A love to die for 5 January 2022: Tara screams and says that is Virat’s ring. Arohi sees the key and recalls it was wasu’s. Tara screams. Deep says it can be anyone’s hand. Arohi says but we have to check who he is. Look at his condition. Arohi opens the closet. It is bindya’s body. Everyone is dazed. wasu runs down and says this can’t happen.Wasu says what is happening. First virat is missing and now Bindya.
Wasu screams. They all run downstairs. Wasu has fainted. Arohi says she fainted because of stress. Doctor is coming anytime. Abhi says we should tell police. Deep says no I will handle it myself now.
To die for love 4 January 2022
Deep comes upstairs. Dead body isn’t there. Deep shouts at the guards and says are you crazy. You all are so useless. where did the body go? Arohi wonders what is wasu upto. Doctor checks wasu adn says she is a bit weak. You have to take care of her. DEep says to abhi ever since you came here things are worst. Abhi says your mom wanted to be in that room alone. Deep says that doesn’t mean there would be less security. check all footages and find out who came into the house and who left.Deep and everyone look at the footage. Mausi enters the house. Deep says where is the next footage. Deep says so camera was ruined? Tara says mausi is behind all this? deep says she has something to do with it. Deep says go and find her wherever she is. I want her in front of me at any cost.
Arohi walks out. Arohi wonders who was the other person with mausi? What is the master plan she was talking about? Arohi sees a piece of shawl there. A man comes and says to guard I want to meet deep. He goes in. He is kashap. Kashap sees something in the house and runs. Arohi says kashap saw someone and ran? Who is he scared of? Abhi comes. He says we have to be very careful. There is someone who is doing all this. Who killed bindya and why? Arohi says I want to tell you something. Arohi was walking. Bindy came out of wasu’s room. Arohi said what were you doing? Bindya said I can’t do anything. Don’t stay here. Leave this place. There are dangerous people here. arohi said tell me what it is and go from here. Bindya said there is a tape keep it and don’t tell anyone. I will tell you about that tape tomorrow. tara was coming. Bindya ran. Arohi says we have to find that tape.
It has some information about that master mind. Abhi says we are not here to find out who is doing what. You have one mission here. Make deep weak. Deep loves his mom. We have to distant deep from his mom. This is your mission nothing else. He leaves. Arohi says abhi is right. But what is in that trunk and how is it related to me.Deep says who can do this in my house/ I will find who that person is.Deep says to his guards you couldn’t find mausi. Go look anywhere. I need that woman. Tara says you are worried for your mom but not my brother. DEep says police is finding him. Tara says you are doing nothing. Where is my brother. Find him. Where is he. Deep shoves her and says police is investigating. I can’t interfere in their work. I will find out who did it. tara leaves. Arohi comes to wasu’s room. She tries to steal her keys as her eyes are closed. Deep is coming towards that room. Wasu s tops arohi’s hand.
Arohi says it was falling down. Wasu says don’t come to my room without permission. Arohi says came for your medicine. Dont’ be mad. She walks out and falls. Deep holds her.Wasu hides the keys.Abhi says to Arohi are you crazy. Don’t do these things. Deep was coming here too. I tried stopping him. Arohi says what should I do. I have to do what I am here for. Abhi says just be careful. Arohi says I have to find out about that trunk. I think there is something very important.
At night, Mausi knocks at Arohi’s door. Guards saw her and she runs. DEep says how could she enter this house and none of you could know? Abi says she came from this window. Deep gets a text and someone asks her to be somewhere.
Deep comes to a place and says kashap where are you? He sees a door closed. Someone runs from there. Deep says kashap is that you? Kashap runs. Deep runs after him. Kashap runs away from deep. Deep wonders what is happening. Arohi disguises as a dancer. deep comes to a bar. arohi dances around him on laila main laila.
Next: a love to die for Thursday Update