These streets 5 January 2022: Krishi says won’t I look good in the saree? She walks in. Krishi says, right papa? Shan says Krishi.. He hugs her. Krishi says thank you for saving me from those bad people. Did you bring me saree? I would wear it in pooja. I love wearing new clothes. Why did you leave me alone in the hospital? I came early just to meet you. Nandani says he helped you as much he could. Don’t try to be baggage on him for life.
Shan says Chahat was not well either. So I had to come. Krishi says am I not your daughter? Still, you think I am not? Why did you save me? Why did you give me your blood? The doctor told me everything. Are you not my papa? Then why do you love me? Why did you help me? Why did you save me? You worry about me. Do you still think I am not your daughter?
Chahat says mama, I wont’ talk to papa ever if calls Krishi his daughter. Nandani says your papa won’t ever hurt you. Krishi says papa please tell me I am your daughter. Shan says no, you are not my daughter. I have only one daughter and that’s Chahat. Krishi runs in. Asmita says why do you do this? Why do you hurt her? answer me. One moment, you save her like your daughter. The next moment, you disown her. Don’t you feel any bond for her? Ask your heart. Shan says stop it. I don’t need to answer you anything. Shan says get Kanya Pooja started.
Shan comes to Krishi’s room. She is crying. Nandani says Shan stop. Shan says Krishi. Her foot is bleeding. Krishi says to leave it. Why do you care? You’re not my papa. Shan says please let me dress, it’s bleeding. Krishi says no. Shan says quite. I love you a lot. I care for you. I can’t see you in trouble. I will always be there for you. I will get you anything you need. All of this is because, you are a child. You are special. You are of Chahat’s age. Truth is, I am not your papa. Shikhawat is your papa. Krishi says what is our relationship then? We are nothing to each other? Shan says we have a relationship. We are friends. Krishi says really? He says yes. He dresses her wounds. Shan kisses her forehead. Shan says wear this saree and get ready. You would look really cute.
Krishi comes out in the saree and says do I look cute? Shan says really cute. He does her Kanya pooja. Shan washes her feet. Shan says we can’t let nay Kanya be upset on this day. I am sorry. Your friend will never hurt you again. Krishi hugs him. Shan says what gift do you want? Krishi says I will tell you at right time. Right now, I would only want a hug. Shan hugs her. Asmita looks at them and smiles. Shikhawat comes as well. Shikhawat says Asmita I want to talk about our wedding.
Shikhawat says to Asmita, we should get married soon. This is right for our kids. Krishi says to Shan you have to help me stop mama and Shikhawat uncle’s wedding.
Shikhawat says to Asmita ever since we came here things are going wrong. We shouldn’t delay our wedding. This is right for our kids. I know why you brought Krishi here. You wanted Shan to accept her. I don’t think he would ever. I can’t tolerate all that. We should get married asap and leave this house. Our kids don’t deserve this emotional trauma.
Would you do that for our kids? Do you still have any feelings for Shan? Please get out of the trouble and think about the Krishi and Nirvan. Asmita recalls Shan slapping Krishi. Asmita says let’s do what you think is right. I am ready. Let’s get things ready. Shikhawat says thank you. Nevi overhears.
Krishi says would you help me stop mama and uncle’s wedding? Please help your friend.
Shan says why? SHe says mama is marrying uncle to marry me so I get a name. And people don’t call me girl with no papa. He says I would help you. I don’t want my best friend to have a papa like Shikhawat Ghochu. She laughs. She says promise? Shan says promise. Shan says we have to start from today. Krishi says how? He says leave it on me. Krishi hugs him.
Scene 2
Shikhawat comes to a hotel. He says I am there. His friend says please come here fast. They were brought here unconscious. Shikhawat comes there. It’s dark. He opens the lights but its a surprise from his friends. They have arranged his bachelor party. He says whose idea was it?
Shan says who else can have an idea like this? A girl says yes. We would give him the best surprise. Shan says you have to take Shikhawat in your control. She says don’t doubt my ability. I know what you want. There is no man, who can stay away from my trap. Shan says I don’t think so. She says you’re a true lover. True love can never end. Who do you love this much? Shan recalls his moment with Asmita. Shan says this is the only way I can keep up with my promise with Krishi. Asmita hates cheaters. If she sees Shikhawat with this girl, she would be so mad.
Nandani asks servant where is Shan? He says I don’t know. Nandani says what do you do all day. Nandani tries calling Shan. She says why is his phone off. Krishi shoves her. She says I collided. Nandani says can’t you see? Krshi says you can see as well. Nandani says don’t forget your worth. Are you fighting with me? Don’t act smart with me. Krishi pulls her hand. She locks her in a room. Nandani says no one would come here to save you. She comes out. Krishi is there. Nandani says how did you come here. Nandani collides with Moni. Krishi disappears. Nandani goes back to the room. Krishi is there. she cries and says let me out. Nandani says if you’re here who is outside? Krishi laughs on Nandani. Nandani says how is Krishi in two places. Nevi laugh. She says I told you she isn’t an ordinary girl. Go to store and check again. Moni says to Krishi she is so stupid. Krishi says this would be fun.
The girls gets dressed and comes to bar. Shikhawat is there. she says he is getting married tomorrow and today he is free. Shan is there as well. The girl dances in front of Shikhawat. Shan is peeking in She pulls Shikhawat. Shan dances too and laughs. Shikhawat comes close to the girl. Shan sends the photos to Asmita.
Precap-Shan locks the girl and Shikhawat in a room. He says let Asmita come. Asmita comes to the hotel room.
Nevi says Nandani, move from Krishi’s way or your end is closer. Nandani is about to slap her. Krishi shoves her hand and says she is my bari ma. You respect elders not hit them. She is your mama. If Chahat hits you would you like? Nandani says dont’ teach me anything. Better live your remaining days here peacefully. Krishi says I will live here forever. Nandani says your mama is marrying Shikhawat and would leave this house. Krishi says I would never leave this house and my mama wont’ marry him.
The girl calls Asmita and says pick your husband who has had all the fun before the wedding. He is asleep here with me. You saw the photos.Shan says to fainted Shikhawat, Gochu, I knew I would do this to you one day. Let’s go before Asmita comes. And I will tell Krishi that her mama isn’t marrying Shikhawat. Shan comes out. Asmita is coming there. He hides. Asmita takes the elevator and goes upstairs. Shan says this would be fun.Krishi says why is papa not back. Shan says I fulfilled my promise. Your mama would bring Shikhawat home and beat him and say no to the wedding. Krishi hugs him and says thank you.
Asmita opens the hotel room. Shikhawat is sleeping with the girl. The girl says chill, it was his bachelor’s party. I liked his performance. You will have fun with him. Asmita slaps the girl and says you thought you can play with these dirty games with me? I know this man very well. I lived under a roof with him for six years. He never had a bad eye on me. Girls like you drain the purpose of women empowerment. You use yourself for some money and seduce men? She says don’t give me lectures. You’re rich you don’t know what girls have to do to earn. Life makes you do all this. Asmita says who asked you to do all this? For your family, tell me. The girl says Shan Mazumdar.
Asmita comes to Shan and says why did you do it? Did you set all that up? Have you stooped low to Nandani’s level? Why don’t you want us to get married? You can’t see me with someone else. He says go from here. Asmita says I would and I will marry Shikhawat. Don’t even dare to come between us. Shan says yes he is the father of the illegitimate girl. Asmita says I am disgusted to think I was with you. Today I feel like I am right that I am marrying Shikhawat. Don’t even dare to come between us. She leaves.Krishi comes in crying. She says we failed. Shan says we will find a way out.
Next:these Streets Thursday update