Once there was a king update Tuesday 8 February 2022

Once there was a king update Tuesday 8 February 2022


Once there was a king 8 February 2022: Sartaj agrees to tell Bari Rani Maa the truth and says Rana ji is his son. Bari Rani Maa asks him to repeat himself. Sartaj says Rana ji is his and a pr*stitute’s son, Raaj Mata wants to hide this. Bari Rani Maa asks how? He tells Bari Rani Maa about the deal. Bari Rani Maa is left in shock, she says Rana Indravadhan Singh Dev is the heir of a robber and a pr*stitute. She cheers that she hadn’t heard such a news. She says to Sartaj that she wants to gift him his life, he has to promise her loyalty. Sartaj says Rana ji will neither listen to him nor her. Bari Rani Maa says she will save him, and take him out but he will have to stay truthful to her.

Raaj Mata makes arrangements of Basant festival. She tells Gayatri that tomorrow is a festival, Raja and Rani fly kite together, and it teaches them to balance things in life. Gayatri was lost, she says tomorrow is a new beginning and an old chapter is going to get closed. Raaj Mata asks if she is talking about Sartaj. Gayatri says why the festival day then? Raaj Mata says life has always brought Sartaj on the wrong day, but he is getting the death on the right day at right place.Bari Rani Maa says she has got a secret, now throne will also be hers. She says her dream isn’t only throne but revenge as well. Revenge of her insult.

She must think about the defeat of the enemy, she got on the throne before as well but she had to leave it. She will enjoy it if Rana ji, Gayatri and Raaj mata aren’t there to take her off this throne. When the three become puppets in her hands.
Raaj Mata asks Gayatri not to overthink, everything happens with God’s will. A guard comes there to ask to talk to Raaj Mata. Raaj Mata tells him to speak in front of Gayatri. The guard says that Sartaj isn’t there.Bari Rani Maa says that she will take the revenge of disrespect, defaming and insult from Gayatri. She calls Rana ji, Gayatri and Raaj Mata to be vigilant, it is the beginning of their end.

She laughs hysterically, then says sorry.
The guard says Sartaj got the robe and tried to do suicide. The guards took Sartaj off, he pleaded to die. Raaj Mata sends away everyone. Bari Rani Maa watched this. Raaj Mata asks Sartaj why he wants to die so early, he couldn’t wait for a few minutes. She asks him to stop this drama and tell him the truth. Sartaj says he wants to pay for his sins. Raaj Mata says she wants to ask him to the reason of his urgency. Sartaj says he is a sinner, he doesn’t want his son to become a sinner. He says she can kill him anywhere anytime, but not with his son’s hands. Gayatri tells him to calm down, she gets him water to drink. Raaj Mata asks Gayatri what she is doing. Raaj Mata says this man is doing a drama, to save himself. Robber Sartaj who didn’t leave anyone’s life, how he can kill himself today.

Sartaj joins hands in front of Gayatri, he says she must save his son from father’s killing. Raaj Mata takes Gayatri along saying this rope is also here, jail is here and so is he.Raaj Mata tells Gayatri that the man is lying. Gayatri says that the liars take rope in their hands and shout. She says they must stop Rana ji from committing this sin, by telling him the truth. Raaj Mata says if she had to tell him, why she would keep this secret in her heart for thirty five years. Gayatri says every secret breaks some time. Raaj Mata says what if he doesn’t understand, he will break and with him, her dreams will also break. She leave Gayatri there.

Bari Rani Maa tells Sartaj to see how relations are broken, mother and daughter have turned to mother in law and daughter in law. These differences will now make them apart and will make way for him to leave. Sartaj says he is a robber, but he won’t learn being a bastard like she is.
Gayatri thinks about telling Rana ji about Sartaj. Rana ji slaps Laksh, he says heir is recognized by his blood. Didn’t he think for once before doing this? He says he is not only a prince of Amirkot but a guard of the people living in it. He won’t let Laksh ruin their identity. He says to Laksh that once more he goes against Amirkot, he will forget Laksh is his brother. Laksh joins his hands and apologizes. Rana ji leaves.

