To die for love Update Thursday 23 December 2021
Mehek and Shaurya to be killed by Swetlana

To die for love Update Thursday 23 December 2021


To die for love 23 December 2021: Deep’s mom gives Tara bracelet. She asks the servant to bring chunri so she can do arti. He says madam its late. Deep slaps him and says don’t dare saying no to my mom. Bring what she asks. Tara says I am so happy to have a mother in law like you. Ma says deep always take care of her. Promise me you will always love and support her. Tara says why are you silent deep? Deep says I promise.

Arohi is training. Abhi asks her to run faster. Ma makes Tara wear chunri. She says live happily. Tara touches her feet and says I am so glad I have a mother figure in my life after so long. Someone who cares about me. I was tired of fighting alone. Ma says don’t worry now. I am here for you. Virat sees them. Virat wonders what is tara upto.Virat stops Tara and says what game are you playing now? What problems were you talking about? Tara says this is our ace card. Just think that this is my life changing moment. God has given me a chance to live a normal life with deep once again. Virat says really? She says you wont understand..

Abhi asks arohi to break the wall. She says this is impossible. He says break the scarecrow then. Arohi says stop. No one will touch the scarecrow except for me. I will do it. A woman comes there. Arohi asks who is she? A guy says she is guru ma. SHe is our mukhiya. Abhi learned everything from her. She was out for two weeks. she is like mother to Abhi. Arohi washes her face. guruma says so you want to take revenge from your enemies? Arohi says very soon. Guru ma says so you don’t have much time? You have to prepare day and night. Time is here to know how powerful your weapon is.

Arohi sees Deepp talking to media. Arohi says deep no one can save you from me.
Virat comes to deep and says what are you doing. Why is your name outside the house? deep says I did what was right. Deep’s men stop Virat. Virat says I wont leave you.Tara is leaving. She feels like someone is keeping an eye on her. It is Arohi. Arohi wonders what new game is she playing.Guru ma gives arohi a medicine so she can be well soon. she says where is abhi? Arohi says I dont know where he is.

Abhi says today is the last part of your training. People hit her. He says there is a power inside you. Use it to defend yourself.
Some thugs come to deep and surround him. He says who are you. The thugs start beating deep.Abhi says see your inner power and attack. Deep hits the thugs. ARohi tries to fight back. Abhi says you showed today you are ready to take the revenge. He gives her a weapon. ARohi goes to the scarecrow and cuts its head. ARohi says I will do the same to you deep.Arohi prays that she gets to take her revenge and kills Deep. Arohi touches baba and Guru’s feet. She says baba thank for all the love and care you people have given me. I will never be able to return what you people have given me. Guru ma says there is a reason why God has given you this life. Arohi is leaving. She says where is Abhi? I want to thank him. Guru ma says he isn’t here. You will meet him again if you have to. Baba says to Guru ma those people are very dangerous. Arohi is still weak. Guru ma says if Abhi has asked her to fight she sure can.


Arohi walks out. Abhi follows her secretly.
Tara comes to deep and says come with me. You have to go out with me. Deep says I am busy. She says today is Dasehra. Please lets go we have to prepare for the pooja. Deep says I have no interest in doing pooja with you. We wont have any pooja here. Ma comes and says why are you saying there wont be any pooja? Deep says if you want we will have pooja. Tara says will you go out to get the stuff with me. He says okay.The pooja starts. Tara and Deep do the pooja together. Arohi is outside. She peeks in. Ma asks deep to do Rawan dehan. Arohi hides her face. someone calls deep. He goes out to take the call. Arohi comes there with her face covered. Deep says who are you? Arohi attacks him. He says you look like from a good village. Who sent you? Virat? He can’t do anything. Deep fights back. Deep says you think you are expert of this fight? Who are you?


Tara wonders were is Deep. Ma looks around for deep as well. Tara says I hate it deep when you leave me alone.Arohi picks a rod and attacks deep. Deep defends himself. He says who are you? You know I will recognize you. They pick up swords and sword fight. Arohi fights better than deep but he defends himself. Arohi is about to stab deep but his mo comes and takes the sword.

Next: To die for love Friday Update



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