Our perfect place 20 May 2020: A Heavily drunk Rahul asks Tanu if he did any mistake that she left him. She nods no..He says then why she comes every night and then goes in the morning, meaning he imagines her every night under inebriation. He requests her not to leave him forever.
They both imagine their marriage. Tanu is seen in a red bridal dress and Rahul in groom’s sherwani. Their eyes lock. They do pheras and marry. Taare hain baarati..song. They do pheras and finish their marriage. Rahul then gets romantic. She throws flowers on him. He walks very near to her. She shies. He tries to kiss her and she closes eyes. He lifts her.
They both get out of imagination and Rahul says he does not want to break this dream. He says he will not let her go anywhere and asks her to promise that she will not leave him. She reminisces Hetal’s warning that she will not let her ex-boyfriend in her life and says no. Raul holds her hand and says he will not let her go now. He takes her to his room, locks door and says he will not let her go out of his life now. He hugs her tightly. She gets very emotional.
Rahul then makes her sit on bed and gets her veil from her purse. He then sniffs it happily. She reminisces their one of meetings where she reaches late. He says due to her nail art fetish, they lost a movie program and he is waiting for her since 2 hours. She comes out of flashback. He ties her hands with veil and says she always leaves her in the morning, now he will not let her go now. He falls asleep on her lap. Tanu continues crying emotionally.
Sam, Hetal, Uday and others celebrate Prachi’s birthday. She cuts cake and they all clap and wish her happy birthday. Hetal and Sam give their gift to her. Hetal asks her to open it. Uday says birthday girl can check her gift.
Prachi opens gift and gets very happy seeing her favorite purse. She says she was saving money for it. Uday gives his gift. She opens it and sees box full of lipsticks. Everyone laugh. Uday says when he came to her house for the first time, she was applying lipstick repeatedly, so he thought she likes lipstick. Prachi reminisces incident. Hetal says she hugged everyone, so should Uday also now. Uday gets shy.
Prachi then says let us dance now. Sam plays tamma tamma loge…song..They all start dancing. Sam goes to change music and sees Hetal and Tanu’s photo in a box, thinks Hetal still loves her sister. He will try once more to reunite them. He silently moves aside while everyone are still busy dancing and calls Tanu. Tanu sees his call and rejects it as Rahul is sleeping on her lap. Sam repeatedly calls her. She silently frees herself and gets up while Rahul is still asleep. She asks why is he calling repeatedly. Sam asks her to send her Rehab report. Tanu asks why. He says he will show it to Hetal and clear her misunderstanding. Tanu thinks how to explain him. She acts that she cannot hear him and disconnects call. Sam messages her that he is going to Hetal and will tell her truth, not to message him till he replies back.
Hetal comes and holds Sam’s shoulder and asks which client is troubling him so much, she will scold his client to spare him today. He takes her out leaving phone on table. Hetal starts dancing. Uday asks Prachi to get him water. Prachi asks Hetal to get water as according to their deal, they will serve each other on their birthdays. Hetal goes to kitchen to pick water and hears Sam’s phone beeping. She picks phone to message client not to disturb Sam today, but gets shocked seeing Tanu’s messages. She reads all messages and starts crying.
Tanu keeping Rahul’s head on her lap cries that she was thinking so wrong about him, even he is suffering without her like she is suffering without him. Hope they can be together. She thinks she cannot stay here and has to go, she is very helpless and cannot disappoint Hetal again. If Hetal will know about them, she will break up with Sameer, so she has to go. She gets up, drapes bedsheet on Rahul and leaves. Hamesha tumkho chaha…song…plays in the background.
Tanu walks out of Rahul’s room. Ila sees her and asks why she is crying so much. She says Rahul. Ila asks if she came to meet Rahul, Rahul does not like talking about that girl. She takes Tanu to her room and gives her water. Tanu asks why did they separate Rahul from Tanu. Ila asks if Rahul spoke to her about that girl. Tanu says Rahul is not in his senses and poured his heart out. Ila says she was helpless and did wrong, she is culprit of Rahul and even that girl. Tanu continues crying. Ila says that girl’s curse is on Rahul, so he is suffering. Tanu says no…Ila asks what. Tanu says whatever happened with Rahul, they cannot change, but she should accept Sameer and Hetal’s relationship and asks to promise her. Ila promises her and asks what about Rahul. She says Tanu cannot come back, but she can help Rahul forget her. Ila thanks and prays for her prosperity. Tanu leaves crying.
Sam and other continue dancing in Prachi’s birthday party. He asks Prachi where is Hetal. She says she went to kitchen to bring water. He goes to kitchen and sees Hetal reading his and Tanu’s messages on his mobile, says let him explain. Hetal shouts leave..she tried to believe in love for the first time, but she was wrong, he is also a betrayer, get out. He repeats to let him explain. She continues shouting leave.
Rahul wakes up in the morning and reminisces meeting Tanu last night. He gets up from bed and sees a scarf, smells it and realizes it is Tanu’s, gets happy that Tanu had come here, how.
Next: Thursday update Our perfect place