Gayatri hears this all, she thinks Rana ji is so proud of his blood and his father. If he knows about his blood, it would be really bad.In the temple, Gayatri says she had promised to keep it a secret. Her husband is going to commit a sin, she can’t stop him. Her husband won’t be forgiven for this. She doesn’t know the way, if she tells Rana ji he will be broken and if she doesn’t, he will commit a suicide. She asks for help to save her husband, her family and Amirkot. Bari Rani maa comes there, she keeps a hand on Gayatri’s shoulders who stands up at once. Bari Rani maa tells Gayatri that if she hides her tears, her sadness will find some other way.

She says she knows Gayatri’s worry. She says the day she heard that Rana ji himself is going to take Sartaj’s life she was worried. She thought that Rana ji shouldn’t kill Sartaj by himself. Gayatri says Sartaj is a sinner and he will get its punishment. Bari Rani maa asks what about murdering a father? Gayatri stops at once thinking how Bari Rani maa knows about it.Gayatri is shocked and wonders how Bari Rani Maa knows about the secret. Bari Rani Maa says what justice it is that a son punishes his father. She asks Gayatri to stop her grandson from his father’s murder. Gayatri says if she knows about it.

Bari Rani Maa says she knows it for years, Raaj Mata sent gold through Yashoda for years and she knows everything about it. Gayatri asks if Baray Rana ji knew about it. Bari Rani Maa says she didn’t let him know. Gayatri says she knew this secret for years… why she didn’t use it to get the throne. Bari Rani Maa says she always wanted to win or snatch the throne, she is like a lioness. But now she has changed, she has learned that losing is more convenient. She says now she wants to repent for her sins, she wants all the sins to end with her. She asks Gayatri to stop Rana ji from this sin, it is said that disrespecting father is a great sin.

She says to Gayatri that this is a huge sin, an old root is going to be cut by the axe made from its own wood. Gayatri asks what she can do. Bari Rani Maa says she must take her decision, she is a Rani. If Gayatri thinks Sartaj looted that girl’s respect. Bari Rani Maa says there is first rule of justice, no matter thousands of sinners flee but a non-sinner must not be hanged. She says to Gayatri that she can do a lot, the sun is rising. Either it can bring sunshine in Rana ji’s life, or it can ruin his life like an eclipse. It is in her hands now. Gayatri leaves. Bari Rani Maa laughs victoriously, saying sorry.

The next morning, in the palace, Rana ji bathed at the well. Gayatri watched him there and brings aarti to him. He turns around and smiles at her. He notices her to be lost, and asks what she is thinking about. Gayatri says she is thinking why there is today sesame seed and gourdh Prasad? Rana ji says it is good for health in this semester. Gayatri says she thinks our lives are also like this, sesame seed is bitter and gourdh is sweet. She says sometimes one has to take bitter decisions and at other time sweet ones. Rana ji says every decision will be understood if explained. Gayatri says she wants to tell him that if she ever takes a decision that is bitter, he must not forget sweetness.

Rana ji tells her to remind if he ever forgets.Rajeshwari comes and reminds Rana ji of his promise. Rana ji says there is a ritual in Amirkot that the first kite of Makar Sankranti is flown by Rana and Rani, they will fulfil it first. Rana ji asks Gayatri to offer her Prasad, he hopes that Rajeshwari will enter in a new beginning of her life. Rajeshwari says until she doesn’t see Sartaj beheaded. Bari Rani maa hears this, she says Rana ji has no idea that the morning that is giving him so much happiness will bring pain for him in a while.
Gayatri prepares the kite for flying. Rajeshwari brings her kite string down and makes a cut at Gayatri’s face.

Rajeshwari apologizes Gayatri, Gayatri assures Rana ji she is fine. Rana ji says to Gayatri if something happens to her, he doesn’t know what he will do. Gayatri says he is always there for her, be she right or wrong. Rana ji says Gayatri can never be wrong, and he will always be there with her. He smiles at her, Gayatri smiles back.
Swarna was lost. Kunwar ji says to Kokilla that his kite will fly the highest. Rana ji cuts his finger at once. Bari Rana ji tells him to watch it, if his own string is sharp it may cut him. She thinks that today Gayatri will cut his own decision like a sharp string. Rana ji says that they must now leave, they have other important things to do. Gayatri thinks that today what she is going to do is against Rana ji.

The guards make arrangements of the beheading. Sartaj was being bathed, thinking about how he was about to kill his own son. He thinks he should have killed his son that day. Pandit ji blesses Rana ji. Rana ji says all the preparations have been done, sinner must be called. Pandit ji reads Sartaj stories from Ramayan. Rana ji calls for the royal family. Sartaj eats from his plate. The guard moves as there comes an arrow, he informs h is men to keep an eye on Sartaj. Some veiled woman comes inside. Sartaj thinks there is someone to save him. When only a single guard is left, Sartaj hits him on head with the plate. The veiled man comes to the jail and takes Sartaj out.

