This is fate 16 January 2024: Shristhi is in the kitchen when she hears Rajveer saying her son is the best, Preeta walking down the stairs explains she thought he came back when h says she would really praise him after finding about the news, Preeta explains he got the job, Rajveer sitting down explains she will be glad to know what happened, he explains they asked him what does he have that they should hire him, he replied he knows they desire someone like him because he has studied their company really well so know in which positions they require his service,
Preeta is glad so asks him to first eat the sweets as they are his favorite, Rajveer informs he gave them three to four advices after which they were not able to say anything else, Shristhi asks then what happened when Preeta replies he already said that they were not able to say anything else, Rajveer standing explains that he feels Preeta is his real mother while Shristhi is the stupid mother. Rajveer is standing when his friends enter the house, Shristhi starts slapping them when Preeta explains now Rajveer would not come with them since he has gotten a job, they both explain only Rajveer is among them who has taken his life seriously while they were just busy in enjoying or drinking rum, Preeta and Shristhi are shocked when they explain they have to party today, one of them explains but today he is getting married, Shristhi gets a little tensed as they all are joking that today is the last day of his bachelor life.
Rajveer explains he has to do some research so would join them later, they both turn to leave when Shristhi stops Bipin explaining he knows that Preeta di gets ill due to high music voice when Bipin assures it is nothing to be worried about, Shristhi informs he was just calling her Aunti when she has always instructed him to not call with that name, Shristhi prays that this night should pass without any problem.
Rajveer in the wedding notices an elder person trying his best to climb on the stage so he goes to help him, a parent asks Bipin who is the person serving the drinks as they feel that he has gotten very nice teachings from his parents, Bipin explains that Rajveer is like his brother, the guest ask where is his mother when they are informed that she has not arrived however both his mother and aunt are very nice people.
The songs start in the wedding while Bipin is sitting with his bride on the stage, Rajveer sits in between of them both requesting them to come on the dance floor, he starts the performance to further the enlighten the function, Rajveer is dancing with all the guests ensuring they all enjoy the function, Rajveer even distributes the sweets among the guests, they all are shocked when the music is stopped so ask what has happened, the DJ explains it will take some time to fix the problem however they say that they would dance on the drum beaters. Preeta is drinking water when she hears the sound of the drum beaters so starts remembering the night when she met with the accident, she starts panicking so rushes to close all of the windows meanwhile Rajveer is enjoying the wedding.
Preeta starts getting a severe headache while remembering the night when Karina ordered her to leave their family because she was neither able to become a good mother or wife to Karan. Rajveer is still enjoying in the wedding while Preeta picks the white cloth and opens the door to rush out of the house.
A child falls in the function, Rajveer immediately runs to help her and asks what happened, he questions where is her mother and so starts taking her there but doesnot notice that something has fallen from his pocket.
Preeta entering the function requests them all to stop the drums but they donot listen, she then throws the sticks and even pushes the music system, she explains she has come to stop them and warns them to not go ahead with this wedding when the lady explains that today is the wedding of her daughter, Bipin explains she is the aunt of his friend when they question then is she going to say whatever she desires, Preeta requests the bride to come with her meanwhile the entire family is trying to stop her but Preeta insists she is not going to go away until the wedding is stopped,
they start pushing Preeta out of the function while she is requesting that they stop this function, they throw Preeta and she this her head against the chair when they blame that Preeta has lost her mind and even wonder who lets such people enter the wedding. Preeta says she is going to leave but before that they should ask the bride to leave, the father of the bride slaps Preeta, Rajveer is shocked witnessing it and warns them to not even touch her aunt, he helps Preeta just s she is about to fall, she keeps staring him in the eye and she even starts crying, Preeta informs Rajveer that they have beaten her, Rajveer angrily stares at them and he calls Gautham, instructing him to take care of his aunt.
