Prev: Saturday Update on Gangaa
Ganga requests Niru to get another date for hearing somehow. I am going to bring Mehri Didi but I don’t know how much time it will take. Just postpone the date somehow. I will find them and just come. Sagar and Niru ask her about it but she doesn’t tell anything to them. Sagar tells Ganga against it. I don’t feel it right. Where are you going? She replies that she cannot sit peacefully as his life is in danger. Don’t worry. I will be fine.
She boards an auto and reaches the said location. She walks inside a house and calls out for Palash. She hears a sound and looks into a room only to find Mehri kept there. She is unconscious and tied to a chair. Ganga shakes her face. Wake up, Mehri Didi. Palash closes the door from inside. Ganga looks at him.
Palash tells Ganga it is no use freeing Mehri. She is inebriated. She wont be able to stand even, forget about running. Ganga gets concerned for her. Who turned her like this? He calls her beautiful. I liked you the moment I saw you. I liked your simplicity, your innocence. They got me towards you. She asks him what has happened to him. What are you saying? He says this is your problem. You never thought what I will feel like. Can you not see love in my eyes? Dint you see it ever? I did so much to get you. I did everything for the first time in life to get you.
I accept that my way is wrong but you dint leave any other option for me. I don’t regret anything. I gave everything for the girl I loved. You dint see anything as Sagar is in your head. Do you know what he did? He tried to bring me close to you till Janvi was alive. Now that she is no more, he wants you. He wants to come between us, and separate us. We cannot come close till Sagar is there. He has to stay in jail so we can become one.
Ganga looks at him in shock. Palash takes Ganga in another room. He has made all the preps for their marriage. I want to marry you today itself. Ganga frees her hand from his grip. How dare you think like this about me? you are mad. I was mad to not trust Sagar. He told me not to trust you. Palash nods. I mad because you all made me mad. What else Sagar gave you other than unhappiness? He has ruined janvi’s life. I wont let him ruin your life. I have gone really ahead in this race. I cannot accept defeat now. I understand fights in love. I will make you agree. She frees her hands from his clutches. He tells her to think through. I will free Mehri if you agree to marry me. She will give her statement. You will try all your life but wont find Mehri anywhere otherwise. I can even kill her. Sagar will be in jail all his life then. What do you want – our marriage or Sagar’s destruction? The choice is yours!
Sagar gives bridal dress to Ganga. Do you recall this dress? My mother bought it for you with so much love. She wanted to see you dressed as a bride. Go and get ready. Don’t act smart. Don’t make me do anything which I don’t want to. She heads to the other room.
Everyone waits for Ganga at court. Judge says more than an hour has passed. Where is your witness? Sabharwal says he is only wasting court’s time. He has neither any proof nor any witness. I request you to give a verdict. Chaturvedi family gets tensed.
In the room, Ganga thinks of Palash’s words. She notices a slightly open window. She opens it completely and notices a car passing by from there. She waves at the car shouting for help but in vain.
Niru requests for more time as the witness is coming from far. It
will be good to wait a little more rather than hurrying up. Judge tells Niru to get his witness till 5pm. If the witness is here then it is ok or I will have to announce my decision. Niru nods. I hope Ganga reaches court with Mehri by 5 pm somehow.
Ganga waves the bridal dress outside the window and calls for help. Palash is ready. He asks Ganga to come out. I am ready. She takes the dress back. He knocks at the door asking her to come out.
Pulkit tries Ganga’s number but is unable to reach her. Sagar is tensed. Niru says she dint tell anything before leaving or you could have gone to pick her. Sagar says you should have gone with her. Pulkit has no idea where she went. Sagar hopes she is not in any problem.
Palash tells Ganga to hurry up. I want to see you dressed as a bride. Everything is ready. I am waiting for you only. She is only quiet. He asks her to reply or he will break the door. She asks for 2 minutes. He agrees. Ganga notices her phone. She types a message for Pulkit but there is signal issue. She is unable to send it. She goes near window but in vain. Everyone must be waiting for me in court. Palash is back outside the door. Come out now. Your time is up. How much time do you need? He begins to hit at the door trying to open it.
