Twist of fate update Sunday 20 March 2022

Twist of fate 20 March 2022:  Tanu comes to Abhi’s room and locks the door. Abhi is sleeping. Tanu takes his pictures and thinks she shall make his video. She keeps the video on and asks pinch him to wake up. He wakes up and says you are here.

Tanu says Pragya had pushed you and says I am with you and will expose Pragya’s true face. Abhi asks her to go. Tanu says now see what I will do with Pragya, I will make her suffer. Abhi is drowsy due to medicine effect and sleeps again. Aaliya confronts Tanu for hurting Abhi. Tanu says we are poor as you didn’t take any action on time, and work hard to stand for water pipe line. Aaliya asks her to come to point. Tanu says we have so much cash and risked the person whom I wanted in my life. She says she has took the risk and has won.

She reminds her the contract clause in which Pragya has to give 6 crores and 2 months notice. Aaliya says I want to take Bhai from here, lets do it. Tanu asks her to wait and says if you help me, then we will benefit. She says I will talk, you shall stay silent. Aaliya says if you help me to bring Bhai back, then I will help you. She says we shall start afresh. Tanu says we shall shake hands again to make team against Pragya. They shake hand and smirk.

Lawyer asks Pragya to read point no 52 and asks her to see if it is in her copy. Pragya reads and gets shocked. Tanu comes there and asks did you read all the points, it seems you have read seeing your face. Sushma asks why you want me to read. Aaliya says so that you can’t stop him when we take him. Tanu threatens that she will take Abhi from here. Pragya says you can’t do this. Tanu says if you will harm me, then will I look on, and tells that she has sold her husband and not her shame. She says she has recorded his condition in her mobile and says Aaliya has filed FIR against you for attempt to murder.

Aaliya shouts Tanu. Tanu says you have done right being the sister. Aaliya thinks to support her. Tanu says Police will be coming here soon and says more than molestation charges, murder charges are more. Sushma says he was drunk and fell. Pragya says there was no wine at home. Aaliya says both are saying different. Tanu says they have planned to kill Abhi. Sushma asks them to go and meet in the court. Lawyer says you shall not interfere as you was not here. Sushma says when I came here, I saw Abhi unconscious. Tanu says I know that she must have cried and shouted and says why you didn’t police complaint. She says he might have died, then why you haven’t filed the complaint. Abhi wakes up and recalls Tanu asking him to see what she does with Pragya. He gets up and sits down again.

He recalls Pragya’s concern for him and thinks he shall be near her, Tanu is upto something. He says I am coming. Tanu asks why you didn’t file police complaint that he fell down. She says Doctors treat patient well when they come to know that Police case is filed. Aaliya says you want to harm Bhai. Sushma says if Pragya wanted then she wouldn’t have taken him to hospital.

Aaliya says Pragya took him to hospital so that everyone think it as an accident. Tanu says Pragya planned to kill him since 2 years and I have been keeping karwachauth fast for his safety. She says my fasts has saved Abhi else Pragya had planned fully. Pragya asks her to be quiet. Abhi falls down and faints again. Pragya senses something happened to him and runs upstairs. She goes to Abhi and lifts him. She takes him to bed and asks him to rest. Abhi holds her hand and says I love you. Pragya says he must be dreaming and covers blanket on him.

She goes downstairs. Sushma says this is not courtroom where judge will give the verdict. She says we both know what you want and asks them to take 3 crores and leave. Aaliya says 6 crores and whispers to Tanu, if she wants to say this. Tanu says I just want my husband. Pragya comes back and says he will not go anywhere, tell me what amount you want. Tanu says if Abhi can’t come with me then I have to stay here with all the family. Sushma gets angry and says you will stay here with family.

Tanu says I have to stay here with Abhi with all the family to save Abhi from Pragya. She says I will get the attempt to murder charges moved from you. Sushma asks her to leave. Pragya says come with everyone tomorrow morning, I can bear you all here, but can’t bear to see him in basti. Tanu smirks and asks Aaliya to come. Tanu, Aaliya and Lawyer leave.

