Gulnaaz says let’s go home Ruhaan. Ruhaan says I won’t take you anywhere. You tried to harm Qainat and her child. Hina says she’s my daughter. It was better for her. Ruhaan says killing a child is better for her? Gulnaaz says you want us to accept her child? Ruhaan says yes really. You have no shame mom. You can’t ruin other people’s lives like this. Ruhaan leaves in anger. Gulnaaz says please take us. He says taake an auto and leaves. Hina says how will we go home.
Haider thinks about what Dua did. He recalls what he did to Dua. Haider says in heart I am not good for you. I dont’ deserve you. I don’t deserve your forgiveness. It’s good for you that you stay away from me. Dua says in heart I can’t see you or your family in trouble. Haider says in heart my family doesn’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you. Dua says in heart I can’t even look at anyone else but you. My identity is with you. Hiader says in heart I wanted to live this life with you. They look at each other.
Scene 2
Gulnaaz tries to get a rickshaw. No one stops for them. Gazal says we’ve to clean our face first. It doesn’t clean. People mock at them. Hina says if Dua finds them and we can’t stop them we will not be allowed in the house. Dogs bark at them. They get scared.
Akhter comes there. Gazla says we’ve to go out of here. They will bite us. Gulnaaz says hurry up. Run the dogs run after them. AKhter wonders where is everyone. He looks around. Akhter gets a call. He’s shocked. He says what? Akhter sees the news. He’s shocked. He recalls how Hina was hiding things from him. Akhter says what have they done? How can Qainaat do that. I’ve to go to the hospital.
Hina says you both left me with those dogs. Gazal says I was looking for stones. Gulnaaz says what could we do. Hina says have some shame. The dogs come again. Gazal throws stone and it hits Gulnaaz. Gazal falls herself. Hina says get up. We’ve to go home. They wash their face.
Scene 3
Dua and Haidder come home. Akhter says have you not insulted us enough that you came here as well?? Dua says I am sorry for that. But Dadi and Ravi are in this house. They’re in trouble. Let me look for them. Haider says what would happen to them. Hamida stops her car and says I wish I could have mercy on you Hian, but I won’t go there. I am going to your place. Hina says don’t you dare. Hamid says you can’t scaare. Gulnaaz says please take us as well. Hamida sas don’t try to fool me. You’re a snake. Hamida shoves Gulnaaz. She says you’re worse than a snake. Hina says you will have to pay for it. Hamida says get home by walk.
Dua looks for Dadi and Ravi. Dadi says Dua will save us. Dua runs towards the store. Hina, Gulnaaz and Gazal walk in the sun. Hina says if they find out we will not be allowed in the house. Gulnaaz says we’ve lost already. Haider won’t trust us anymore. Gazal says Hamida has made a huge mistake. Hina says Rahat would hateher. Haider wouldn’t tolerate this either. Rahat won’t favor Dua either.
Haider and Dua come to the store. They’re shocked to see Ravi and dadi there.
Haider and Dua open the store. Dadi and Ravi are there. They’re shocked. Rahat says who did this? Dua releases her and says who did this. She cries. Haider picks Ravi. Dua says you will be fine. She picks dadi. Dua says they’re dehydratred. Ravi stands up. Theyr’e shocked to see how is he standing. Haider says how is he standing? Dua says let’s take them out. Haider dresses Ravi’s wounds. Dua takes care of Dadi. she says my daughter, if you didn’t come. I would have died. Dua says this is my family. Dadi says you live in our hearts. How is Qainaat? Dua says she’s with Hafeez. Qainaat comes home. Dadi hugs her. Hamida comes as well. Hamida stops Hafeez. Dadi asks are you okay? thank God you are okay. God will never keep those cowards happy.
Hina comes in and says you’re right ammi. Everyone is shocked to see them. Hina says no one will ever be happy in this house. This illegitimate child will ruin our family. dua and her mom are responsible for all his. Hamida’s characterless son did this to our daughter. Your dua ruined our lives and Hamida calls the media and ruined our family’s name. Dadi slaps her. Hina is shocked. She says you ruined our family’s name not them. You care so much about your name that you did all those attrocities on me? I will tell everyone your reality. Dua calms her down. Hina says Ravi and I will tell what you did to us to kill Qainaat’s child. You crossed all the limit. You’re a witch, not a mother.
Dadi tells everyone what Hina did. Everyone is shocked. She tells how they locked her and Ravi in the store. Gazal says ammi what should we do now? Hina cries and says ammi what are you saying? How can I do that? Why are you lying? You’re my mother. I can never harm you. I am your Hina. How can you accuse me like this? Dua must have provoked you. Gulnaaz says Dua must have told ammi to say all this. She says ask Ravi? Gulnaaz says Ravi is always on Dua’s side. We know you’re both lying. Dua says I didn’t say anything. Gazal says stop your drama. Haider and abu wont’ fall for your lies. We didn’t do anything to them. Dadi says don’t you dare to say a word against my Dua.
She’s not a witch like you. Gazal says we didn’t do anything. Ravi says Gazal is lying. They locked us in the store. He tells how they hit him and locked him in the store. Gulnaaz says how will we handle a man? hina says stop lying. Dadi says stop bringing Dua in all this. Gazal says dadi ammi you’re lying to everyone for Dua? Hina says she’s planning all this to get us kicked out of this house. I will get rid of this Dua forever today. She’s a curse to our house. Gulnaaz says I am with you. I will end this Dua today. Haider stands in front of Dua. Haider says stop it. Hina says don’t come in between. I won’t leave her today.
