Blue venom girl 15 March 2022: Vardaan silently gets out of Apu’s house and goes back to Mittal house. Apu asks where was she from such a long time. Vardaan thinks she should catch Apu red-handed and not utter anything before that and leaves saying she got her mom’s call. Apu sees mud on floor. She goes home and sees broken vase and realizes that Vardaan had come her, she will not let Vardaan doubt her again.Vardaan munches chips murmuring she could not know Apu’s plan and continues murmuring. Apu comes and says they will write their favorite things on paper. Vardaan starts writing her favorite color, food, actor, movie, sports star, etc.,
then first love…Malay gets nervous and walks out from there. Vardaan thinks she knows Malay’s first love is Apu, but she does not know why Vardaan wants to harm Malay, she will know what her plan is and destroy it.Apu gets ready and gets out of house. Vardaan starts following her. She hides and fools Vardaan. Vardaan continues searching her. Apu goes back to Mittal house and meets Nigam. Nigam asks why did she come here. She says she felt dealing money matters in market, so she came to his home. He says she did good. She asks if he stays here alone. He says he stays wi9th his sister and brother-in-law who have gone to waste money in charity, his nephew who went out, his daughter-in-law who is spendthrift and went for shopping, his 2 waste body brothers who also went out. He asks how much he won. She says as he thought, double. His eyes widen in greed. Apu gives him money and reminisces taking it out from Nigam’s secet locker with Kalpana.
She explains him how he can get more money.Vardaan waits for Apu near lottery shop and returns back and instead of going to Mittal mansion, she goes to Apu’s house and knocks door. Kalpana opens door and asks what she needs from Apu. Vardaan says she has some important work with Apu. Kalpana says she cannot meet Apu now. Malay passes by and asks what is she doing here. She says she has important work with Apu. Malay asks her to come along. Vardaan pushes Kalpana and runs towards Apu’s room saying Malay she will expose Apu today. She knocks door. Apu opens door wearing bath towel around her hair and asks Kalpana why did she let anyone to her room when she told not to let anyone. Kalpana says Vardaan forcefully came here. Malay angrily leaves. Vardaan is shocked that her plan failed and tries to leave. Kalpana and Apu stop her.
Malay scolds Vardaan for troubling Apu and trying to check if she is at home or not. He aasks her to spare Apu. Vardaan tries to speak and holds his hand, but he leaves. She thinks what Apu needs.Nigam looks at his won lottery money greedily and thinks he will win more money now. Vardaan prays shivji to make her and Malay’s chemistry like shivji and paravati maa, she will make pure ghee prasad for him. Apu also prays god that she knows she is on the path of destruction, but she is on side of truth. Vardaan decorates temple. Malay passes by, sees her and leaves without speaking. Abhi sees that and says Malay is still angry, suggests her to prepare kheer in prasad and serve Malay, but make sure she does not add salt this time.Apu brings sweets and says she brought for prasad and taunts she does not want guests to eat salty prasad. Vardaan says she knows her plan and knew she was not in her room yesterday, she does not want her here, so she should go from here, she should not be around her husband. Apu says she tricked and married her love and now wants her to go away from Malay, if she wants to come here, nobody can stop her from company.
Vardaan challenges her that today is wife’s function and she will not let Apu come near Malay today. Apu walks out fuming.Apu goes to her room and angrily remin isces Vardaan’s words that she will not let her near Malay. Nigam calls her and says he wants to invest more in lottery. She suggests to buy all lottries to win price alone. He asks why she is favoring him. She says she needs 10% share. He says he will call back and thinks she is greedy.Malay checks his clothes in cupboard thinking what to wear. Vardaan from behind waits for him to look at her sorry message. He sees sorry note and fumes. He then sees it on mirror and walks out angrily. She gets sad that he did not even notice her.
Teej pooja function starts at Mittal house. Neighboring ladies start coming. Pandit does pooja and says all ladies to pray god for their husband’s long life. Vardaan serves prasad to everyone and hands over a sorry note to Malay. Malay reads it and smiles. Kumkum says funciton is looking very boring and there should be some entertainment. Nandita asks Vardaan to dance, but she says she does not know to dance. They see a lady dancing and when she turns, they are all shocked to see Apu.
Next: blue venom girl Wednesday Update