Once there was a King 27 January 2022: The goons discuss that first they must cut his moustache, the other one takes the axe saying firstly he must cut his neck with a jerk, he is Rana ji. Gayatri calls Rana ji. The goons think someone is coming. They send their men to look around. Rana ji looks at the knife again that lied near them.
Kunwar ji and Kokilla covers Yashoda and bring her in wheelchair. Kokilla thinks what a luck Yashoda got, she is wearing an 11,000 saree while leaving. Kunwar ji took Yashoda on the wheel chair when they come across Raaj Mata. Yashoda fell forward.
Gayatri finds Rana ji’s tie that he left as a signal of direction. There Rana ji used the knife to cut the rope of his hands. Raaj Mata asks what happened to Kokilla, she was just well. She is concerned and calls Kokila, Kunwar ji hugs Yashoda. He asks if she found Yashoda, but Raaj Mata says she had been looking for her. She leaves. Kunwar ji hurries inside.
The goon comes to Wilkonsons and asks why is Rana ji still alive. He orders them to kill him. Gayatri gets a reflection of a mirror in the way. It was Rana ji’s watch. She holds it and goes looking for Rana ji. The goon comes to Rana ji and says his wife is here, but they don’t get cruel in front of women, they will kill him before she arrives. Rana ji stops his attack with his log, stabs him with a knife and run away. The other goon comes there, but Rana ji kills him too. Gayatri comes calling Rana ji, he spots Gayatri, calls her and runs to her. There were gun shots, he shouts at her to hide somewhere. A goon comes to Gayatri with his knife and keeps it on Gayatri’s neck. Rana ji comes forward, he says they are enemy with him and must leave Gayatri. Wilkinsons takes an aim of Rana ji and fires, Rana ji fell on the ground. Gayatri is shocked to see him.
Wilkinsons fire a bullet that hits Rana ji on his leg. Rana ji fights back, while the goon takes Gayatri to the corner of the lake. There was a horseman that approaches and throws a knife at the goon who fell down. The horseman holds Gayatri from falling in the lake.
He removes his veil off and smiles at Gayatri. Gayatri stands up and looks for Rana ji. The man doesn’t leave Gayatri’s hand, another goon attacks and the veiled man gets Gayatri behind him and kicks him hard. He fights others too as Gayatri observes him.
In the palace, Raaj mata calls Yashoda, she finds Yashoda’s broken pendant in the corridor. She thinks Yashoda is for sure in some problem. She calls the guards and asks them to look for Yashoda in each and every corner. Kunwar ji hears this, he thinks he must stop Raaj Mata from getting the palace searched.
The veiled man tells Gayatri that she has been saved, yet he died. Rana ji calls from behind that she is his wife. Gayatri runs to him and hugs him, they ask together if they are fine? Then smile. Rana ji stops the veiled man, he says he saved his life’s life, thank you. Rana ji holds the hand to the man introducing himself but he knew already saying he is Indravadhan Singh.
Rana ji asks who he is. He says he is the Maharaja of Amirkot. He whistles, his horse comes obediently and leaves on it. Gayatri says he is strange. Rana ji says for them, he is an angel. A black veiled girl comes there, it was Kokilla. She gets to Raaj Mata’s feet and says it is because of her that Yashoda had to leave without informing her. She introduces herself as the neice of Yashoda, and says Yashoda’s husband is ill. She had to leave. Raaj Mata asks her to remove her veil, and Yashoda had no neice but Kunwar ji interferes.
He says she must be a faraway neice of Yashoda, Raaj Mata stops her and asks her name but watches Rana ji and Gayatri enter the palace. She hurries to them and asks Rana ji what happened to him. Kunwar ji also watches them in shock. Gayatri narrates the whole story to them. Raaj Mata says it is her mistake, she was so worried for Yashoda that she didn’t believe in Gayatri’s worries.
Gayatri says she doesn’t believe such bad omens and fallacies, but she felt something was really wrong. She apologizes Raaj Mata for going out this way without telling her. Raaj Mata says that she had forgotten that even after a storm, there are strong winds. Rana ji forwards his hands saying until their love is with them, nothing can happen to him. Raaj Mata asks who that stranger was, Gayatri says she has no idea but he was strange. Kunwar ji and Kokilla wonder who this new enemy is. Rana ji says whether the enemy be a new one or an old one, his destiny is the same and will reach there soon.
