Sister Wives update Wednesday 3 July 2024

Gazal comes to Haider and Dua, she says I know who stole that money.. the thief was Gazal. Ruhaan hears that and thinks she is doing this to save me. Haider shouts at Gazal that if you needed money then you could have asked me. Gazal says I am sorry, I took that money as my right as I am your wife. Haider says you blamed Dua and Hafeez.. how can you stoop this low? I will call Hina and show your real face to her.

Dua thinks let her get insulted. Haider goes to call Hina. Gazal thinks if Hina goes against me then I will lose all support. She rushes to Haider and says I can’t see Hina angry with me, please don’t tell her. Haider says she needs to know the truth. Gazal says just listen to me, you have to know that I am a poor person and I was angry that I never get your attention.

I blamed Dua because I was angry. Dua is rich but what do I have? I have no money or husband’s love. Dua says so you stole just because you wanted to? its good that you accepted your crime and you will be punished for it. Gazal says fine you can punish me but you need to find out why I stole that money. Haider says let her speak, he asks why did you steal? Gazal says I lost my parents and only their graves bring peace to me. When I went to their graves, I saw them ib bad condition and I needed money to get it cleaned and repaired. I am sorry. Dua says I will expose her. Haider says no, we shouldn’t shame her because she needed money for her parents’ graves. Dua says I won’t be silent, she blamed me and Hafeez.

Haider says then what would be the difference between you and her? Dua says you don’t know her, she can use her dead parents to lie too. Haider says she wouldn’t do that. Dua tries to call the family but Haider says don’t do that.. she didn’t do anything wrong. You are my wife and Gazal is my responsibility so its okay if she took my money. I was so messed up that I forgot my duties and didn’t give any money to Gazal. I married her so its my duty to give her money. He tells Gazal that he wouldn’t forgive her again, if she needs anything then just tell him. Gazal thanks him for giving her some rights. Gazal smirks at Dua and leaves. Dua is angry with Haider and goes from there. Haider rushes behind her but she locks him out of her room.

Gazal calls Ajaz and says I am scared of Dua.. I feel like she wouldn’t let us use Ruhaan against her. Ajaz says don’t worry, everything will go as per the plan.

Hafeez comes to meet Kaynaat at the night time. She asks him to go but he says I want to meet my lover. He says we will get married soon and wouldn’t get the chance to meet in secrecy. Kaynaat blushes and says you will have responsibilities. Hafeez says I will take care of you and keep you as my princes.. we will go on shopping daily and I can even help you in the kitchen. Kaynaat says you are so nice. They hear someone coming to Hafeez runs away. Kaynaat comes back to her room and sees Noor sleeping. She goes to sleep. Noor wakes up and thinks Hafeez and Kaynaat are in a relationship. Its only me that’s single. She dreams about Ajaz and messages him. Ajaz laughs seeing that and says the girl is in my trap. He messages Gazal.

Ruhaan tells Gazal that I can’t repay you for saving him. He says no one can love him like her. He hugs her but Gazal pushes him back, she says I can do anything for you but why did you need this money? Ruhaan says I needed to buy their deaths with that money. Gazal smirks.

Dua sits alone and recalls about Ruhaan’s anger and how Gazal is using him. She says Gazal fooled Haider again, how will I save Ruhaan?

Gazal asks Ruhaan what is he planning? Ruhaan says soon our enemies will be destroyed and we will become one. We will be together soon. Gazal smirks and thinks he will kill Dua then go to jail so that Haider will become mine.

Haider comes home and tells the family that we have to submit out bridal collection and if we win then we will get the chance to host the final bridal fashion week. Hina says that’s a great opportunity. Haider tells Dua that her responsibilities are going to increase, she has to look after all the ideas and provide her inputs. If we win this then we will have great opportunities, are you ready for this project? Gazal says I am part of this house too and I can take some responsibilities. Haider says not at all, I don’t want any drama when it comes to my business. Gazal says but give me a chance. Haider says stop arguing with me. He tells Dua that she should start looking after material and the designs, let me know if you need anything. He tells Ravi about the next steps. Dua thinks she has to deny him for the first time to save Ruhaan from Gazal. Haider is about to leave but Dua says stop… I won’t work for your company for this bridal fashion week. All are shocked to hear that. Haider is confused and says you won’t work for your boutique? are you joking or maybe you forgot that this was our dream.

Dua says like you forgot our promises to be loyal, if you don’t value our relationship then how can you expect me to work for our dreams? you broke those dreams already. Haider says you say that I don’t value our relationship? I can request you that you can punish me at the home but please don’t say no to the work as we will be destroyed. Dua says I don’t care, I was already destroyed. Dadi thinks why is Dua saying no? Haider tells Dua that you know we can’t compete in this competition without your help, please take your decision back. Hina says don’t beg her, you don’t need her. Haider says please don’t interfere in our matter.

He begs Dua to agree, we really need you and its about our business which keeps this house running. You made our business grow and if you leave then we will be lost. Dua thinks I am sorry, I don’t want to hurt you. Haider asks if she is agreeing? you know my business is incomplete without you. He folds his hands and begs her to agree. All look on. Dua is conflicted and thinks my husband is begging but I have to be strong, I can find another way to defeat Gazal. She says fine, I am ready to help your business. Haider says I knew you would agree to me. Dua says I am not listening to you, someone else can convince me and its your wife Gazal. All look on. Dua says Gazal has to beg me and only then I will work for your business. She has to beg me alone and only then I will decide if I want to work or not. Gazal is scared that she might beat her up and says I don’t want to talk to you alone.

Dua says lets have a heart to heart. Hina says Gazal won’t go with Dua, I don’t trust her. She made Gazal rub her nose on the feet and I don’t know what she is upto again. Dua says I will take my decision only if she talks to me alone otherwise I don’t care if we win the competition or not. She leaves from there. Haider is stressed and looks at Gazal. He shouts at her to go and talk to Dua.. you wanted to help me right so go and talk to her. Go and convince her, you can’t come back without her saying yes.

Dua tells Dadi that she will trap Gazal into confessing that she is fooling Ruhaan. I will force her to accept her reality in front of Ruhaan. She asks her to leave. Gazal comes there and Dadi leaves. Gazal asks Dua what’s her drama now? Dua says you know how important this competition is for Haider and if you don’t convince me then you know you will stoop lower in his eyes, he is already pissed at you and think what he will do if you don’t convince me. Gazal says then just agree. Dua says not so easily.. I want you to accept your crimes in front of Ruhaan. If Ruhaan is freed from your trap then I will help Haider. Gazal says I am not going to do that. Dua says then be ready for Haider’s wrath, he already kicked you out of his bed and then he is going to kick from the roof as he can’t bear his business suffering. Gazal says you can’t force me. Dua says you are a shameless girl, you lied to everyone and think I am forcing you? Go and tell the truth to Ruhaan otherwise Haider won’t spare you. Gazal looks on and thinks I am stuck in this situation now. Ruhaan will kill me I tell him the truth.

Next Thursday update sister Wives 


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