The guards announce and spread the news that the criminal has run away. The lady saving Sartaj was Gayatri. Sartaj is shocked to see her.

: Gayatri tells Sartaj to run away from here as far as possible. Sartaj asks why she is doing so? Gayatri says she can suffer the accusation on herself, but not the sin of father’s murder on her husband. Sartaj blesses Gayatri and leaves. The guard watches this. Sartaj runs out of the palace, he confronts Bari Rani maa. Bari Rani Maa says if he wants to live, he must never return to Amirkot now. Sartaj asks for some other order from her. Bari Rani Maa says later, right now he must leave. Bari Rani Maa asks Mansen if they are ready?

The guard tells Rana ji that the prisoner has run away. Rana ji says not even air can go out without his permission, how can the prisoner run away. There is some betrayer in the palace, who has helped. The guard says that Rana ji is right. Rana ji asks who helped him. The guard says Gayatri herself helped Sartaj to run away. Everyone is shocked hearing this. Rana ji calls for Gayatri to be brought to palace.
He asks Gayatri if she helped Sartaj, a punished prisoner to run away. Bari Rani Maa comes there and says Gayatri won’t go against him ever. There can be Sartaj’s planning in this all. Gayatri says whatever she did, was with her own will. She says she made Sartaj run away, because his death in the hands of Rana ji must be a sin.


Rana ji says either God or a prince has the right to decide the sin. Bari Rani Maa says Gayatri must have a motive. Rana ji says no one will interfere between a Raja and a Rani, he says to Gayatri that she has broken his trust, she has betrayed the Amirkot. She has sent a wrong message to his subjects that he can’t give punishment to the criminals. Gayatri says she is doing this all for the wellbeing of Amirkot. Rana ji asks what is good for Amirkot in this. Gayatri thinks about Raaj Mata’s advice and says she can’t tell him about it. Rana ji shouts that she must tell him, he is Rana of Amirkot. Gayatri says she is the princess of Amirkot, she had no proof of Sartaj being the criminal.

Rajeshwari comes there clapping, she says she has seen the justice of Rana Indravadhan today, they have made a good drama of this all situation. Rana ji says Gayatri disappointed him today, has she forgotten the vows they had taken at the time of marriage. Gayatri’s tear fell off her eyes, she tries to hold his arm but he jerks her away. Rajeshwari runs away from the palace, Bari Rani Maa calls her dramatically. Rana ji goes behind Rajeshwari, she was about to jump out of the window. Rana ji stops her. She says she wants to die thinking her criminal is still alive. Rana ji says he won’t stay alive. Rajeshwari says she can’t trust anyone again, she takes the knife from his belt but he slaps her hard. Rajeshwari says he hasn’t slapped her but himself.

Had he been a true Rajput, he won’t have let that criminal leave the palace. Rana ji brings Rajeshwari to the hall back, Rana ji says he will fulfil her promise and will kill Sartaj with his own hands. He says either before sunset, Rana ji will bring Sartaj’s head or else there won’t be a sunset. Gayatri looks at Rajeshwari with hatred. Rana ji brings his gun, looks at Gayatri then leaves.Rana ji and his men went through the forests looking for Sartaj. He says Sartaj is nowhere to be found, but they won’t leave without him. He finds a man Sartaj running on a side, he calls him to stop but he doesn’t. They follow him. Rana ji calls him to stop.

Rajeshwari comes to Gayatri and asks if she is punishing Rajeshwari because of her brother. She says that her brother will mix poison in their lives, and she and Rana ji would also not live peacefully. Rana ji calls Sartaj to stop else they will open fire. He doesn’t stop. Rana ji pulls the trigger, the bullet hits a man who fell off on the ground. Rana ji comes to him, he says a man can be saved from the gun but not from justice.Rajeshwari waits restlessly in the palace. Swarana tells Gayatri not to worry, Rana ji must be back. Gayatri says if Rana ji does what he shouldn’t, everything will be spoilt.