Ranbir comes to Sid. Sid asks if the meeting is over. Ranbir says meeting went well and says few things hurt. Sid asks what happened? Ranbir says I am feeling pain in my kidney. Sid says I will call doctor. Ranbir says I will be fine and says you shall call Prachi. He says when I am worried for her, I get heart pain and when I am worried about you, I feel problem in my kidney. Sid says you are making me mad, I am going. Ranbir says you are leaving, leaving me in this pain. Sid says you are dramebaaz and asks what happened? Ranbir asks him to share his problem and asks what is going on. Sid hugs Ranbir. He says it is all about Rhea. Rhea comes there and hears them.

Sid says between us….Rhea comes inside and calls Sid. She asks when did you come, you came home and haven’t met me. She says you have forgotten me so soon. She says I think I have disturbed you and goes. Sid says I think I shall talk to her. Rhea hears them and goes. Sid goes behind her.

Aaliya asks Tanu what is going on in her mind and says you would have told me, if you have changed the plan. She says you said I don’t want money, we want to come home. Tanu says you thinking is small and says you want her 6 crores and I want her 600 crores and more. She says I want to snatch her money and make her poor. She says we have to stay in her house to get her treasure. Aaliya says it is not easy.

Tanu says you can wait for Gaurav, till then I will go and tell everyone about this good news. She goes inside and tells Mitali, Dadi and Tai ji that they will go and stay in Abhi’s house. Mitali says this is abhi’s house only. Tanu asks where Abhi is staying now?

Tanu telling everyone that they will stay with Abhi in Pragya’s house. Mitali gets happy. Tai ji asks really? Aaliya says we will go to Pragya’s house tomorrow. Dadi also gets happy. Mitali says I was breaking the lock unnecessarily and dances. Tanu thinks they will not think her less than a God, as she gave them the biggest happiness. Pragya comes to Sushma and asks if you was about to sleep. Sushma says no. Pragya says you didn’t tell me anything and asks if she is upset with her.

Sushma says here, you knocked at the door and asking for permission, but there you didn’t talk to me and took the decision. She says you know Aaliya and Tanu better and tells that they will trouble you. Pragya says she just wants to be with Abhi.

Sushma says did you forget what he had done with you in past. Pragya says my perception is changed now, he had not done anything. Sushma says Prachi told you and you agreed. Pragya tells that she has given him benefit of doubt and tells that she is sure that Aaliya and Tanu misunderstood her and showed me what they wanted. She says I was very angry then and couldn’t understand. Sushma says your heart overpowered your mind.

Pragya says she can see everything clearly now and both heart and mind are asking her to stay with Abhi and take care of him. Sushma says when you have thought then what I can do. Pragya says I will keep Tanu and Aaliya in control and tells that when I came here, I came here for revenge. She says when I saw them, I thought they have nothing so she shall not take revenge. She says now they have money and home, I shall get revenge from them.

Rhea thinks Sid is talking about me with Ranbir and thinks what to do. Sid comes there. Rhea acts to be teary eyes and says I thought what you said in the morning. She says you told that I talk to everyone nicely, but not you. She says you said that you don’t exist in the room, then why I am here. She says I was waiting for you and called you, but the call couldn’t be connected. She says I was happy when you came early from office, but I hate you Siddharth. Sid looks on.

Ranbir comes to his room and rests on Prachi’s lap. Prachi asks what happened today, you didn’t take off your watch today. He takes it out. She asks what is the matter? He says he himself don’t know. Prachi sees cockroach and gets scared. Ranbir also gets scared, seeing the flying cockroach, which falls on bed and then vanishes somewhere. Prachi says if I was sleeping in night, then it will come and sit on my hand. Ranbir says it has gone. Prachi asks him to prove that he has caught cockroach and asks him to take a pic. She asks him to leave her hand and goes to Dida’s room. Ranbir says first she used to hug me and now she ran away. He thinks how to catch the cockroach and looks for it. He thinks he has to sleep alone today.

Sid asks when you hate me so much then why are you here in my room? Rhea says I didn’t feel this before, which I am feeling now. She says I feel that you don’t respect me and our marriage. Sid asks her not to tell this. Rhea says I will tell what is truth and what I feel, on your face and will not talk like my behind. Sid asks when did I say? Rhea says I heard you talking to Ranbir. He says Ranbir is my brother.

Rhea says did I tell Prachi that you torture me a lot. He asks do I torture you? She says yes, mental torture. She says don’t let your partner feel low and then you was talking bad about me. She says if you can one thing then do it, and asks him to take pillow and sleep, give me some space. She says if I go out, then everyone will ask me, and if everyone ask you then you can make work excuse. She asks him to do this for me and asks him not to go to Ranbir and Prachi and cry complaining about her. Sid goes out.

