Broken Bonds update Monday 20 March 2023

Broken Bonds 20 March 2023: Shubhra says people change with time so choices are a small thing. I wasn’t accepting the change but not I realized if I don’t change I will be left behind. Moving on is the only option in life. I want to move on. The kids enjoy desserts. The waiter brings the bill. Kuldeep says give it to me. Aaju baa says here. He says you give treats to your own people with your own money, Mr. Kuldeep. You are living on someone else’s money. Don’t stain my family’s happiness with someone else’ money. A real man doesn’t look for relationships outside but lives for his family. I still have that strength, ask yourself if you do. Kuldeep leaves.

Broken Bonds 19 March 2023

Kuldeep drinks. The waiter says it’s the last order. The bar is closing. Kuldeep says I want to drink all night. Harsh comes and sits with him. He says 4 vodkas. Kuldeep says who are you? Why would I drink with you? I don’t need anyone. Harsh says you can call me a friend. I saw you drinking shots. The reason behind strong drinks must be strong. Is your heart broken? It’s easier to share things with strangers than people close to you. Cheers. Kuldeep says cheers. He says own people are not ready to listen and strangers are listening. Harsh says there’s no problem in life that can’t be solved. Kuldeep says what if I am the problem? Harsh says cheers again. The solution to the problem is knowing the problem itself.

Why are you the problem? He says I became the happiest when I became the father. I felt like a king. But when I broke my son’s heart I failed life. I became so selfish that for my own happiness I ruined my son. I forgot their happiness. Harsh checks his pulse. He says I am checking if you’re alive. I mean alive people have a present as well and you are only talking about the past. Harsh says you have the present to correct your past mistakes and change your future. Let the father in you express himself to his kids. When you see their smile you will realize life isn’t over. Kuldeep says thanks. He says I don’t need to drink anymore. One last question? If you were in my place? What would you do?

Harsh says to celebrate the happiness of being a father every day. They only want our love. Don’t give the love of their share to someone else. Harsh says bill this to my room. He leaves. Kuldeep says where did he go? He was so right. Didn’t even ask his name. Shubhra’s door knocks. She says it must be aai. She opens the door. It’s Kuldeep. Shubhra says why are you here drunk? He says I want to say something. Where should I go? Where are my kids? Shubhra says go sleep. You are drunk. The kids are asleep inside. Go to your room. Kuldeep walks in the corridor and falls. Shubhra says why do you drink if you can’t handle it? Where’s the key? She opens his room and takes him to his room. Kuldeep holds. Shubhra’s hand and says don’t go Shubhra. I made a mistake. She removes his shove and moves him to his bed. He says I became selfish.

Because of me you and Rishi are so hurt. And you want to move on? He holds her hand and says I am sorry. I asked you a question. Who is he who taught you to move on? What’s his name? Shubhra leaves. Madhura, Chandrani, and Aaju baa do jogging. He says we are here to do cardio not walk. Madhura says I am so tired. Chandrani says our values might not match but our habits do. I also take care of my health as you. Our values might match. What if your values become like mine? He leaves. Chandrani says angry spices you will melt. Madhura laughs. Madhura says he can only do boxing, not yoga. Aaju baa comes back and says what are you saying? He says stand up.

He sits next to Chandrani and says I will show you how well I can do Yoga and didn’t learn from TV like you. I have done a course in my youth. Chandrani says you were even young? Let’s do a competition. They start meditating. Madhura and Chandrani laugh at him. Aaju baa takes deep breaths. Chandrani says I lost. He says you will have to accept your defeat. Even with your son. I will win. I will see whose values will match. Chandrani says you will never change. You can’t do it. She leaves. The client says to Madhura just deliver the first order on time, we have many more. Madhura says to see the design 17. I am whatsapping you. Madhura comes there. she says to have breakfast. You didn’t come ther. Madhura makes her eat. Madhura says your room’s light was on late last night. Shubhra says I was working. Madhura says I was thinking how can I sleep if my daughter is up. So I should get up early and help her.

So I slept, didn’t even hear your papa’s snorting. Shubhra laughs. Madhura says you handle everything so well. We are here to enjoy. Why is that Kuldeep here? He ruined your life for 12 years, then he left you. Why is he here then? Shubhra says I don’t know what does he want. He came here drunk last night and said I don’t know where to go. Madhura says why didn’t you kick him out? What does he think of himself? He took off your ring and wore that Samaira’s ring. Madhura says he took off your ring and wore Saima’s. Now you see what I do. Shubhra says we don’t care. If he’s happy with someone let him be, we can’t care. Madhura says why isn’t he leaving? Shubhra says I have asked him to leave twice. I can’t kick him out. Roli hears and she starts throwing things.

