Sister Wives update Saturday 6 July 2024

Haider tries to greet Hamida but she stops him and says don’t be pretensious. Haider says I know I don’t deserve your blessings but please. He puts her hand on his head for blessings. Hamida sadly looks at him. Dadi comes there and hugs Hamida. All family members come there. Gulnaz tells Hina that Hamida is here so some people should worry. She greets Hamida, she says its surprising to see you talking honey.

Gulnaz says Dua changed me, I have stopped fighting but some people need teachings. Hamida glares at Gazal and shakes her head. Dua thanks Hamida for coming. Hamida says I didn’t plan to come but someone begged me to come here. Dua say I pray for their happiness. Who called you? Hamida says let me sit down first. Hafeez comes there and hugs Hamida. He says I was missing you. Hamida says why are you losing weight? aren’t they treating you well? Kaynaat says I keep telling him to eat on time but he doesn’t listen. Hamida is surprised to see her care. Gulnaz whispers to Gazal that you must be scared seeing her, all your venom is gone? Gazal recalls how Hamida slapped her before.

Dua goes to the kitchen and finds food cooked there, she says it seems like Hina’s cooking but why would she cook?

Hamida is sitting with the family, Hafeez says you should have told me you were coming. Hamida says I wanted to shock some people. Gulnaz says no storm can stand in front of Hamida. Dua brings water for her and asks who called you here? Hina says I called her here. All are surprised. Hina goes to Hamida and hugs her, she says its good to see you here, thank you for accepting my invitation. Hamida says I had to because you are my daughter’s mother in law. Dua says why did you call her here? Hina says I am not selfish, we didn’t have a good meeting last time so I thought to mend things, forget old wounds and starts a new.

Gulnaz and Dadi are confused hearing all that. Dadi says she is upto something. Dua asks Hina why did you get this thought suddenly? Hina says you are asking too much, she must be tired. Hamida says I don’t tire till I make my enemies lose the fight. She says your scheme is good that you first destroy relationships and then try to mend it. We will talk about it later on but first you have to see who I brought with me. She calls Babban Mian and all are surprised to see its a donkey. Dua laughs seeing that. Hamida says he is very pampered and only eats good food, he is looking for a bride so I thought to bring him here and he might like someone here. Hafeez says that’s a great idea. Gazal is angry seeing all that.

Noor greets the donkey. Hina tells Hamida that this is not a place for animals. Hamida says animals don’t like place where there is no justice. She says this donkey will take someone out of here soon, she glares at Gazal and says she will be out of here soon on this donkey. Hina is angry hearing that.

Hina asks Hamida why did she bring a donkey here? Hamida says this donkey will take someone out of the house and it will be your daughter in law Gazal. You called me to mend things and I realized that you are unable to bear her anymore and might want to get free from her so I thought to help you out by bringing a donkey to send her off from here. She says my daughter is a moon and this girl is an eclipse. She asks Gazal to sit on it and leave. Dua tries to stop Hamida but she tells Gazal to not make the donkey angry. Gazal says what is all this, she asks the donkey to stay away from her. All laugh at her. Dadi and Gulnaz dance around her. Dua laughs seeing all that. Hamida asks Gazal to sit on the donkey and leave with him, your real place is in his stable. She drags Gazal to the donkey but Hina stops her. All look on.

Hina laughs and tells Hamida that your jokes are nice but she is my daughter in law so don’t behave like this with her. Will you behave like this with your daughter in law? Hamida says I won’t be like you, I would never allow what my daughter had to bear in this house with my daughter in law. The problem is that I want a daughter in law like Dua but that’s rare. I can’t have a girl like Gazal who can’t handle the house or business. Hina laughs and says I hope you get a good daughter in law as Hafeez is a nice kid. Gulnaz thinks why is Hina being so sweet? Dadi says I am sure she is plotting something with Gazal. Gulnaz says she can’t fool Hamida.

Hina asks Hamida to come with her, she needs to talk. She asks Gazal to bring food for them. Dua asks Hina why you need to talk to her? Hina says she is my friend first so let me talk to her, stop interfering between elders. She takes her to her room. Dua is confused and says what if she will trap my mother? Haider comes there and says don’t worry, maybe Hina is repenting her mistakes. Dua says I don’t think so, she is still treating me badly and she didn’t defend Gazal today. I feel like Hina and Gazal are playing a game.

Scene 2

Hina sits with Hamida and asks if she had any troubles coming here? Hamida says I bring trouble with me so don’t worry. I have been called to a place where my daughter’s life was destroyed and talking to the person so hates my daughter but still I thank God for everything.

Gazal is in the kitchen and the donkey follows her. She asks him to stay away from her. She asks him to get lost and is scared. The donkey keeps staring at her. Gazal says I will run away then. She starts leaving but the donkey holds her dupatta. Gazal pulls it back and leaves.

Hafeez asks Kaynaat to calm down, she says I feel like Hamida had a doubt on us, she would never agree to our relationship because of what Haider did with Dua. She hates our family now. Haider comes there and says I am the reason for all this but only I should be punished for it, I wouldn’t let my sister suffer because of all that. Noor sees all that and calls Ajaz. She says Haider knows about Hafeez and Kaynaat but he still blessed them so I am sure he will bless our relationship too. Ajaz says that’s good to know.

Gazal is taking food for Hamida but Dua comes there and says I don’t trust you so you have to taste this food first. Haider comes there and asks what’s going on? Dua asks him to stay out it, she doesn’t trust his wife and might have poisoned the food. Dadi says she is right, we can’t trust this Gazal. Gulnaz says this evil person can’t be trusted. Dua asks Gazal to taste it, Haider tells Gazal that she couldn’t win anyone’s trust so at least try now.


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