The Episode starts with Titli saying just one person is special to us, you are the most special person in my life, I love you a lot, I can die for you. Garv says don’t you dare say that again. He hugs her. Megha looks on. Nurse asks Garv to make the payment. Garv asks Titli to take rest.
He goes to do the formalities. Dada ji is checking his phone. Koel takes his phone and asks him to have breakfast. She plays the audio. She says its not getting off. A guy runs and says I will shoot you, stop. Manikant asks him to listen. He thinks I have seen you after many days. He gets shocked seeing Garv there. Megha looks on. She asks the guy not to kill her. She makes him hold her at gun point. Dhrishti sees Manikant and thinks he got to know everything, he will get much angry.
Garv stops the guy. The guy says get away, I will kill you. Titli comes and worries. She says Garv is my husband. Garv says fine, shoot me. Manikant worries. The guy asks shall I shoot. Garv says yes, its just a toy, it won’t hurt me. The guy checks the gun. Garv takes the gun. The guy says don’t shoot me, let me go. Garv holds him and asks do you want to have icecream.
The guy says yes. Garv says I will get it for you. The guy asks really, no, promise me. Garv promises him. Manikant looks on. Garv says promise, go inside now. The guy hugs Garv. Titli smiles. Manikant thinks no one should know this secret. Titli says you would have let the guards handle. Garv says he had pointed the gun at that girl, I m fine. He goes.
Megha meets Titli and says so long, we are meeting now after the school days. Titli says you were always number one. Megha says I m your senior. They have a talk. Megha gets a call and talks to fool Titli. She says I m a psychologist, I deal with people’s anger issues and problems through therapy, I treated 300 people, they are happy in their life, I have to leave now. She gives her card and goes. Koel asks Alpa to check the phone, its stuck. Alpa says its some recording. Titli and Garv are on the way. Titli says we have to deal with Dhrishti with love. He nods. Alpa asks Dhara to check the phone. Dhara plays the recording. She gets shocked hearing Garv and Maina’s conversation.
She drops the phone. She says Garv didn’t do this right, he is manipulating Titli just to run the relation as he wants. Garv and Titli have a laugh. Dhara says this is not love, it’s a cheat. Garv and Titli come home. Titli says I slipped in the rains, Garv took me to hospital. Dhara worries and thinks did Garv… Maina asks Titli to take care. She scolds Titli.
Titli says Dhara, I found a way to deal with Garv’s anger, he needs medical help, he wants to change himself. Dhara thinks what to do. Megha sees Garv’s pic and talks to him. Titli thinks to call Megha. Garv comes from bath. Titli teases him. They fall on the bed and have a moment. He gets the card and gets angry. She says we need guidance in handling your anger. He throws things in anger. He says I m not sick, I won’t go to the doctor. She says yes, your anger is making our relation sick.