Rhea smiles and closes the door. She thinks this feels so good, finally I will sleep on this bed alone. She thinks she felt suffocated with Siddharth, took she will take Ranbir’s name and will sleep peacefully. He says I don’t like you Siddharth, but you gave me a good idea to get close to Ranbir. She hears Prachi and Dida talking about cockroach in the former’s room. Dida says I will walk and then we will sleep in my room. Rhea thinks Prachi is sleeping in Dida’s room and Ranbir is alone in his room. She thinks even destiny wants this, now Ranbir started talking to me, will care for me slowly and like me too.

She says I will go and tell Ranbir that she is trapped in bad marriage, Sid doesn’t love her. She thinks Ranbir will care for her, love her and will be mine. She thinks love happens this way.

Ranbir is still searching for cockroach and asks where are you? He thinks to tell her that the cockroach went out and thinks she will come. Rhea comes there and asks where is Prachi? Ranbir says Prachi saw cockroach and went to sleep in Dida’s room. Rhea says Prachi is lucky that she got you as her husband. Ranbir says I am lucky to get wife like Prachi. Rhea starts crying. He asks what happened? Rhea says I wanted to marry you, don’t take me otherwise, I am telling which couldn’t happen. She says don’t take me wrong. Ranbir says you shall not think wrong and says I love Prachi and married her.

Rhea says what about my dreams and tells that I dreamt to marry you, but I got married to Siddharth. She says the marriage between Sid and me is very strange, as we are strangers to each other. She says neither of us know about each other and says I am not talking bad about him, he is a good man, but we don’t know about each other. She says when we are in the room, our silence asks us, why did we marry? She says I shall not talk about this with you, but can’t hide these feelings. She asks him not to think her wrong and says Siddharth is sleeping outside.

She says if mummy sees him sleeping outside, then she will think that I have done mistake. She says I have done mistakes in past and nobody wants to accept this new Rhea. Ranbir asks her not to cry and wipe her tears. He asks her not to cry and says I don’t like to see you crying. He wipes her tears. He says I will talk to Sid and will make him understand. Rhea says you will talk to him, as he is your brother, but if I am nothing to you. Ranbir says I will talk to him. Rhea says you can’t talk to him. Ranbir says I really need to talk to him, it is about your life. Rhea says if you talk to him then things might go wrong and he might think that I have complained about him and said bad things about him.

Ranbir says you didn’t say anything wrong about him. Rhea gives him Prachi’s swear and says don’t talk to Sid, if you talk to him then situation can get worse. She asks him to promise that he will not say anything to Sid. Ranbir holds her hand and says ok. He says I promise that I will not talk to Sid about this. Rhea thanks him and says I know that only you can understand me. She thanks him and goes. Ranbir thinks I will not talk to Sid, but will do something to make them become happy couple like Prachi and me.

Tanu, Aaliya, Mitali, Tai ji and Dadi coming to Pragya’s house with their stuff. Tai ji asks Mitali to open the door. Miali says servants will open the door. Pragya calls Shagun and asks her to open the door, as guests must have come. Shagun says ok. Dadi says she will go and hug Abhi first. Aaliya says don’t forget that he is hurt. Tanu asks them not to forget that she brought them here. She says Pragya asked us to come at 9 am and starts the countdown. Shagun opens the door and says welcome Maam, Pragya Madam was waiting for you. Tanu steps inside and thinks you didn’t know that you was waiting for your destruction which stepped in your house. Pragya says you didn’t know that you have stepped your feet in my game, my game and my rules. First rule, only I will win

and second rule, you will lose only. Aaliya thinks Pragya might have made rules for them, but she is habitual to break the rules to win. She thinks it is her dream to snatch her house from her. Pragya thinks Aaliya can dream, but she can’t break her rules. She thinks she will win eventually. Dadi enters the house next. Pragya touches her feet and takes her blessings. Dadi blesses her. Pragya says welcome in your house. Dadi says my house. Pragya says your bahu’s house is yours. Dadi says yes and says she can bless her now and nobody can stop her. Mitali and Tai ji come there and ask Pragya how is she? Pragya says she is fine. Mitali says she is happy. Pragya asks them to sit. Mitali says we came to rest. Dadi asks Pragya to take her to Abhi and asks Shagun to show rooms to everyone. Shagun asks Mitali and others to come. Mitali asks her to bring tea for her and also breakfast. Dadi comes to Abhi’s room and gets emotional. She says Tanu told that Abhi fell down from stairs. Pragya says Tanu told you that I attempted to kill you. Dadi says I don’t want to believe her.

