Mohan badmouths Abhi for not signing the cheque! Pragya asks him to tell her the room no and says only she can badmouth him. He asks if she’s Abhi’s wife? She says she doesn’t have time now and goes.
Abhi climbs the stairs and knocks on the hotel room calling Neha and Tarun! He says I know you are inside and asks them to open the door! He says I will not get angry, and asks them to open the door before Pragya comes here!
Pragya thinks he will reach them before me and climbs the stairs. He breaks the door and doesn’t see anyone there. He calls for Neha and thinks she’s not here, or if perhaps they are hiding in here? He thinks the room is small, they can’t hide here? He thinks if they’ve vanished? He comes near the window and sees the cloth rope. He says they have eloped!
Pragya comes there. Abhi hides seeing her. Pragya sees him hiding and asks where are they? Abhi says he has hidden so that he gets spared from her questions. She asks where are they? Abhi says in my pocket! He says when I came here, they were crying and apologized to me. He says they went home and asks her to go and check. He thinks to search for them and thinks I will search for them, so that I can find them and not Pragya!
Pragya tells that she knows what’s in his mind and asks why he sat on the window? Abhi says I am tired and resting and asks if she thinks he is sitting on Tarun and Neha? Pragya sees the cloth rope. Abhi says don’t tell me that I made them elope. Pragya says you reached herebefore me so that I can’t prove King’s innocence. She accuses him and tells him that he broke the door, and made Neha and Tarun alert and then they eloped. She says she will check beneath the window. She looks down. Abhi asks her to be careful or else, she will fall. Pragya says that would make you happy. She slips. Abhi holds her hand and pulls her back. Pragya falls on him and they have an eye lock. Tere khareeb aaraha hun… plays…
Abhi asks why did she become Jhansi ki rani? Tarun and Neha are hiding outside the hotel. He tells that your Uncle and my brother must have come here to search for us. He tells that he heard Mohan telling the other guy about calling my family. Neha says it is good that you heard their convo. Tarun says but why did your Uncle come? Neha says they must be searching for us together. They try to take a cab, but the cab driver refuses to take them. A shop keeper guy looks at them.
Pragya says why did you break the door, what if something happens to you? She blames him. Abhi asks her to search for them and asks her not to think of herself as Jhansi ki rani and tells that she’s his fuggi. Pragya gets emotional.
Mohan comes there and says I know you are husband and wife and that’s why you arguing like husband and wife. He says husband didn’t sign the cheque and the wife took the cash back. Abhi asks who did I come here to meet, and says Tarun and Neha are not here, so the money is not valid! He asks him to talk to Pragya. Pragya asks him to repair the hotel and leaves.
Mohan thinks he didn’t get the money and the girl and the boy eloped.
In the Police station, a Constable tells King that he knows that he is a big singer. He feels lucky to see him. King’s Aunt comes there and asks King not to trust Pragya as she is betraying him. She tells him that Pragya always calls Abhi home whenever you are not at home. She tells him that she saw Abhi wearing his clothes and saw them very close. She says surely something is happening between them. King hears her silently.
She tells that Pragya went out saying she’s going to search for Tarun. King says I know that Abhi came to my house and wore my clothes, as flour fell on her. He says I can see what you can’t see. He says Pragya is outside this late night to search for your son and a girl. She is doing the work we are supposed to do. He says Pragya has done so much for him which she can’t think of. He says if she doubts Pragya, then it is like doubting him.
Abhi and Pragya come out of the hotel and ask about King’s car? Someone says that it has gone to a petrol pump. Abhi says they might go there. A Man says they went by taxi.
Pragya tells Abhi that she will search for Neha and Tarun. Abhi says this is Delhi. He says Tarun is smart and he has the clue that we are here, and that’s why they’ve escaped! Pragya says you want to search for them before me which is why you’re saying this. She asks a shop keeper if he saw a girl and a boy that were scared going this way? The Shop keeper says he had seen them.
Pragya recalls King’s Aunt words.
Abhi gets Tanu’s call and she asks if Pragya is there? He says yes. Tanu says I will come there. Abhi asks him not to come here and says he is enjoying himself with Pragya and singing several songs, and he thinks of making a video and uploading them for his fans. He ends the call and checks for Pragya.
Tanu thinks of what Abhi said and thinks Abhi can’t control his emotions, but Pragya has control over her emotions, being someone else’s wife, I’m sure she won’t let him do anything. She then thinks Pragya loves Abhi and might want to come near him. She wonders what to do?
Aaliya comes to Tanu and says you haven’t slept yet? Tanu says I just understood why Pragya made Neha elope and says she did this so that she can come closer to Abhi, she knows that their path will cross while searching for Neha and Tarun! Aaliya asks her to calm down and says don’t think too much. Tanu says he said that he is going to sing romantic songs with Pragya. Aaliya says he must have said that being irritated.
She says you are Abhi’s wife and Pragya is king’s wife and says their love is like a train tracks🛤 which can’t meet. Tanu thanks her.
Pragya calls King’s Aunt and asks her to give her the address to the farm house. King’s Aunt gives her the address. Abhi hears Pragya when she repeats the address.
Pragya turns and sees Abhi close to her. She asks did he hear her? Abhi says I was talking to my family. He says he has understood it and tells the address. He says I will bring the kids. Pragya says I will go and make the kids understand. Abhi says it is new love and their logic… Pragya says there is no logic in love and says you will not go alone.
Abhi says I will not listen to you. Pragya challenges him that she will get there first. Abhi says you would have won if you had requested for it. She says you will lose. He says you will not reach the car. Pragya asks if he will go without his wallet and says it is down on the ground.
Abhi bends down to check his wallet when Pragya takes his car keys, and runs and sits in her car. Abhi thinks she left like a clever cat. She’s in the car and thinks Abhi is as innocent as he was before.
King talks to the constable. The Constable says I told my wife about your wife who is very courageous and unique and fought with the Inspector for him. He says you are very lucky to have such a wife and now, my wife is learning from your wife. King hears his words and sees Pragya’s reflection in the wall. He thinks he used to see a girl’s look before, but now, he is having deep feeling for Pragya.
Neha and Tarun are in the farmhouse. He tells that he will give their marriage invitation to his Sister (Pragya). Neha says you didn’t tell me about your her?
Pragya comes there and sees light,he thinks they might be inside. Tarun says he calls his brother’s wife his Sister. Neha asks if she will have problem with me? He asks who will you call? Neha says she will call Chucks. Tarun says the one who always fights with my brother? Neha says he loves me a lot. Tarun says we will marry for sure and says we’ve already eloped and should marry.
Neha says she doesn’t want to marry like this and wants a proper marriage. Tarun says if your family had approved of our marriage, then we wouldn’t have eloped.
Pragya comes inside the house. Neha says you’ve been scolding me since so long now, and says she doesn’t want to talk! Tarun says I was making you understand.
King is still in the lock up and thinks of Pragya restlessly. He asks God to stop this and not do this to him. He says if Pragya sees any changes in me, then she will understand and kill me.
Twist of fate teasers April 2019
Tarun says I was making you understand. Neha says I don’t want to understand! They see Pragya there. Neha identifies Pragya and recalls their moments.