Strings of love 16 January 2025: Angad tells antiterrorism squad that he didn’t make any online or credit card transactions. Officer says it means his family member did and orders his team to shift Brar family to headquarters for investigation and seal the house. Bebe tells officer that her family is mourning a family member’s death, he should spare them for some time. Officer says plutonium is bought, it’s a serious issue and he needs to investigate at any cost. Keerat brings Angad’s mobile and wallet.
Angad notices a purchase from his mobile and his credit card missing. Manveer asks if someone stole his credit card and misused it.
Akeer walks to them with Simran and says he used Angad’s credit card to buy plutonium. Angad asks reason. Akeer says for his science project. Hansraj asks
if Akeer is preparing bomb. Officer insists Akeer to tell the reason. Simran tells them how she taught Akeer to use laptop. Akeer says he saw in his school video that a scientist used plutonium to make a time machine; he wants to make a time machine and return back in the past for stopping his mamma from going to god’s house, then he and his mamma will happily return to Panesar. Officer says he had come here for investigation, but seeing a child’s love for his mother, he is feeling pity. He leaves with his team.
Angad asks Akeer to come to him. Akeer says if he wants him to apologise for using his card and buying plutonium, he will not do that. Angad says he wants to hug him. Akeer says Angad is neither his enemy nor his friend from hereon, he will call him by his name like mamma used to c all him; his mamma used to call everyone with respect except Angad. Keerat says his mamma used to call Angad by name because she use to love Angad. Akeer says he hates Angad and will call him by his full name Angad Singh Brar. Angad recalls calling his father by his name. Jasleen says parent’s biggest sorrow is when their children don’t accept them. Manveer says this is not good. Angad says it’s just like reliving his past and hopes that just like he accepted his papa, Akeer accepts him soon.
Sahiba’s doppelganger Gurnoor rents a house and starts cleaning it. She notices a shadow near the door and gets tensed thinking if it’s a good who tattooed Z on her hand. She closes the door hurriedly and thinks she has to stay here for a few days and hopes goons don’t reach here. Next day, after class, Akeer refuses to go home with Angad and insists Simran to take him to her class. Simran asks how can she take him to her class. Akeer says he will finish her homework. Kids bully him saying he is always afraid of going home, he is a coward. Akeer says he will fun far away, but will never go with Angad. Angad reaches there. Another kid says he is taking his father’s name, it’s wrong. Kid’s father arrives and apologises on her behalf and says she learnt to respect elders via her mother. Kid kisses her father and leaves with him. Akeer continues to insult Angad and scolds him when he opens a car door for him.
Gurnoor thinks she needs to find a job or else she can’t survive for long. She walks in a market where she sees a shopkeeper selling dresses in discount and buys one. While driving home, Angad tells Akeer that they get a good pizza in a nearby shop. Akeer says he doesn’t need and hates Angad.