Swarna asks what that means. Raaj Mata says nothing, Gayatri is just worried. Kokilla happily asks Kunwar ji if Rana ji will leave the throne if he is unable to kill that man. Kunwar ji tells her to shut up and see there is going to happen what never did in the past. Rajeshwari says there will be no justice done to her, she must give her life would be better. She goes to pick the knife again, Gayatri struggles with her to stop her. The door opens, Rana ji comes with a body in his arms. Rajeshwari is happy. Rana ji keeps the body on the floor, Rajeshwari says that Rana ji killed Sartaj with his own hands. She joins hands and says she suspected him and his justice, but today he proved he doesn’t heed anything in front of justice, neither family nor love. She orders the cloth removed from his face, he wants to see how her criminal look like, dead.

The body was of Avdesh, everyone is shocked. Tear fell off Rana ji’s eyes. Rajeshwari fell over the body in disbelief, she asks Rana ji what this is. She cries and complains that he went to bring Sartaj’s head. Rana ji says he had fired Sartaj but doesn’t know how… Rajeshwari asks what he wants to say, who his murderer is. Rana ji says he is the culprit, Avdesh lost his life from his gun’s bullet. Gayatri is left in shock.Rana ji says he is Rajeshwari’s culprit, Avdesh lost his life from the bullet fired from his gun. Gayatri watches Avdesh in shock. Rajeshwari gets hysteric at Rana ji saying he killed her brother. Bari Rani Maa says it all happened without a will.

Rajeshwari says Rana ji is a murderer and blood stains are washed by blood stain, there is life for life in the rule of justice. She says today a sister condemns Rana Indravadhan with death sentence. She takes the knife and attacks Rana ji. Gayatri runs in between them and holds Rajeshawari’s hand. Gayatri is hurt on shoulder. Rajeshwari runs towards Avdesh’s body crying. Rana ji and Raaj Mata take care of Gayatri. Rajeshwari says now, she won’t leave anyone in the palace now.Bari Rani Maa had told Mansen that Avdesh is there in the forest of Amirkot. He must kill Avdesh, and she will tell him later where he has to keep his body.

Bari Rani Maa says that if Rani has to move forward, players must die.Bari Rani Maa consoles Rajeshwari, she says her brother’s life was a small one. Rajeshwari says some people’s lives are made small, she says to Bari Rani Maa that she had been called once from God, did she go? Bari Rani Maa clutches Rajeshwari with head, saying she will make Rajeshwari understand. Raaj mata thinks how Rana ji can do such a mistake, she must know if this is a planning or an accident.Rajeshwari clutches Bari Rani Maa’s neck. She asks Bari Rani Maa why she brought her brother in between.

Bari Rani Maa thinks how she can tell her that it was impossible to break the bond between Gayatri and Rana ji. She thinks she told Sartaj that he will take Rana ji in the forest, when Rana ji fires on him it must appear that he has died. But at that time, there will be another body there hanging with the tree. Rana ji must see that body, which was already there. Bari Rani Maa says her brother was her companion, how she could have killed him.Rana ji clean the injury of Gayatri. Gayatri says this is a small bruise, it will fill. Rana ji asks what about the injury of Rajeshwari? He says there are two dead bodies, one of Avdesh and the second of his justice. He says that this blood stain will never wash away.

Rajeshwari says she won’t let her brother’s blood was away from Rana ji’s hand. She says she will take revenge from Rana ji of her brother’s blood. Bari Rani Maa says killing Rana ji isn’t that simple, but what she will get. Rajeshwari says revenge doesn’t see light or dark. Bari Rani Maa says justice does, she has to decide if she wants revenge or justice. Her brother was killed twice, once in the hand of Rana ji and once when Gayatri rejected his love. Rajeshwari says she will kill them both, but Bari Rani Maa stops her and says this will free them all. She has to put them in situation where they can neither drown, nor come out of the water.

Rajeshwari asks what that means. Bari Rani Maa says there is one way, she gets Rajeshwari a box. Rajeshwari is shocked to see it, throws it and breaks the glass over Rana ji and Gayatri’s photo.
Rana ji says to Gayatri that she is as responsible for Avdesh’s murder as he is, he will never forgive her for this. He leaves the room. Raaj Mata asks Gayatri if she is fine. Gayatri says she wanted Rana ji to save from a sin, she ruined her own shawl. Raaj Mata says that question is how it all happened, how did Avdesh lose his life with the bullet that Rana ji shoot at her

Next Wednesday update once there was a King



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