Our perfect place update Monday 11 May 2020

Our perfect place update Monday 11 May 2020


Our perfect place 11 May 2020:Ila leaves with Rita asking Gayatri to get children ready and send them to school. Gayatri goes to Falak and Bejal’s room and wakes them up. They act as falling back asleep hearing school. Gaytri says she will tickle them and whoever is in deep sleep will not wake up. They wake up and plead not to tickle them. Gayatri gets them ready for school. They ask if they will dance even today on Ladki beautiful song…. Gayatri says yes after they come from school.

<< Our perfect place Sunday 10 May 2020

Prachi sees Hetal sad again and asks what is happening between her and Sam. Hetal tells she pushed and scratched Sam. Prachi is shocked and asks how can she do this and suggests to go and apologize Sam.

Rita sees Uday studying loudly and suggests him to understand first and then byheart as his papa suggests. He says he already and stop pestering like her Hitler husband. Parimal with Rahul and Sam returns. Gayatri panics seeing blood on his shirt. He asks if Rita and children are at home. She says no. He says it is Niranjan’s blood and explains her whole situation, asks her to take food for him.

Gayatri wit Uday takes food for Niranjan. Niranjan greets them in. Gayatri gets sad seeing Niranjan’s condition. He says he is fine. Gayatri says she warned him to not cross his limits. Niranajan says he remembers her each word and goes into flashback. He then asks if she patched up with Rita. She says since 2 days after Rita’s makeover. Uday shows him pics. He says bapuji does not like this.. Rita says maa will convince him. He insists to let him speak to his children. Rita says she has promised Rita. He says he just wants to hear their voice and will not speak.

Sam comes out of washroom after a bath and sees Hetal’s missed call. He sits reminisces how Hetal got angry hearing about patching up with her s ister. Rahul comes and asks if he does not want to come to cafeteria. Sam says no, he is not feeling good today. Rahul leaves.

Hetal sees Sam not picking her call at all. She falls asleep and dreams about Sam coming and telling he is not angry on her at all. She says even after scratching him like bheegi billi/wet cat. He says no and hugs her. She comes wakes up and does not find Sam. Prachi comes and tells that Rahul has already come and they have a meeting. Hetal asks if Sam came. She says no. Rahul briefs about today’s agenda to staff and goes to Hetal. He asks if she is fine. She asks if Sam did not come. He says no, he is not feeling good after Niranjan’s accident. Hetal asks what happened to Niranjan. Rahul briefs her whole incident.

Hetal reaches Sam’s house. Ila greets her in and tells Sam is on terrace. Hetal walk to terrace. Sam feels guilty thinking he should not have forced Hetalto patch up with her sister. Hetal shuts his eyes from behind. He gets happy and asks if she is for real. She says she can touch and check. He checks and say she is for real. She apologizes him for scratching him like wet cat. They both hug emotionally. A romantic song plays in the background. He asks if she does not want to go back to cafeteria and says she is worried about Nirajan and believes if a person is repent for his sin, he should be forgiven. Hetal shouts if he is referring to her sister, she will never patch up with her and if he force, he can go way from her.

Rita changes Falak and Bejal’s clothes after they return from school. She then helps them in their homework and reminisces Niranjan’s request. She calls him and says she will keep phone on and he can hear children’s voice. Bejal asks Falak what is she doing. Falak says she is drawing family portrait with her, Bejal, mamma and papa. Niranjan gets emotional hearing this. Falak then says since papa will not come back, she erased papa. Gayatri and Niranjan are shocked hearing this. Rita comes and snatches phone from Gayatri.


Rita snatches Gayatri’s phone and sees Niranjan’s call on. She yells that she betrayed her again. Gayatri stop her and says she is thinking wrong. Ila asks what is happening. Rita yells her Devi like bahu again betrayed her and was trying to make children speak to Niranjan. Gayatri says she was just try to let Niranjan hear Children’s voice. Rita yells even that she cannot do and she betrayed her again, she does not have to come near her children again. Ila asks why did she do this, there must be some reason. Gayatri reminisces Parimal asking her not to inform about Niranjan’s accident to maa, else her BP will rise in tension. She tells nothing, apologizes Ila and leaves.


Ila goes to Parimal’s room and asks what did he speak to Niranjan. Parimal nervously says nothing important. Ila asks where did they go for lunch. He says Niranjan’s favorite eatery. He gets ready and says he is having a meeting with his Pune colleague and leaves. Ila thinks why even he is talking nervously like Gayatri.

She sees his blood stained shirt in bathroom and reminisces him wearing same shirt when he went to meet Niranjan. She collapses thinking what happened to her son. Parimal goes down and asks Gayatri if she told anything to maa about Niranjan. She says no. He says maa was enquiring about Niranjan. He says he forgot his mobile and goes back to his room and finds Ila on floor. He calls everyone and asks Sam to call doc. Doc checks her and says her BP shot up due to tension and now it is normal.

Rita hears about Niranjan’s accident and goes to her room. She calls Shree/Tanu who comes to meet her. Rita says she could not control herself hearing about Niranjan’s accident, but even cannot forget his betrayal, so she has decided divorce Niranjan. Shree says she can go ahead with her decision, but should let children meet Niranjan. Rita shouts never. Shree says she has to some or other day once her anger calms down.

Ila wakes up and Paimal says Niranjan is fine now and she need not worry about him. Everyone says ame Sam says she should meet Niranjan once. Even everyone say same. Rita enters and hear their conversation and tells Ila she can meet her son. Ila says she will not by disturbing her emotions. Rita says she will not feel bad. Ila thanks her. Parimal says she took a good decision and should let children meet Niranjan. Rita shouts no and leaves shouting.

Next: Tuesday update our perfect place



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