The evil eye 3 august 2024: Nishant and Ansh rope Mohana. Nishant says I will always be your hurdle when you try to harm my family. You will never be ekain again. Mohana says to Naman you fooled me, I will not leave you. Naman says you abducted my daughter, I took my revenge. How can I harm another person’s daughter when I am a father myself. And I am a riva vanshi. Nishant asks Pari to pick the braid. Pari walks towards the car. Mohana says I have to get my braid from Pari somehow.
She does some magic, the road around Pari cracks. The braid falls from her hands and goes to Mohana. Mohana hits Ansh and Nishant. Mohana says who’s in that car? She goes towards the car. Ansh says you got what you wanted. Please go now. Mohana says I do what I want. Why are you not using your powers? Are you scared? Nishant says don’t come forward. Mohana says you can’t stop me. Ansh says please go from here. Mohana says why are you beginning like humans? Use your powers. Ansh says I don’t need my powers to face you. Go from here. Mohana walks away but ties Ansh to her braid.
Mohana says won’t you use your powers now? Piya comes there and says Ansh might not be using his powers for some reason but I can. She cuts her braid and releases Ansh. Nishant says do you want to fight? Mohana says I am going but I will be back. My revenge isn’t done yet. She leaves. Pari hugs Piya.
Vedeshree says thank God everyone’s home find. She says Piya forgive us we lied to you. How did you find out that kids are in trouble? Piya says when kids are in trouble a mother knows. Ansh says Piya forgive me. I couldn’t save Pari. Piya says because you and kids made a promise not to use your powers. I am glad you found Mohana and Pari without Pari. Avi says what about Mohana? Nshant says what will se do now?
Scene 2Savi says what? Mohana got her braid back? Naman says we tried to stop her. Nishant says she said she will come back for her revenge. Savi says we have to help Rathores. Nishant says we have to catch Mohana again. Naman says she has her powers now. Nishant says we will make her come to us. Nishant says she was trying to know who was in the car. Savi says what was in the car? Nishant says Barkha.
Abhay says to Barkha you’re very brave. You saw a witch without getting scared. Barkha says you did the really brave thing. You all faced her. Piya and Ansh see them. Piya says is there something between them? Ansh says Barkha should be careful. He can’t be trusted. Piya says because you don’t trust him? He says because he isn’t trustworthy. Piya says you don’t trust anyone. Like you didn’t trust me for the first few days. Ansh says that was different. Piya says I am sure you don’t even remember our first meeting.
Naman says Abhay called and was asking about Mohana. Savi says why is he showing interest in our work? Nishant says he’s doing his job. Naman says we have to find out what is Mohana planning next.Barkha says to Piya my sister is ill. I have to go home, I am sorry. Piya says it’s okay. Your sister needs you. Come back when she is well.
Mohana is outside the building and says I have to find out who is the one I saw in the car and why are they hiding that person?Vedeshree asks Ansh why are you not asleep? He says I was going to sleep. Vedeshree says is everything okay? He says yes. Piya sees Vedeshree. Vedeshree says to Piya Ansh looked worried. Like he was hiding something. Piya wonders what is he hiding. She says Ansh promised me he won’t ever hide anything from me.
Piya comes to her room. She sees her earrings on the door. Piya says Ansh you did all this. She comes to the room. It’s all decorated with jewelry. Piya walks in and smiles. Piya comes to the balcony. It’s all decorated as well. Piya comes there and smiles. She touches the jewels. Ansh says Piya. He comes close to her. He holds Piya’s hand and pulls her close.
Ansh hugs Piya and says this is how our first meeting was. Your earrings were making noise and I followed it. I met my life that day. Piya hugs him. They hear Barkha screaming Piya.. Ansh says Abhay’s car? Did he kidnap Piya?
Barkha opens her eyes. Abhay says listen, please. She says you kidnapped me? He says no I am a CBI officer. I brought you here for your safety. Nishant says but why did you bring me here? Nishant comes and says I asked him to.Naman says to Dufli I ran so much after Mohana. If anything happened to you, I would throttle that witch. Savi says don’t say such things in front fo her. Naman says I will never leave you. Savi says what’s in her hand? Naman says it’s a hair. She says it could be Mohana’s hair. It can help us. She says we have to test it in patal.
Barkha says what do you want from me? I have to go to my sister’s. Vedeshree says sorry we had to bring you here this way. Nishant says this is for your safety. Mohana is looking for you. Chetali says and if she did she would know you look like her. Abhay says if I didn’t bring you here Mohana would have seen you.. Piya says what has Barkha done to Mohana? Why is she after her? Vedeshree says why can’t we get rid of her. Piya says we have to find a permanent solution. Ansh says we answer her attacks. We will attack her first this time from a weapon that she doesn’t know about?
Scene 2Savi checks the hair. She says it’s Mohana’s. Ansh says to Barkha you can help us in this fight. She says I can’t face a witch. Ansh says in this fight you can help us. Ansh says we will face Mohana. She won’t even see you. Your safety is our responsibility. Barkha says we only want to confuse her. Barkha says but why me? Piya says you look like her. We want to give our kids a normal life. Barkha says why don’t you change your city? Vedeshree says we did. Abhay says they can’t run away from me. I promise you I won’t let anything happen to you.
Savi says this hair can tell us what is Mohana planning next. Naman says you take the hair. I will stay here. Savi says we need Dufli’s help to take the hair there. Naman says no she won’t go anywhere. Savi says you can go with her. Naman says I can’t. She won’t go. Savi says please. Savi shows Dufli picture. Dufli disappears.
Mohana says you will never find out what my next plan is. Someone throttles her and drowns her in the water. Dufli brings Naman with her. Naman says Dufli, you brought papa with you. Let’s take something from the witch tree. he places the hair there. They see Mohana with two moons. Naman says what does that mean? We have to go from here?
The Chalain witches attack Mohana. Mohana says how dare you attack me. They say you attacked us first. Mohana says when did I? They show Mohana burning Chalain witch tree. Mohana says it wasn’t me. I didn’t do this. Their leader says you did this. You killed some of us. Mohana says I didn’t do this. Mohana hits them and runs from there. Mohana says I can’t afford enemies. First snakes and now these? But who took my face and did this? I know whow would be their next target?
Scene 3Ansh and Piya bring Barkha to another place. She says who are they? Piya says they’re neither dead nor alive. Barkha says are they black powers too? Piya says yes. Piya says they attack humans so they can make humans like them. Barkha says you brought me here? Ansh says just stand there. Abhay says nothing would happen to you. Ansh says move your hand, Piya will do something. It would look like you did it. Piya showers water on them. Barkha runs Mohana comes there later and says I knew she would attack them the next. But why? the zombies come towards her. Mohana says I didn’t do anything. The zombies say you did it. You killed us. She sees Abhay’s card there. Mohana runs from there.Mohana sees Abhay’s car.