Strings of love 22 January 2025: Angad wishes all the best to Akeer for his upcoming solo performance. Gurnoor tells Angad that his son will rock on the stage. Akeer walks on stage and dances beautifully on Chota Bacha Janke Humko.. song. Brars enjoy his performance. Angad sees Gurnoor cheer up for him. Everyone clap after Akeer’s performance. Akeer hi fi’s with Gurnoor and says he gave his 100%.
Teacher with kids walks to Akeer and congratulates him for his stellar performance. Gurnoor tells kids that they shouldn’t degrade anyone. Teacher takes kids away. Angad thanks Gurnoor for motivating Akeer. Gurnoor says all the kids are talented, they just need to encourage them. She walks away.
Akeer meets Gurnoor after the class and requests her to teach him other subjects along with music. Gurnoor
says she can teach him only music, but will help him with other subjects though. Akeer says he will attend school daily then. Gurnoor says there is a holiday on Saturday and Sunday. Akeer says she can visit his house on Saturday and Sunday.
A teacher informs Gurnoor that principal is calling her. Gurnoor walks along her looking tensed. Angad thinks why she looks tensed, does principal want to scold her for helping Akeer. He follows her. Principal asks Gurnoor if she submitted her documents. Gurnoor says not yet but soon will. Principal says as per school rules, she can’t be hired without document submission and fires her. Gurnoor walks out of prinicipal’s cabin thinking how will she survive without a job.
Angad walks to Gurnoor and says he wants to talk to her. Gurnoor says not now as he is upset with something. Angad says he knows that principal fired her from job and offers her a job. Gurnoor thinks he is trying to take advance of a lonely girl. Angad says principal must have scolded her for helping Akeer. Gurnoor says that is okay. Angad requests her again to accept Akeer’s caretaker job and teacher her music and other subjects. Gurnoor says she must have to come and stay at his house for that, she has never done that and can’t accept h is job. He says it’s okay and walks away thanking her again for helping Akeer. Gurnoor thinks he is a weird man.
Angad gets into his car. Gurnoor walks on street thinking how will she manage now. A peon asks her if she is fine. Gurnoor says she left the school. Peon prays god that she be happy wherever she goes. Gurnoor notices goons searching for her and gets into Angad’s car. Angad asks what is she doing. Gurnoor says she accepted his offer and covers her face with veil. Angad asks what is she doing. Gurnoor asks her to start driving. Goon lady shouts at her aides and says Gurnoor knows the school very well, she will wait outside and will catch her for sure. Gurnoor continues to misguide Angad by asking him to take right and left and says she will not stay in his house. Angad asks where will she stay then. Drama continues…