The Evil Eye Starlife update Sunday 4 August 2024

The Evil Eye Starlife update Sunday 4 August 2024


The evil eye 4 august 2024: Mohana sees Abhay’s car and says your game is over and mine has started.Barkha says where did Abhay go? Piya says he was behind us. Barkha says he would have come by now. Avi says he hasn’t reached the office either. Abhay calls Ansh. They hear Mohana saying I have no animosity against you. Answer me what are they planning against me. Barkha says Mohana caught him. Abhi says Abhay called so we can hear them talking. Mohana says they’re turning all black powers against me. Who is that woman that they’re hiding? Why do you want to risk your life for them? Tell me or I will kill you. Abhay says I will tell you. Ansh says Mohana will kill you. Abhay says they’re coming here. No one would save you now. Mohana says before they come I would be in prick swamp.

Abhay says there’s no such place. Mohana says I will take you there for me. Barkha says he is trying to let us know about his plan. Mohana says if Mohana gets angry she can kill him. Mohana says tonight is the two moon night, and they have no idea what is about to happen to them. You could tell me everything but an officer would die. Rathores would be responsible for fro our death. Abhay says the law of nature would punish you because you’re responsible for my death. Mohana says then go and complain about me there. Piya says Abhay, please tell her everything and save your life.

Mohana takes Abahy’s life. She sees the phone and says another person died because of you. I will end this game forever. My powers would multiply tonight. No one could be able to face me after that. Avi says Abhay is no more. Everyone is crying. Piya says another person died because of us. We should step back. We can’t risk any more lives. Ansh says we should leave it all on fate. Barkha says no. If we step back now, it would be unjust with Mohana. He could save his life yet he gave his life. We will stop her. I am sorry I asked you not to use your powers. We have to kill Mohana so no more innocent people die.

Nishant says yes, we won’t let Abhay’s sacrifice go in vain. Ansh says we have to face her together. Barkha says I am ready. Does Piya say we first have to find where Mohana is? Nishant says and where this prick swamp is. Ansh says we will find that.

Scene 2Mohana is going towards the swamp. The snakes stop her. Mohana says no one can stop me. They snakes say we can. Mohana throttles them and says go and tell your leaders, I will kill you all.Nishant says I have never heard of pricks swamp. Barkha says pricks are in plants that have the least water and swamp is where there is water. How can there be a pricks swamp? Shekhar says maybe there’s water there for some time. Ansh says when I was taking Singha’s horn, I saw a place where there was a river and a castle and was surrounded by a desert. Nishant says no one goes there. You must have seen the castle it was poneyma when you went there. Piya says tonight has two moons as well. So Mohana must have gone there. Nishant says yes, but it’s a place for black powers. Whoever goes there never comes back. Ansh says we will go there to stop her. Barkha says we have to reach there before Mohana.

The witches stop Mohana. Mohana says do you wanna die as well?Savi and Naman are reading about two moons night. Naman says it comes in 1000 years. It affects black powers. There are no waves in the save. Savi says what about witches? He says there’s nothing more. Savi says you’re a useless witch. Naman says I read something at least. Savi says we should go to Patmayan and ask her.

Mohana says you all can’t stop me. I will do what has to be done. She kills all the witches. Ansh, Barkha, Nishant, and Piya are on their way. Barkha says there is one moon only. Why is it called night of two moons? Nishant says we can discuss that later but first we have to cross this swamp. It looks deep. Ansh says how will we cross it. Piya makes a path of plants on it. Barkha says I am ready. I won’t let Mohana win. They hold hands and walk on it. They come to the castle door. Ansh opens it and goes inside. Barkha says it looks scary.

Savi and Naman are in the jungle. Savi says why did you bring Dufli to this dangerous place? He says I told Dufli I have taken her everywhere. She says are you an idiot? Naman says see everyone can enter the cave tonight. See, I read something useful. They see a green light. Savi says Patmayan ran. Naman says what? How did she? How will we face both of them? Savi says no one’s phone is responsive. We have to stay calm. Savi says where did Dufli go? Naman says where did she go? Naman takes her name but she doesn’t come back. Naman says what will we do now?

Mohana says finally it’s the night with two moons. She sees the jar of blood. She says the two moonlights meet at this point. Patmayan says finally you came here. Ansh and Piya come there as well. Nishant says you have to do as I say. Barkha comes there dressed as Mohana. Mohana is shocked. Nishant said to Mohana you have to go there with a fake braid. Mohana says who are you? Barkha says I am Mohana, Aikain. Mohana says that’s me. Patmayan says who’s the real Mohana? Mohana says it’s me ma, give me the jar. Barkha says she’s lying. Moana says it’s me. Mohana says I deserve the moonlight liquid. Mohana says Ansh Piya, come out. I know you did this with the help of Nishant. No one can stop Mohana. She tries to hit Barkha. it doesn’t hit Barkha. Mohana wonders why didn’t it hit her.


Piya said to Adrishi we need your help in stopping Mohana. She did this to you and separated you from us. If yes, please pick this feather. Piya says thank you, brother.Barkha says you said I am a liar? See now. Now? She says ma, I am Mohana. Mohana says I am your daughter. Patmayan says you don’t have time. Prove who is Mohana. If you delay it the moons would collide and then this liquid would be useless. Mohana says if you’re an aikain, you have to climb the wall like me. Barkha climbs the wall with the help of Adrishi. Mohana says enough. I am Mohana. She says give it to me ma. It’s my right. Patmayan says you have to prove you’re real Mohana. Mohana says I have a way to prove. A witch has her feet twisted. we will know. Barkha shows her feet. They’re twisted. Piya gave her shoes that looked like feet and Barkha wore them inverted. Barkha says I am Mohana. Patmayan says I want to throw it away and kill you both. Mohana says please don’t do this ma.


Patmayan says I will decide who is Mohana now. She says if a black power drinks this liquid she will become powerful but if it touches a human, that human can burn. Now you both have to walk on it. Mohana will cross it, and the fake one would burn. Nishant is worried. Piya says what to do now. Ansh says there must be some way. Nishant says if Barkha walks on it she can die. Mohana says give up. You will die. Barkha says you’re fake so you should be scared.

Barkha walks towards it. Barkha says in heart God help me. Ansh says we can’t let her harm herself. We have to stop it. Ansh comes there and stops Mohana. Ansh says please Barkha ji. Don’t give your life for us. Mohana says leave me. Mohana says see ma this was Ansh and Piya’s game. That woman is Barkha. Mohana says who Barkha? I am Mohana. Ansh says no Barkha ji, sto this drams. Mohana says no one can stop me from taking it. Ansh shoves her. Adrishi takes the jar from Patmayan and throws it on fire. It hurts Mohana. The moons collide.

Scene 2Saavi and Naman come home. Dufli is there. She has a witch’s bangle. Saavi says how did Dufli get it?Ansh wakes up injured. He says Piya, open your eyes. Piya opens her eyes. Nishant coughs and gets up as well. Nishant says Adrishi, my son. Where are you? Please show me you’re alive. He touches Nishant’s hands. Nishant can see his hands. He says your hands are visible. You got some of your visibility back. Thank you for stopping Mohana.

Piya says where is Barkha? They see her under some rubble. Ansh says we can’t know if it’s Mohana. Piya says see the shoes. They try to wake up Barkha. Piya says where is Mohana then? Nishant says where is Mohana? Did she die or ran? Piya says Barkha wake up. Ansh says thank you Barkha ji. They take her home.

Naman recalls Dilruba wearing that bangle. Saavi says what happened? He says this is Dilruba’s.

Next: the evil eye Monday 



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