A lockdown love story 23 February 2022: The Episode starts with Dhruv and Sonam dancing on Pal ek pal…. they get pics clicked. Dhruv takes Sonam to the terrace. He says you lost the bet, now you have to fulfill your promise. She praises his fashion sense. He says once more. They laugh. He says I m sold to Sonam Goyal now. She asks what do you mean, why. He says dowry is taken in our community. She says you didn’t get anything from my family. He says I m happy to get saved from this crime, you have precious, how shall I express. Nutan tries to make a deal with Sonam’s mum. She says its a ritual, I also got it with my marriage and my bahu Ankita also got many things with her. Sheetal says yes, I also got much dowry.
Nutan says yes, I gave it a lot, person’s pride is linked to dowry, don’t you want Sonam to have pride. Sonam’s mum says you want dowry, you want to deal your son. Nutan says I can’t tell anything because of Dhruv, I told you what’s in my heart, what happened, take time, tell your decision in the morning, dowry will have our respect in between relatives. She gifts a saree to Sonam’s mum. Sheetal scares Nutan. Nutan says this time I will not get caught, I don’t want dowry, Sonam’s mum will think we are greedy and cancel the marriage. Sheetal praises her.Its morning, Nutan sees the clock. She thinks of Sonam’s mum. Nutan’s husband starts flirting. She says its not our age to go on honeymoon, but Chaar dhaam yatra. She goes seeing Sheetal. Sonam calls everyone downstairs. Batasha shows his white kurta. He says I got this for myself. Bau ji hides the kurta.
Dhruv’s brother asks why didn’t you teach me fashion sense. Nutan and Sheetal come to meet Sonam’s mum. Sonam’s mum says come with me to bank, I can’t tell Pratap, I will give you 15 lakhs, you should give respect to my daughter Sonam, I m waiting for you at the gate. Nutan is shocked. Sonam asks Pratap to show better options, being her dad. Dhruv smiles and says I wanted to surprise you. He shows his sherwani. Sonam says its so tacky. She doesn’t like anyone’s clothing. She rejects all of them. She says you all have ten mins, just go and change. Dhruv asks is everything fine. Sonam says no, everything is perfect, there is a little problem. He says how will the photoshoot happen.She says you read all my thoughts. He says I promised you, I will make it fine at the pre wedding photoshoot, no lockdown can stop me. She asks how will we manage. He says just prepare for it, I will arrange anything. They have a pillow fight. Her mum looks on and thinks I have to do this for Sonam’s happiness.
Nutan says Sonam’s mum is ready to give dowry, what shall we do now. Sheetal asks her to keep the money, make some jewellery. Nutan says but Sonam will be part of our family. Sonam shouts star…. Everyone walks on the ramp. A fashion show is held. Sonam laughs seeing Dhruv’s family. Sonam sees Dhruv’s swag and laughs. Nutan hides from them. Sonam saying there is something less. Dhruv says we will need our energy after marriage. Sheetal asks what. Dhruv says I mean everyone will need their energies, this fashion show was to bring two families together. She likes his idea and asks them to change clothes. Dhruv’s dad says you are trying to be part of our family, I will change and come. Sheetal says Nutan would have gone with Sonam’s mum, its not wrong. Nutan and Sonam’s mum come. Everyone asks where did they go. They give different answers. Nutan doesn’t leave the bag. Dhruv helps her. Nutan says I will take it. Nutan loses the bag and worries. She signs Sheetal. The bags fall down.
Everyone sees the money bundles. They get shocked. Dhruv’s dad asks Nutan how did she get so much money, did she loot the bank. Dhruv asks her to say, whose money is it. Dhruv’s dad says its like smuggling, haldi function can’t happen now. Sonam’s mum says no, its fine, I thought marriage is happening in lockdown, our money is getting saved, so I was just giving some money to Nutan. Sonam’s dad says you didn’t ask me. She says maybe you would refuse.Dhruv’s dad says Nutan went to take dowry secretly. Sonam’s mum says no, its not dowry, its my devotion, my nek before giving my daughter. Dhruv and Sonam look on. Dhruv says I didn’t expect this from you, its a common thing, dowry, but I never heard this from you.
He says Sonam asked me about dowry, she said she will earn money and give you, so that you don’t regret. Everyone gets emotional. Dhruv says don’t know why we give importance to money and dowry, why don’t we end this custom. Sonam’s dad Pratap says giving dowry is also a crime, who gave you this issue. Sonam’s mum says its a gift, not dowry, its my wish, we will forget it here. Sonam asks how, mom when I was 8 years old, you gave 10 lakhs to uncle, I remember everything, everyone remembers such deals. Her mum says I m giving this money to my son-in-law, now you edit this memory and remember it as nek, not dowry. Dhruv gives the money to Nutan.Sheetal says its just 11 lakhs. Dhruv’s dad asks Nutan to give safe keys. He takes the keys and goes. Sonam’s mum asks her to be happy. Dhruv’s dad gets money and gives to Nutan. He says its 11 lakhs, you also give mu dikhai to your bahu. Sonam’s mum asks why, you are taking it otherwise. Dhruv’s dad says no, I m just keeping the rasam. He asks Nutan to do the rasam. Nutan gives the money to Sonam. Dhruv’s dad says calling dowry as gift doesn’t change it, I know you did this for your daughter’s happiness, you shouldn’t give your daughter if anyone demands money, I thought you are from the big city, you won’t believe in this, you shouldn’t support dowry. Dhruv smiles.
Next: a lockdown love story Thursday Update