Only 20 minutes are left. Why isn’t she here? We wont be able to do anything if she isn’t back. Pulkit says we don’t know anything. Where will we look for her this way? Madhvi worries for Sagar. Police takes Sagar inside. Madhvi goes after him crying for him. Amma ji calls that Baba. I did everything that you asked me to do but what’s happening. Court is going to announce a decision in next 20 minutes. he speaks of another havan for which he had called her. She says my son does not believe in it. He says it is bound to happen then. God is upset with your grandson. It wont get right if you don’t do this havan. Come right away if you want good for our grandson. She cannot come now, she says. He tells her to try finding a solution by coming here. She agrees finally. He tells her to bring some stuff on her way.
Madhvi tells Sagar not to worry. We will save you. You will be home soon. She gets upset with Niru but Sagar assures her nothing will happen. He is worried for Ganga. Did you have a word with her? Madhvi wonders what will happen if she isn’t back. Sagar calls her stubborn. She never listens to anyone. I don’t trust Palash at all. He is nowhere to be seen. Ganga could have called or sent any of you a message.
Ganga’s phone gets network because of which the message is sent. Palash manages to break open the door.
Pulkit’s phone beeps. It is Ganga’s message. Sagar reads the message. Sagar has been right. Palash Sir has gone mad. He is really dangerous. He has held Mehri captive as well. I am here at Haveli No. 4 on the highway between Banaras and Badhoi. Please free us from here. He is shocked to read it.
Palash looks at the dress lying on floor. Maybe you don’t understand the language of love. Come with me. He pulls her with him forcibly while she tries to free herself.
Sagar says Ganga is in danger. Palash can do anything. We have to save her. Niru shows the message to Inspector who agrees to send the team. Sagar wants to go as he knows the location well but Niru and Inspector tell him against it. Sagar says I understand the logic. I need bail only for a day if she isn’t back by 5pm. I can help you. Sagar is taken away. Pulkit goes with Inspector.
Ganga shouts for help. Palash says no one will hear you. I have given you enough time but not anymore. She says I am Sagar’s and will only be his. She pushes him and runs inside. Palash tries looking for her.
Police and Pulkit stop by to ask a local vendor about the haveli. One of Palash’s goons sees them. They enquire about Ganga.
Ganga runs in the haveli to avoid Palash.
The vendor says the haveli is 5 kms back from here. Police and Pulkit leave. Palash’s goon tells the guy that maybe Ganga sent a sms. You take care of the situation here. I will call Palash Sir. Palash gets the goon’s call. He shouts after Ganga. You called Pulkit and Police here? I will see how you take Mehri from here. He goes to other side.
Sagar looks at the black thread in his hand (tied by Ganga). It has come off. Are you fine Ganga? I am upset with myself for being helpless. I cannot be with you in this situ ation.
It is 5 pm. Judge asks for witness from Niru. Sabharwal says they don’t have anything. I request you to give your decision. Niru says a girl’s life is in risk. Waiting a little more for justice wont harm anyone. Sabharwal asks for justice for Janvi’s parents. Niru tells that Ganga is in some danger. She is taking time to reach here. I request for another date. Sagar asks him to ask for a day’s parole instead. I don’t care about the decision. Niru does not agree with him but Sagar requests him again. I have to find Ganga.
Ganga frees Mehri. They both begin to go but Palash enters in the room just then. Mehri looks at him in shock.
Judge refuses to accept Niru’s plea. This case is going on for long. Janvi’s parents are waiting for justice with her daughter. Delaying in doing justice is equal to not doing justice. You are a judge. You should know it. Niru explains the situation to him and asks for one day. Judge agrees finally. If you fail to bring your witness after 24 hours then Sagar will be given life imprisonment. Niru nods and thanks him.