Rahat slaps Hina. Everyone is shocked. Hina says rahat? She’s shocked. Gulnaaz says what did you do? He slaps Gulnaaz as well. He says if you toucb Dua I will kick you out of this house. Hina says come to your senses. Thsi girl ruined our family. You slapped us for her. He slaps her again and says no a single word against Dua. Gulnaaz says this is unfair. He slaps her and says shut up. I will kill you. Hina says how can you take her side? He’s about to slap her again. Dadi stops him and says you can’t hit your wives. He says they don’t deserve respect. They were united by hate not love. SHame on you both.
They ruined Dua’s life. They have no shame. Hina says they are our enemies. Gulnaaz and I did what was right for our family. Your daughter is pregnant with Dua’s brother’s child. Imagine what would happen if people find out? The world won’t let her live. I am her mother. I did that for her future. I have no regret. Rahat says you’re her enemy not her mother. You did what your fercious mind told you. You kept her hungry, you hit her. You abused her and even tried to kill her child. Did you think what she was going through? You have no humanity left in you. You didn’t even leave my mom.
You kept her locked in the store in this age. And what did Ravi do? Your conscience is dead. She says I didn’t do that on purpose. Dua forced me to do all this. He says how innocent are you. Dua scared you and asked you to lock them up? I wanna kill you right now. You’re such a liar. You did all that because they took Dua’s side. They were gonna protect Qainaat. You forgot everything in your hate. You have no shame. No humanity. You’ve crossed all the limits. You can even kill your own child in this hate.
Rahat apologizes to Dua. He says I am not any less than them. I’ve do such unfair things to you. Please forgive me. Dua says don’t say that. I am your child. He says you loved me like your own father. I wasn’t there for you whenn I needed you. I don’t deserve to be called your dad. Dua says don’t say that. She hugs him. Gazal says ammi do something. Haider won’t divorce Dua. We will be kicked out of the house.
Rahat says I don’t even deserve to be called your dad. Dua hugs him and says you’re my father. Don’t say that. You said all that because of a misunderstanding. Hina says stopp provoking me and my family. Get lost. Gulnaaz says get out of our house. Haider holds Dua’s hand. Hina says leave her hand. Rahat stands in front of Dua and slaps Gulnaaz. He says don’t you dare to touch my daughter. Hina says don’t you dare to stop me. Are you blind? She’s a witch. She will destroy our family. Rahat says you have destroyed our family. You harmed my mom, your daughter and Dua. Rahat says this woman has lost her mind. He says to Gulnaaz you are so evil. I am ashamed to call you my wife. He says to Gazal you.. You have to know how big of a sin it. You tried to harm your SIL?
Hina says ask Dua. Her brother did that to our daughter. He played with her life and manipulated her. Hafeez says I love Qainaat and I wanna marry her. Rahat says you and Qainaat made a mistake. Hina says it’s a sin not mistake. Punish them. Don’t blame me. He says you are to be blamed. You’ve done the sin. You tried to kill a child. Hina says Dua and her family have ruined our family. Rahat says they made a mistake but they love each other. It’s our duty to fix those mistakes. Hina says did you ever try to fix your mistakes? You gave Gulnaaz all my rights in my own house. Rahat says I know I cheated on you. I could never love you. You were my wife but never my lover. And I paid for that crime all my life. I fell in eyes of my own children forever. She says I paid for your mistakes. Can you repent for it? You can’t do anything. It was all intetional. You fell for a younger girl. Rahat says my worst mistake was that you were a nice woman. If I knew you were this evil I would have no regrets. I would have given you divorce first if I knew you were like this. Hina screams.
Rahat says I had no strength to leave you. If I knew you were like this I would have left you and Gulnaaz would have gotten all her rights and not be a second wife. Hina cries. Rahat says you both are part of this sin. Rahat says to Haider you’ve all the right to hate me. my kids had to pay for my mistakes. I should have divorced your mom if I didn’t love her instead of cheating on her. Rahat cries. Haider holds him. Haider makes him sit.
Hina recalls all that Rahat said. She says dua took everything from me. I will not let her live. She ruined my life. My son and husband are against me. She picks a knife. Hina runs towards Dua and says I won’t leave you. I will end you. I will send you to hell. Hina runs towards Dua, everyone tries to stop Hina. Dadi says leave this knife. Are you crazy? Haider stands in front of Dua. Hamida and Hafeez run in to save Dua. Hina stabs Dua. Everyone is shocked. Haider screams Dua..
Gazal says you better die. I will get rid of both fo them. Dua holds the knife. Her hand bleeds. She stopped Hina from stabbing her. Haider shoves her. Hamida panics. She says call a doctor. Haider says what did you do. Hina says I should have done that before. hamida dresses Dua’s cut. haider says let me do it. Hina says you stay away. It’s too late. She cleans her blood. DAdi says Hina you’ve become an animal. What if something happened to her. Rahat is about to slap her. Qainaat says she won’t understand. Hamida’s hands shake while cleaning Dua’s blood. Haider says let me do it. she says no need. He says your hands are shivering. He takes the bandage and cleans Dua’s wounds.
Next Thursday update sister Wives