She says you didn’t meet me when you come to our house for the first time. Pragya says I was angry then? She says she thought and was about to say. Dadi says she felt bad when she bought him from Tanu, but later understood that she did this to keep him with her. Pragya asks if Prachi told her. Dadi says I didn’t make my hair white in sun. Abhi gains consciousness. Dadi says I know that you was drunk and fell down. Abhi asks Pragya if she complained. Pragya says Dadi didn’t white her hair in sunlight. Abhi tells Dadi that Pragya is changed and not same Pragya. Pragya asks her to ask him from where he got the wine. Dadi says I get happy seeing you both fighting.

Dadi says I will keep my clothes in the cupboard. Abhi asks Pragya. Pragya says she called everyone to stay here. Abhi says you dislikes Tanu and Aaliya. Dadi says if she had not done this, then they wouldn’t have let you stay here. Abhi tells Pragya that Dadi thinks you loves me, but we both know the truth that you called me here for Gaurav’s case. Dadi comes to the inhouse temple and prays to God to keep them united always. She says my sister used to pray that they stay united and asks him to give them all the happiness of life and protect them from all the bad reflections.

Aaliya and Tanu are shown. Mitali tells Tai ji that the house is so good. Tai ji says she didn’t see yet. Mitali asks her to come.
Tanu tells Aaliya that she can’t be dependent on Mitali and asks if she can trust her. Aaliya says ofcourse and says our perception can be different, but we always get together. Tanu asks her to hear her plan and says they have to execute it today itself. She says Pragya showed us the way to this house and we will show her the exit door. Sushma hears them and thinks I know well why you have come here, to get her money, house and wealth. She says you can’t harm my Pragya and thinks she knows how to get the evil sight off from her. Dadi prays to God to give her happiness to Pragya and protect her.

She says I am telling you this, when I shall tell this. Sushma says when Abhi shall say. Dadi apologizes for entering puja ghar without asking her. Sushma says I am happy that someone cares for Pragya. Dadi says I have relation with her, but you don’t have, but still you held her hand like a mother and gave her new life. Sushma says God is the one who can give life, I just showed her the way to live. Dadi folds her hands. Sushma says I shall be thankful to you and asks her to bless her. Dadi says my blessings are always with Pragya.

She says still they are upset with each other. Sushma says whoever is in Pragya’s life is lucky. Pragya comes there and asks if they are complaining about her. Sushma says no. Pragya says she is happy that her loved ones are under the same roof as her. Dadi says you mean, Sushma ji, Abhi and Me? Pragya looks on.

Rhea wakes up and thinks she had a peaceful sleep. She thinks Ranbir talked to her nicely and held her hand also. She thinks he will feel guilty and will start caring for me. She thinks very soon he will be hers. She looks out and thinks it is beautiful. She thinks Ranbir must be thinking about me.

She thinks she was broken when she heard I hate you from you. She says now I will hear I love you from you and knows how to get you, I have to act like Prachi. She says if I cry on your shoulder then you will be mine. She thinks nobody can separate me from you, you might be looking at the rain and thinking about me, says I love you Ranbir. Ranbir thinks about Sid and Rhea’s words.

Prachi comes to Ranbir. Ranbir says you have to bear me for seven births. She says seven births. He says yes. She asks what was he thinking? He says nothing important. Prachi says you are thinking about Sid and Rhea, tells that he slept in study room last night. She says if cockroach went in their room. Ranbir says Sid might have run afraid and Rhea slept there. Prachi says this is the difference between Rhea and me, she is not afraid of cockroaches. Ranbir asks her to imagine what happened when hero and heroine are left alone. He says they are lucky as they married as they love. He says it doesn’t happen with some people. Prachi asks Ranbir not to worry as Sid loves Rhea so much and asks him to go and ask Sid, if he don’t believe her. Ranbir says he will feel bad. Prachi says he is your brother, go and ask. She asks him to have tea. He says coffee and asks her to look at the weather, says it is so good.

Next Monday update twist of faith


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