The Evil Eye Starlife update Thursday 2 May 2024

The Evil Eye Starlife update Thursday 2 May 2024


The evil eye 2 May 2024: Scene 1Guests are in house. Ansh hides Rahul with Mohana. Guests say we will start marriage celebrations from today for Neha and our son. Adi sees Ansh hiding and laughs. Family keeps guests busy.

Ansh leaves.Ansh comes to balcony. Nishant calls him and asks him to bring Rahul’s body down. Ansh jumps from balcony but cant go down, he tells Nishant that I cant move. Suddenly he is pulled back on balcony. Mohana asks what happened? evil dont want this body to go outside of house.

Tara says to Panna that Mayank is my husband too, when he know truth, he will be against you. Panna says he will never know truth, I have given him poison since start, I needed that eagle locket not him. Tara says its good you told me truth yourself. Panna says you will not remember it. She uses her powers to make Tara forget everything, she leaves.

Vedsheree is showing guests around. Mohana takes Ansh to room with Rahul’s body.Tara brings Panna to Mayank and says she accepted that she gives you poison and she needs that eagle locket not you, she thought she can erase my memory but I remember everything. Panna acts innocent and says what wrong did I do with you? Tara says to Mayank that she is lying, trust me. Panna cries. Mayank goes to her.

Ansh jumps on wall to hide Rahul. Rahul’s body falls from his hands but Mohana grabs it using her braid. All look on.

Mayank hugs his mother. Tara says dont trust her fake tears, trust me. Mayank shouts enough, I dont what problem you have with my mother but she is best mother of world, if you say another word against her then I will forget.. Panna says dont say anything to her, I dont want you to fight because of me, I will leave this house so you both are happy. Mayank says no, you wont go anywhere, Tara will leave this house.

Scene 2Guests go to their room. Mohana takes Rahul’s body from there.Mayank grabs Tara’s hand and throws her out of house. Panna smirks. Tara is hurt but stops lift before it closes. She enters house again and says I am sorry, I took your mom wrongly, forgive me. Mayank says say sorry to my mom by touching her feet. Tara thinks that I have to stay in this house to bring her truth out. She goes to Panna and says I am sorry. Panna stops her and says you are my daughter, its good that you realized your mistake. She hugs her and thinks its my helplessness that I have to keep her in house to get that eagle locket.

Ansh hides Rahul in fridge. Neha comes there with her groom Shardul and is about to open fridge but Ansh gives her water and juice.

Sanam says to Tara that Mayank is in Panna’s control, he will never trust us. Tara says I know but I cant lose and leave him knowing he is in danger. Sanam says but how will we bring Panna’s face infront of Mayank? Why she needs that eagle locket? Tara says we have to make sure she doesnt hurt Mayank more, you told me that she uses a stick and bowl? Sanam says yes. Tara says we have to find and hide it. Lets search her room. They both leave.

Mohana asks Neha to take Shardul on terrace. Neha says okay and leaves with him. Mohana says we cant keep him here longer. They both turn to leave but feels something. Mohana says I feel like someone is keeping an eye on us.Ansh calls Nishant and tells him that he kept Rahul’s body in fridge.Shardul’s father says that we are trying to book hotel but all are booked. Chitali says you can stay here with us. All are tensed. Shekhar thinks that Ansh might have taken Rahul away and says its good if you people stay here, you are our guests and we can setup for marriage together. Shardul’s father says okay we will stay here. Nishant tells Ansh on call to do one thing.

Tara and Sanam searches Panna’s room for bowl and stick. Tara says I couldnt find it here, did she hide it? Sanam says where would she hide it? Tara says lets go for now. They leave but leave some messy things behind.Ansh is making Adi eat. Piya offers him towel. Ansh looks away. Piya says I am sorry for hiding

that from you but I did everything for Adi, I thought my knife wont kill Rahul but it did. Ansh says its okay, it was evil smoke. Piya says I wont hide anything from you anymore. Ansh says I have hid Rahul’s body in fridge, dont tell anybody, you and Mohana knows it. Shardul’s family comes there. Shardul’s mother Shalaka says they have nice baby, mother can kill or die for her baby.


Panna sees things throw in her room and says that girl searched my room? how dare she? She hears Tara saying to Sanam that maybe Panna is not doing all that, maybe Mayank is ill, Sanam says he is in danger, you made him fine, maybe you can save Mayank by coming closer to him? Panna thinks that they are making things easier for me, she leaves. Tara asks Sanam if she heard them? Sanam says yes, we will make her believe all this.


Shalaka comes to Ansh and asks where is her son Rahul? Ansh is shocked and asks who are you? Shalaka becomes smoke and says I am queen of smoke world, where is Rahul? Vedsheree comes there so she acts nicely and asks Ansh to bring her son, she leaves from there.

Scene 2Panna thinks that soon I will get eagle locket. She hides outside Mayank’s room. Mayank comes in room shirtless. Tara comes out of bathroom in bathrobe. Both shyly look at each other. Jab tak plays. Suddenly electricity goes off. Tara gets scared and hugs him. Mayank says I will go and check.

Avi says to Shekhar that I will make lunch. They come in kitchen. Piya comes there. Shekhar asks her to not worry, Ansh will be fine with you soon. Piya says Rahul’s body is still in house, Avi says guests cant find that. Shalaka and others come there. Vedsheree says Shekhar is making tea for guests. Shalaka says I will learn too. She is about to open fridge for milk but Mohana comes and stops her.

Mayank lights candle and says I am sorry, I shouldnt have behaved like that with you, tears fall from his eyes. He wipes tears from her eyes. Suddenly Sanam comes there crying. Electricity comes back. Sanam asks why are you crying? Sanam says my aunt is ill and she doesnt have anyone. Mayank says we can go with you. Sanam says no you should stay with Tara. Mayank says no she needs us so we will go. Sanam says it will take 7-8 days, Mayank nods and goes to change. Sanam asks Tara how was her acting? Tara is tensed. Sanam says sorry if I came here at wrong time. Panna comes there. Mayank tells her that he is going with Sanam for 7-8 days. Panna is angry to hear that. Tara and Sanam smirks.

Next: the evil eye Friday 



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