Supriya asks Amma ji why she needs jewellery all of a sudden. Is Sagar fine? Tell me something. Why do you need all this money? Amma ji tells her to be quiet.
Sagar requests Inspector to let him go. It is very important for me to go. Ganga is in trouble. Inspector pays no heed to his words. They are about to sit in the car when Sagar runs out. Niru and Inspector shout after him but he does not stop. Police chase Sagar.
Amma ji gives everything to that fake Baba. This is the respect of my family. I am ready to do anything for my Sagar. Start the puja. If you save my grandson then I will wash your feet all my life and drink that water. But if it does not happen or if there is any cheating then I will send you to jail Remmeber that my son is judge! She goes inside. Baba and his disciple look at the house.
Police chases Sagar asking him to stop but Sagar does not stop. He keeps running. Inspector shoots after him as well but Sagar ducks to save himself. He eventually gets a bullet wound in one of his legs. It is bleeding but he continues to run. Sagar stops for a minute but thinks against waiting till he finds Ganga. I should not get caught by police till then. Inspector asks his juniors to search for Sagar. He should not be able to flee this time. Sagar takes lift from some biker.
Ganga is tied to a chair. Palash says I don’t like doing this to you but you dint leave any other option for me. It is ok if you don’t wish to marry me but I wont let you become Sagar’s as well. You saw what he did with Janvi. He has ruined the life of one girl. I wont let him ruin your life. Why can you not see I love you? I and my mother will love you like anything. Just give me once chance. My mother and I will give you the love and respect which you could never get from Chaturvedi Family in your life. All you have to do is say yes. Are you listening to me? She feels scared.
Sagar comes to that place. I am here Ganga. Nothing will happen to you. I am here for you. Rish then someone points gun at his head. It is Palash’s goon. He informs Palash about the same. Palash tells him to shoot Sagar (phone is on speaker). Ganga requests him not to do so. Palash orders his goon to tie Sagar’s body to a stone and throw it in water afterwards. Ganga cries. Don’t do this please. Palash shouts at his goon to shoot him. They hear a shooting sound. Ganga shouts Sagar and cries badly.
The goon is dead. Sagar picks up the gun and heads inside limping.
Palash tells Ganga the story is over. You have no choice now. You never tried to understand my love ever. Now you will know what the pain of losing someone is. You will know today how bad it is to play with someone’s emotions. I dint do it. It is because of you both. You both ignited it in me. You both only turned me into an animal today. He frees her.
Sagar comes inside the Haveli. He hears some sound. Mehri is tied up and thrown in a corner. He frees her. She asks him to go save Ganga. Her life is in danger. He tells her to stay here only.
Palash makes Ganga stand while she is still crying. You have no choice now. It is just me. Sagar comes there just then and points gun at Palash. Palash takes out the knife from his back pocket. He keeps it at Ganga’s neck. Sagar warns him to free Ganga. Nothing should happen to her. Pulkit and police have come as well. They look for a way to arrest Palash without hurting anyone in the process. Palash tells him to stop or he will kill Ganga. Sagar says I wont spare you if anything happens to Ganga. Palash shouts at him to stop. Don’t take her name anymore. You will teach me how to behave with Ganga? You dint take care of Janvi, Ganga or anyone till now. You will teach me? You came to my house and showed dreams of making Ganga the DIL of our house to me and my mother. Why can’t you see it? Janvi has died recently and you want Ganga now. You have ruined one girl’s life. I wont let you ruin Ganga’s life now. If Ganga cannot be mine then she cannot be yours too. I will kill her and myself. You can live with the burden of 3 deaths then. Pulkit and police move in different directions to nab Palash. Sagar keeps the gun down upon Palash’s askance. Police points gun at Palash’s head from behind. He blames Sagar but police arrest him. Palash warns Ganga she is making a very big mistake. This Chaturvedi Family will never accept you. They will throw you when their work will be done. Police take him away.
Next: Monday 18th March update on Gangaa