Shubhra says stop it Roli what are you doing? Roli says you want to send papa back? You are so bad. You don’t like papa or me or Samaira aunty. Leave me I want to go to papa. Roli runs to Kuldeep’s room. Shubhra tries to stop her but she runs.
Rishi on the swing. Kuldeep moves his swing. Kuldeep says don’t want to ride? Let’s talk. He makes Rishi sit in his lap. Rishi says I don’t want to talk to you. Kuldeep says then we can play the games. Remember I used to pick you up ad show you the giraffe. Rishi says I was a kid now I have grown up. Kuldeep says but you can smile. He tickles Rishi while he’s on the ride. Rishi smiles. Chandrani and Narain looks at them. Chandrani says both kids are his life. He will win Rishi’s heart. Rishi also looks happy. Narain leaves. Rishi plays with Kuldeep. Roli comes there. Roli says papa.. She cries and says I don’t wanna live here. I want to go home to Samaira aunty. No one loves me here. They keep scolding me. Mama asks you to leave, take me with you. Roli says we all love you. Papa, mama, San, everyone loves you. Rishi leaves.

Rishi comes to the room and packs the bag. Rishi takes it out and collides with Harsh. Harsh says Rishi? You here? Rishi hugs him crying. Harsh says what happened? Why are you crying? Rishi says no one likkes me. Everyone left me. Papa, Roli, I don’t live here or stay with anyone. Harsh says where are you going? Rishi says Pune. Let me go. Rishi says yes I will walk there. Harsh says let me get my bag. Let’s go. Shubhra sees Rishi and asks what happened? This bag? Harsh says Rishi go to your room and wait. Your friend is with you. I am coming in a bit. Shubhra asks what happened to him? Rishi says aai give me the keys.

Shubhra goes after Rishi but Harsh stops her. He says Rishi was going alone and by walk to Pune? Shubhra is shocked. He says thank God he collided with me. Shubhra says did he call you? Harsh says no I came here for a conference. It was Rishi’s Ganu baba’s plan to help me stop him. Harsh says Rishi is very upset. He was saying everyone leaves him. Why did he say that? He’s my patient. I can’t help him if I don’t know what’s happening Shubhra walks away. He says Rishi present started with your past and it will decide his future. I have to know your past to get Rishi out of this phase. I want to know your past and present. Tell me before it’s late. Shubhra stops. Harsh says when Rishi was a toddler he would cry and you would know what he wanted. He’s still a kid. He can’t express his emotions.

No pain of his is hidden from you. I am his doctor but not a God. I can help him but only if I know things. Adult life is complicated and it affects their simple minds. As an adult, I want to know your past that did this to Rishi’s present. To help your son, I need your help. Shubhra says I never shared anything with anyone. If it wasn’t for Rishi I won’t do this even day. It isn’t like I am scared of my past, I have accepted it but I still can’t look at it in the eye. Nothing is hidden from God. He knows our pain. I will tell my story in front of him. Kuldeep and I loved each other a lot and we ran away from the house to marry. She tells him everything. How they had a family and then Samaira came into their life and asked her to share him with her. How Chandrani asked her to bring Kuldeep back.

How Rishi was locked in the store. How Samaira’s friend tried to rape Shubhra and Kuldeep didn’t trust her. And how Kuldeep slapped Rishi and Shubhra and Rishi left. Shubhra is in tears. Shubhra says Rishi isn’t the same since that day. He’s broken inside. Harsh says the wound is as deep as the pain. Now I know why you were silent about your past. But the pain channels the beauty inside you. The beauty that I have seen in your designs. Salut to your courage. He gives her a napkin. Harsh says if you allow, may I say something? Shubhra looks away. He says I can say it to Gannu ji.

Harsh says we fight the world and then we fight within ourselves. There’s both God and Evil inside us. That fight leaves us alone. Some people like Shubhra give their best and win this fight. She will listen to you. Tell her she isn’t alone. Fake even, but her friend is with her. You introduced me to Rishi. Give me the power to help Rishi fight the pain inside him and come out of it stronger. Harsh says Gannu ji has given blessings. I promise you this will stay locked in my heart forever. This friendship started with a lie but today nothing looks mroe true than this friendship. I am not only Rishi’s but your friend as well now. And as a friend, I tell you Rishi is my responsibility from now on. Shubhra says thank you Dr. Harsh. He leaves.

Someone knocks at Kuldeep’s door. It’s Chandrani. She makes him eat the dessert. Chandrani says you made Rishi smile. Now win his heart. Kuldeep says for a moment I thought I won his heart. Then Roli came there and started asking me to go to Mumbai. Rishi left. I couldn’t even see him leave. I lost once again. Chandrani says defeat and win are based on perspective. You should just know your destination. Kuldeep says but I can’t choose the path. Chandrani says with a pure heart you can see it all. You left the kids with your choice and came back here on your own too. For your family. For the first time, you have walked in the right direction. Now don’t step back. Assure the kids your love, they will hug you. Kuldeep says really? She says yes. Kuldeep hugs her.

Next: Broken Bonds Tuesday


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