Rajveer corrects a chair while helping Preeta sit on it, he is about to walk ahead but Preeta stops him explaining that he should not let this marriage happen as they are going to ruin the life of the girl, she pleads with him to not let these people destroy her life, the men threaten to raise their hand if she even takes a step ahead but they do not listen, Preeta requests the to not beat her as she is just helping the girl, Rajveer shields Preeta and then angrily blocks all of the sticks, he manages to push them all away.
The ladies question why he is defending the women when she is mentally unstable, Rajveer angrily says she is his aunt. Someone hits Preeta in the head, Rajveer is shocked to see the blood flowing from her head, he angrily starts beating the person. Gautham also helps Rajveer fight everyone, Bipin also walks down the stage.
Rajveer is beating everyone by himself because they tried to hit his aunt, he is alone but this doensot stop him from defending himself and he even pushes one of the person’s head in the trumpet, Preeta tries to walk but she once again stumbles and hits her head, Preeta gets unconscious so Rajveer along with Gautham and Bipin rush to help her.
Rakhi is walking to the Mandir when she suddenly stumbles, Karina rushes to help her and even Nidhi calls her, she asks how the Thali fell and questions why she does the housework because Rakhi already makes a lot of mistakes because they have servants who can do things better than her, she explains they all love her when Karina whispers this is her way of showing affection.
Nidhi asks why she do so much work and make things worse, she asks if Rakhi maa really thinks that she has ruined everything, she calls Garesh and Bahadur questioning why do they let Maa do all these chores, Karina exclaims Nidhi is very clever as she indirectly asked Rakhi to let her handle everything, she explains she would have said a lot to her but is quiet because Karan considers her as his friend and Shaurya also thinks she is his mother. Rakhi stops Karina explaining how she is feeling something very wrong is about to happen with someone who is very close to her, she is very tensed.
Rakhi informs Karina that she is feeing really weird, Karina asks what does she mean, Rakhi replies she is feeling as if something very bad is going to happen to someone who is really close to her, she explains she was coming towards the Mandir and suddenly felt as if something wrong is about to happen and that caused her to hit the Thali, Karina says she is right as something bad is surely going to happen but not with her family rather her enemy, she angrily points to Nidhi. Rakhi explains she is once again feeling the same thing, Rakhi prays to Bhagwan that nothing wrong should happen.
Rajveer asks them to immediately call the doctor as his aunt is really will, Shristhi also comes running asking what has happened but then Preeta falls unconscious, Shristhi requests Bipin to call the doctor, meanwhile asks Rajveer to take her sister to the house. Shristhi questions how did her sister get in such a condition, the women there inform she tried to stop the wedding because of which thought she is mentally unstable, and so they just wanted her to stop this madness.
Shristhi angrily asks if they are trying to say her sister is mental, they inform she was not listening to anyone and got pushed by accident, Shristhi slaps the person and breaking the chairs explains even she has pushed them but this doensot mean she is also mentally unstable, Shristhi warns that if anyone of them even tries to say anything wrong about her sister, she would surely teach them a lesson. Shristhi walking out explains her sister was right as there is no need to get married because marriage just ends up ruining the life of the girl.
Rajveer while holding Preeta in his arms is constantly asking for help however no one is stopping, Shristhi also runs to them, she also starts asking for lift but no one is stopping. Shristhi then forces one off the car to stop, requesting the driver to take them to the global hospital, she sits at the back seat with Rajveer, they both request Preeta to wake up meanwhile Rajveer also asks the driver to be a little fast. Shristhi thinks Rajveer remained really calm in this entire situation and does not even know that the person for whom he is caring so much is actually his real mother, Shristhi explains that in this changing world the children do not even care for their parents but he is caring for his mother, Rajveer questions what is she saying since Preeta is his aunt, Shristhi replies that she has heard him say a lot of times that Preeta is just like his mother so she also said it, she says he must always take care of Preeta if something happens to her, Rajveer asks why is she talking like this, he once again requests the driver to be a little fast.
