Twist of Fate written update – Saturday 19 January 2019

Twist of Fate written update – Saturday 19 January 2019



The Woman says that they will not get scared of him and asks him to leave the wooden rod. She says we thought you will understand the matter, and says women are not weak and says lots of women will gather here which you haven’t seen in your concert.

She says just a phone call can ruin your respect. She asks him to take his wife with respect. Abhi says even I can call and say I shall get justice. He says this woman standing here is not my wife.

Other woman asks him to spit anger and asks him to sit. Woman asks Abhi to take divorce in court if he don’t want her to stay here, Abhi says she is not my wife, but her lookalike and asks if anyone will keep wife’s lookalike at home. He says when my sister showed the proofs, I asked her to leave. NGO women are shocked. Aaliya says she is fraud and cheat street woman.

Pragya tells that she is Pragya and have proofs also. Tanu tells Aaliya that she is Pragya. Aaliya says she is Munni. Pragya asks NGO women to look at her mangalsutra, sindoor and marriage pics. She says in the initial days of marriage, he didn’t like her, but she thought she will adjust.

She says if she is lying then thunderstorm will fall on her. Mitali asks others to move from there. NGO Woman asks Abhi to accept Pragya and says he must have badmouthed about her, but the thing about lookalike is not going down our neck. Other woman asks Abhi to accept her if he don’t want to go to court. Abhi says she is not Pragya. Pragya says she is hi Pragya and fuggi. Woman says only wife can do this.

Abhi is surprised and says even my fans know this. Pragya says she knows her family and tells Tanu is her sautan. NGO Woman says you didn’t tell that you have sautan too. Pragya says her nanand Aaliya wants Tanu to marry Abhi and that’s why thrown her out of house. Aaliya says she is Pragya’s lookalike. Pragya says she is tortured much by Aaliya. NGO Woman asks her to show the proofs. Abhi asks her to bring.

Pragya says I can’t prove that you are parmeshwar, but can prove that you are my Pati. She goes to room, and sees cards and fuggi doll on bed. Main Tumko Bhool Na plays….she says don’t know how you have spent the night and says today she will keep the fast and they will be unite. She hugs Abhi toy. Tanu says she is Pragya. Aaliya asks her not to start again. Tanu says if she is munni then why she will come. She says she is Pragya and needs just Abhi. Aaliya asks her not to disturb and let her think what to do.

Dadi introduces herself. NGO Woman greets her. Dadi says you are doing injustice with us. Dasi says our Pragya is missing since many days. Dasi says our Pragya is educated, but she is illiterate. Mitali says she talks to us in villagers’ accent. Raj, Taya ji, others give statement against Pragya. NGO woman tells that no two people have same face and tells that you wants your grand son to marry your daughter’s friend.

She says you can’t throw her out without any reason. Abhi asks Dadi to sit and says let her bring proofs. Pragya brings proofs. Aaliya thinks so many proofs and thinks she might expose me. Tanu says how did she know where these stuffs are kept and says it is proved that she is Pragya. Pragya shows marriage pic. NGO woman says he is looking good.

Pragya shows the award which they got in the party and says Dadi blessed them after they came. She shows marriage certificate and says Dadi asked them to keep it safely like keeping mangalsutra. Dadi says she said. Pragya says she also remembers the date when she got the certificate and tells the date. She shows the marriage photos also.

Pragya telling NGO Women that she knows everyone and shows Sarla and her family pics. She tells that even she knows the pandit’s name who has performed their marriage and tells his name. Dadi says she is right. Pragya tells that when they got married, their pic was published in the newspaper and shows the newspaper cutting. Aaliya and Tanu get convinced that she is Munni and trying to enter home by telling this info.

Abhi refuses to believe that she is pragya and says whatever she is showing is Pragya and his memories. Dasi says she is fooling you people. Aaliya tells that anybody can tell this and must have gathered this info. NGO woman says they are with Pragya. Aaliya says she is Munni and says she has proofs. She asks NGO woman to let her talk to Munni.

She threatens her. NGO woman tells that you can’t do this. Aaliya tells that she is exploiting my brother and says such woman is a curse and badmouths about Pragya. Woman says it is clear that you are playing this entire game to kick bhabhi out so that she can get brother’s property and rule in his house.


Aaliya says you have no right to say this. NGO Woman goes on telling Aaliya’s plan which is right actually, and says she looks like TV shows vamp. Aaliya asks her to mind her tongue. Mitali asks Tai ji to see her face and says she is thinking to join NGO. Tai ji asks her to be silent. NGO woman says such girls don’t get marry as they don’t want to leave lavish life.

Aaliya scolds them and asks can’t you see that this woman is fraud and these documents is of Abhi and Pragya. They ask her to show the proofs that she is not Pragya. NGO Woman asks her not to say a word else they will not leave her.


Aaliya asks them to understand and says this girl is a fake. She says my brother had married Pragya and not Munni. Woman says her face resembles exactly with that of Pragya. Other woman asks her to proof that she is not Pragya and until then you have to keep her in your house. Abhi says enough and says this is not my Pragya, she is a fake and all these proofs too.

Pragya gets sad and says she has shown all proofs. NGO Woman says you are doing bad with her and says he shall have some humanity. She asks Pragya to leave them. Pragya says how can I leave this house as this is my house. She tells that she has Dadi here, and also Abhi whom she got married too. Abhi says I will call Police now. Raj asks him to call Police. NGO Woman says we have already called Police and they might be reaching. She says we had called Police before hand. Mitali says they were clever and called Police.

Woman asks Pragya to leave such family and says they will not love you. Pragya says where I will go, as this is my house and family. Woman says he is shameless to have your sautan at home. Pragya says I will live and die with him. Abhi asks her to get out. Woman asks him to stop his drama and says even she has right to stay here and asks him to divorce her if he don’t like her, and says if you harm her then we will not leave you. Abhi says I will kick her out surely.

Woman says you can’t behave this way. Abhi says I don’t care, but I will not let her stay here. Lady Police Inspector comes there. Pragya tells Inspector that they are trying to kick her out of house. Lady Police Inspector she will stay here until your divorce happens with her. She says if you touch her then I will arrest you all and this girl have police protection, and she will stay here until her divorce happens. She asks him to leave Pragya’s hand.



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