Haider dresses Dua’s wound. Hina says wow Dua, you turned my husband against me and now controlled my son. You forgot what she did to your mom? Haider says please stop it mom. She says this girl is my enemy. She ruined my life and my son is comforting her. Wow. You proved you only care about your wife.
You can see her pain but not your mom’s? Haider says you gave her the pain. she didn’t do anything to you. What were you gonna do? First you tried to kill Qainaat’s child and then you dare to stab Dua? Dad is right. You’ve lost the sense of right and wrong. She says you’re your wife’s slave. You forgot you hate her. You divorced her. now you’ve taken a u-turn and accusing your mom? He says I am accusing a woman who has lost humanity. You can’t be my mother. She says Haider. He says you’re a merciless woman. You can kill an innocent. You’ve murderd this house. She says you ill-mannered. She’s about to slap him. Dua holds her hand. Dua says don’t even touch Haider. Hina says he is my son. I can do whatever I want. Who are you?
Dua says I am Haider’s wife. I know he’s your son but I won’t let you misuse your motherhood. Be good yourself before calling him wrong. Hina says don’t you dare to mess with me. Dua shouts don’t shout at me Hina Begum. Hina says you have no manners. That’s what your mom taught you. What has happened to my own blood? She has no manners. Dua says I am ashamed to respect you. What have you not done? You’ve ruined this family with Gazal. Because of you and Gazal you ruined my marriage. You wanted her to marry Ruhan but she ended up marrying my Haider and you ruined my marriage. You hurt me so much, I kept tolerating but you crossed all limits. You tried to kill me twice. You mistreated dadi ammi.
You harmed Ravi. You hit Qainaat, you tried to kill her child. You did all this for Gazal. See whaat you’ve become. There’s no point of return. Who respects you here? No one. You’re not my mother or MIL anymore. You’re just Hina Begumm only. The way Gulnaaz is just Ruhaan’s mom, you’re just Haider’s mom for me. Hina laughs. She says wow. I had no relation with you anyway. I broke my relation with you the day you provoked Ruhaan into leaving this house and not marrying Gazal. I don’t consider you my daughter or DIL anyway. Who are you to reject me? Haider has signed the divorce papers. Go away from him. He wants nothing to do with you.
Dua looks at Haider. Haider cries. Hina says he’s not gonna melt. He knows how cunning you are. Why do you come here? Because you and your mom are after our wealth. You come here even if we ask you not too. You greedy women. Hamida says mind your language. Dua says don’t say anything mom. She’s sick. Her conscience is dead. Look at her face. How unlucky is she. Everyone is cursing her but she can’t accept her defeat. I can only pity her. Hina says I don’t lost. Dua says you are totally lost. Your own kids hate you. Hina says shut up. Dua says I am not done. Truth wont’ change. I will show you your reality today. Sit down.
Hina says don’t touch. Dua says I was supporting you so you don’t fall. You’re a shameless and weak woman. You kept seeing your husband tied to another woman but stayed with him. You didn’t even take a stand for yourself because you were after this wealth. You were okay with the bread and shelter they were providing you. Hina says you also have a sautan. Haider also married another woman. Why are you here? Why are you being shameless like me? You should thankk me I saved youu. You’re shameless hence you keep coming here. Dua says Haider didn’t betray me. He married Gazal to pay for your sins. You’re responsible for Gazal’s mom’s death.
My husband washed your sins. Haider married her to give an orphan support. He did a good deed. He didn’t cheat on me. He doesn’t know he was being manipulated. You couldn’t see how he slept outside my room to make up. He did another nikkah but he can never love anyone else. Do you want a proof? Ask Haider if he ever loved Gazal. Has he ever even looked at her? Haider has no relationship with her. Haider is a loyal person. He can never be disloyal to me. I won’t leave a pure heart like him with Gazal and manipulative people like you. I come here to save him and his family. And everyone is seeing reality except for you. Because you are tied by her a crime. The crime of getting her mom killed. Gazal says in heart don’t bring my mom in this or I will kill you.
Dua says to Hina your tongue is tied by a crime. Crime of killing her mom. Hina says past won’t change my opinion about you. Gazal is far better than you. I know why you come back here. You fear Gazal might come near Haider. Dua says I’ve no fear. If I did I would have been in this house like a coward like you. Haider can never be disloyal to me and can never love this Gazal. I am not going to compromise and coward like you. Otherwise I would have been here and just living here for shelter. Rahat says for sure. You are a brave and modern girl. A girl who knows her rights and her importance. You’re doing the right thing. I am with you. Hina says don’t fall for her. Rahat says I’ve seen your poison. I’ve never seen someone change like you.
I am glad Dua exposed you. Hina says to Dua you can fool them not me. Haider hates you. He doesn’t love you. I am unlucky that you didn’t die. Dua says how blind have yo become to not see the truth. Haider shot to save me not to kill me. Hina says wow that’s misunderstanding. He shot to kill you. Dua laughs and says if only you could see. You’re an evil DIL who harmed her MIL, You’re a terrible wife and you’re a terrible mother too. Hina says I’ve done every reponsibility.
Dua says if you were, you won’t have done this with Qainaat. You tried to kill her child. You never had mercy on haider. You never understood his feelings. Dua says I know what’s good for my kids. Dua says why couldn’t you see Haider’s pain then? You couldn’t see his eyes with pain. I am not safe while you’re in this house. Hiader wants me to stay away from me so I am safe. That’s his loyalty. Not disloyatly. Haider says in heart Dua you know me so well.
Dua asks Haider if that’s true. Hina says tlel her you don’t care about her. You hate her. Dua says I can even read his silence. His silence is telling how much loves me. Hamida says he’s ashamed of what he’s done. dua says I know what my husband is. Hamida says I am telling you the truth. Haider is shamelss and disloyal. Dua says stop it mom. His only weakness is that he’s a good heart. That’s why Gazal manipulated him. He’s silent to protect me. He doesn’t want to hurt his mom either. Haider is an innocent man.
His only support is his silence. Hina says stop it. I know my son is very nice. You’re world’s worst wife. You couldn’t even give him a child. Hina says you can’t even be a mother, you’re doing IVF drama. Haider says stop it mom. You can’t make fun of everything. Please stop it. Dua says let her speak. dua says I am getting treated for IVF. Medicine helps a lot of couples these days. There’s nothing wrong with iit. The sin is that a woman came after my husband and blackmailed him into marrying her. Gazal says this house will never be yours again Dua. Haider won’t even see your face. Dua slaps Gazal. She says shamless woman, if your mom were alive she would have told you, you don’t speak as an outsider. You’re here to take revenge and people don’t even know what your plan is. Don’t worry.
Gazal says it’s you who wants to harm this family. Haider is mine. This house is mine. Soon Haider and I will give this house a heir. Dua laughs and claps. Dua says Husband and wife have to come close to have a child. He doesn’t even let you come near him. Remember what happened when you drugged him and tried to make him yours. Remember the back pain you had when he shoved you? Gazal is about to slap Dya. Haider holds Gazal’s hand and says don’t even dare to touch my Dua or I will forget you’re a woman. Dua says my Dua? Please say it again. My ears were dying to hear that. She cries. They recall their moments together. Hina shoves them. She says this is wrong. If Gazal was about to hit her, you couldn’t tolerate. She slapped Gazal, couldn’t you stop her. Stop being fooled by this clever girl. She sent us all to jail. You should kick her out of this house. And you’re standing up for her? This is wrong. Haider says do you wanna know the truth. Ruhaan comes in and says you’re wrong badi ammi. Everyone is shocked.
Next Friday update sister Wives