Shristhi asks the driver to stop right at the entrance of the hospital, she instructs Gautham to call the ward boys, they all rush Preeta inside on the stretcher and ask the nurse where is the doctor, the lady enters explaining it is her evening shift and she is also going to help. Preeta calls Karan.
Karan is driving the car while Rishab is sitting in the passenger seat, Rishab notices that Karan is not paying attention so asks him to be careful, however Karan does not respond so Rishab is forced to turn the steering wheel, Rishab asks what has happened when Karan informs that Preeta called him. The passengers of the other car knock on the door demanding they should come out, Rishab immediately starts apologizing assuring he is going to pay the bill of their car, they all leave. Rishab asks if he is fine, informing they are going to back to their house, Karan says that the business dinner is important however Rishab is not ready to hear anything and so even calls the manager asking him to apologize with the clients on his behalf. Karan is still refusing to listen but is forced when Rishab urges him. He sits in the driving seat asking Karan what has happened.
Shristhi and Rajveer call the doctor while running with the stretcher, the doctor coming asks how she got such a severe injury, Rajveer informs the entire situation when Preeta came to the tent and tried to stop the wedding, the nurse says that there is nothing to be worried about as his mother would be fine. Shristhi notices that Rajveer is really tensed, and he leaves.
Rishab is helping Karan into the room, Rakhi coming questions what has happened to him, Karan informs that he is fine however Rishab revels it is the regular pain, Nidhi also enters the room asking Karan if he is fine, he assures there is nothing to be worried about when Rakhi says that Karan has started taking tensions over small things, Nidhi turns requesting Rakhi mom to stop saying such things as Karan is already ill and she is just going to make it worse, Rishab is furious however does not say anything. Rakhi replies that Karan is her son, Nidhi says when is she saying that Karan is not her son but she is just saying that they can remain calm. Nidhi calls Garesh instructing him to bring the medicine.
Rishab turning asks Nidhi to come outside as he wants to talk with her, Rakhi stops him saying that his father has a severe stomach pain since yesterday so he should call Dr Anand about the medicine, Rishab turns to angrily look at Nidhi before leaving, she says to Karan that the medicine is just coming. Rakhi also tries to call him however Nidhi instructs her to stop talking.
Karan while sleeping feels as if Preeta is by his side massaging his head, she takes out the balm which she is about to apply, he says he doensot like it when Preeta replies that no one likes it however they need it, he still refuses to allow it. Preeta mentions she can still massage his forehead, Karan starts smiling seeing Preeta by his side and starts relaxing, he mentions she was right as the headache is completely cured, he finally falls asleep when Preeta kneels to kiss her. Karan suddenly wakes up hearing Nidhi yelling the name of Garesh, Nidhi walks to Karan asking Rakhi to get aside, she explains that nothing would happen with the quilt as they have to give her the medicine, she says it would be better if Rakhi leaves the room but Karan asks Nidhi to remain quiet as he is already suffering, Rakhi explains that she would give Karan the turmeric milk which immediately cures his headache she seeks permission to bring the it.
Nidhi yells at Garesh for bringing the wrong medicine, Karan once again calls her when she leaves saying she would herself bring the medicine.
Rajveer sits down on the bench when Shristhi asks what has happened and why is he crying, Rajveer explains he cannot see Preeta aunt in this condition, he asks her to see how much blood she has lost. Rajveer explains that he feels pain in his heart seeing the condition of his aunt, Rajveer angrily vows to teach everyone a lesson, swearing on the life of his mother and threatens to kill everyone just as his aunt recovers. Shristhi yells at him to stop asking if this is what they have taught him, she says he wants to become a criminal and likes to go to jail.
Rajveer says he will go to jail because he is shocked from the inside whenever something like this happens, he says every child would feel the same for their aunt. Shristhi thinks this feeling happens for their mother and Preeta di is not his aunt but mother. Rajveer asks Shristhi to answer who agrees explaining this surely happens, the neighbor comes out so Rajveer asks if his aunt is fine, she informs there has been immense blood lost and she has to arrange the blood, Shristhi and Rajveer both are shocked.