Strings of love 2 august 2024: Angad with Sahiba and their lawyer reaches judge’s cabin and finds the judge missing. Judge’s assistant says sir was in the cabin just now. They all start searching for the judge. Yash’s men kidnap judge and carry him in a car just behind Sahiba. They all think where judge must have gone. Yash continues to sell Brar mansion’s stuff for 10-20 rs. Akaal and Prabjot plead him not to sell their artifact as it’s emotionally attached to them. Yash breaks it and kicks it with his feet. He then sells Veer’s flute for 1 Rs and taunts him that he couldn’t earn a rupee singing, he got at least 1 Rs for his flute.
Yash’s goon informs him that dynamite team is here to blast the house.Brars say he can’t do this to them. Yash says they made fun of his poverty and humiliated him when he was poor, now it’s their turn to get humiliated. Inder asks Veer to call Angad and inform him about the situation here. Goon snatches his phone. Brars continue to plead him. Police bring Parth to court and inform Angad that they took Parth’s statement and sent diamond to the lab for test. Lawyer says with Parth’s statement, their case got more strong. Sahiba says without judge, Parth’s statement is of no use. Yash’s goons shift judge to their hideout. Judge warns goons that they are doing wrong and will go to jail for kidnapping a judge. Goon says their boss is very rich and will save them. Garry reaches there and misleads goon.
Sahiba breaks down asking Angad how will they save their house now without court order. Angad comforts him and says she is his courage and always encouraged him to find solutions for the problem instead of giving up. Manveer acts a feeling drowsy. Family rushes to her help. She asks Inder to video call Angad and show him the situation here. Inder does. Angad seeing the situation decides to rush home. He gets judge’s live location from an unknown number/Garry’s and thinks Megha must have sent it. Japjot falls on Yash’s feet and pleads him to spare their house. Akaal warns her not to bend in front of an evil and delivers heavy dialogue.
Next: strings of love Saturday