me update Saturday 26 February 2022

Can you see me update Saturday 26 February 2022


Can you see me 26 February 2022: Pihu returns home with Suchi and says now she got a job and will not help her in searching her mother. Sarita asks Suchi how was her interview. Suchi hugs her and says she got a job. Sarita says she knew it beforehand. Pihu says she will also go her to office. Father comes and feeds laddoos to Suchi and Sarita. Pihu goes to Gopal and complains that Suchi is going to office now and will not help her in finding maa, she did not even give her laddoo and is not concerned about her.

Gopal says even he had a similar friend. Sheetal complains Sankalp that nobody cares about her in this house. He pampers her. Pihu tells Gopal that Suchi will bring her food, but she will not have it. Suchi brings food and gets busy on phone. Pihu says Gopal she will have some and break her rule. Suchi goes out and noting down something on phone throws pen when it does not work. It hits Gulgule and he cries. She consoles and pampers him. Suchi feels sad seeing that and complains Gopal that nobody loves her, cries.

Suchi falls asleep on bed next to Pihu. Pihu continues crying and walks away. Suchi does not sense her and sees her crying sitting aside. Suchi asks why she is crying. Pihu says she is crying since evening, she saw just now, she is going to office, how will she find maa then. Suchi says she will search while coming and going to office and pampers Pihu. Pihu calms down and asks her to sing lori. Pihu sings. Gulgule shouts from outside not to awaken everyone. Pihu says she will sing lori and sings her mother’s lori and gets sad reminiscing her mother. Her mother also sadly sings lori on the other side.

In the morning, Suchi tries to wake up Pihu, but she is asleep. She gets ready and takes her mother’s blessings. Sheetal and Suman’s jokergiri is shown. Suchi goes to her room and sees Pihu still asleep, smiles and leaves on her bike for job. Bike stops in the middle of road. Yesterday’s man speeds his car hitting side of her bike. She yells, bike starts and she follows him. Man stops car seeing her. She breaks his car window and says karma. She says exactly. He says she has to pay for it. She says he should apologize and do sits up, she will pay for his loss. Argument continues and man leaves.Pihu wakes up greeting Suchi and does not find her. She searches her in whole house. Gopal says Suchi pampered her and left for job. Pihu gets sad.

Suchi reaches office. Her colleague asks why did she come late. Her boss calls and asks to explain why she is late. She says got stuck in a minor accident. Peon informs that boss is calling. She enters boss’s cabin and is shocked to see same arrogant man.Peon informs Suchi that boss is calling her. She scolds boss would have informed over phone instead. She walks into boss’s cabin and imagines market man as boss, then relaxes seeing someone else.Shaeetal throws tantrums and yells that he is elder son of this house, but got a small room. Sankalp tells she only chose this room, what difference does it make.

She yells it makes a lot of difference. Pihu enters and sees Sheetal resting on her mom’s gifted pillow and tries to pull it, but cannot. Gopal comes and Pihu requests to help. Gopal smiles. Sheetal starts sneezing and sits. Pihu picks pillow and runs. Gopal says she forgot her doll. Pihu picks even doll and runs out happily. Sheetal shouts seeing pillow missing.Suchi greets boss. He looks at her lustfully and asks her to sit. He gives her a file and asks to finish it by evening. Another employee enters wearing miniskirt and shirt with a file. Boss looks at even her lustfully and holds her hand while receiving file. Girl feels embarrassed.


Pihu notices it. He praises girl that her dress is very s*xy and asks to keep file on another table. Girls walks. He records clip of her back. Such gets angry and asks him to delete it. Boss warns her to finish file by evening and she can complain anyone in this office, nobody can dare confront him. Suchi goes to her desk and writes resignation letter along with warning that she will file police complaint against him.Sheetal angrily searches pillow in Suchi’s room and breaks Gopal’s idol while walking away. Pihu panics seeing that and cries holding pieces. Gopal comes in front smiling.


Pihu says mamma told he stays in this idol. Gopal says he stays all around. Pihu says Sheetal is so bad, but mamma told not to get angry on elders, so she will not punish Sheetal. Gopal smiles. Suchi returns home and gives laddoos to Pihu. Pihu tells whole story and says she hates Sheetal, but did not punish her as per her mamma’s teachings. Gopal asks Pihu to get 1 laddoo even to him. She ask 1 more laddoo. Suchi says whole laddoo box is hers.Suchi walks in. Sarita asks how was her first day at job. Suchi say she resigned job and will tell her detailed story later.

Sheetal hears that and gives her unwanted comments as usual. Suchi’s boss calls her and asks why did she resign job and how dare she challenged to file complaint against him. She starts and says she can do more than that and continues. Boss says she is so dumb, it was her department head Mr. Sharma and not him, he did not meet her at all. She says sorry, Sharma was misbehaving with Pooja.. Boss disconnects call. Pihu feels guilty.Anandita sits alone looking at children’s book. Her friend returns from school and asks why she is looking at these books and sits alone whole day, she can attend school as she loves children.

Anandita thinks she should. Suchi on the other side reads same book and tells Pihu that her mamma gives her moral gyaan via this book and expresses her desire to attend school. She sadly asks if mamma is searching her or not. Suchi says her mamma is searching and remembering her a lot. Their bonding continues.

Next: can you see me Sunday update



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