At night, Kunwar ji asks Wilkonsons asks who saved Rana ji’s life, now. Wilkinsons says that he doesn’t know, he came as a storm and went like a wind. Kunwar ji wonders how Rana ji is saved again and again. He accuses Wilkinsons of being irresponsible. Wilkinsons says that Kunwar ji is the bigger idiot, he couldn’t kill Rana ji in a hundred attempts. He suggests Kunwar ji that they must wait for the right time, they must find out who is the new well-wisher of Rana ji.
Gayatri stood on the terrace of the palace with tears in eyes. Rana ji keeps his hands on her shoulders and apologizes for making her wait. Gayatri tells him no matter how much wait she has to do, but he must always return. Rana ji says who would say this is the same Gayatri who played her life to safe her husband. He says she looked cute in boy’s dress. Gayatri asks the meaning of cute. Rana ji says meaning… he gets closer to her and kiss her cheek. Gayatri shies away, Rana ji hold her hand back and says he would never let her go.
Gayatri holds his ring to him that she had picked in the forest, she makes him wear it. Both hold each other hand and spend some quality time together.
The veiled man was thinking about Gayatri as he vigorously sharpened his knife. He makes a cut on his hand. An old man comes out of the tent, and asks why he sheds his blood as water. He says the blood that isn’t shed freezes in veins. He throws the knife that strucks the forehead of Rana ji, he says this throne, Amirkot and Gayatri will be his.
The veiled man tells his elder that his blood hasn’t solidified yet, it reminds him of his past that anything in life can be snatched from you at any time. He says he will get what he was of him. The elder man asks how, Indhravadan has his whole army. The veiled man says he will be enough for Indravadhan, his army and this palace, Amirkot and Gayatri all will be his.
In the morning, Rana ji and Gayatri prayed outside the palace.
The horseman rides through the forest.
Pandit ji asks Rana ji and Gayatri to finish the Pooja done for the peace of Amirkot. They ask Rana ji to gift the water of five rivers to the God. The horseman reached outside the palace, he threw an arrow to break the water pot. They were all shocked and look around as he comes into the palace riding the horse. Rana ji goes to him and asks what the reason of this mockery is, had he not saved his wife’s life he would have punished him by now. Why he entered someone else’s life without an invitation.
The man reads in poetic verse that he has come to his own house, why he would ask permission. He says this is his house. Raaj Mata asks Rana ji who is this man? The man says it isn’t his mistake Rana Indravadhan, he gets involved in other things. He says he had given his introduction yesterday even, he is the Maharaja of Amirkot. Rana ji says that is all, he saved his wife’s life doesn’t mean he would misbehave. Gayatri says he calls him Raja and doesn’t have manners to speak to others, if he has to say something he must come down the horse and speak to him.
He comes to Rana ji and calls him Rana indravadhan singh son of Rana ji Premvadhan Singh son of Rana Surivadhan Singh son of Rana Prithvivadhan Singh. Rana ji asks why he is giving his family’s introduction. He asks Raaj Mata if she would tell who is he, or should he tell it by himself. Rana ji asks him to get straight. He shouts his name, Himmat Singh Chohan, father of Gajer Singh Chohan and his son is Avdesh Singh Chohan, that is me. Rana ji asks how he got the authority to call himself the Maharaja of Amirkot. He asks Raaj Mata if she didn’t teach him the history of Amirkot. Rana ji asks him to be straight, what he wants? He says Amirkot!
He says Amirkot was his legacy, it is his now. Rana ji smiles. Raaj Mata says thrones belongs to kings, not those who run away. Raaj Mata says Rana ji’s grandfather had won Amirkot in a war. The man says that even robbers show their right on the robbed things, it doesn’t mean it belongs to them. He says he will win Amirkot in the fight. Gayatri says those times have gone when decisions were taken with swords.
Rana ji says his sword is always raised in right, not for someone crazy like him to challenge him. The man says that in Rana ji’s vein only water flows, not the blood. Rana ji says he is a Rajput, he will give him the prove tomorrow that on Amirkot’s throne lions ruled and a lion does. The man challenges him for tomorrow with the onset of dawn, they will decide whom Amirkot belong to. He asks Gayatri to pray to Rana ji, Gayatri says not Rana ji but he needs the prayers. They cross swords with each other.
Cheetah holds Swarna’s hand in the corridor. She tells him to leave right now, what if Laksh watches them. Cheetah says he always thought that only greedy lives in palace, but there is a glass doll as well. His mother always told him the story of palace, he won’t leave until he feels she is safe. Swarna tells him that Lakshraj is her husband, she is safe with him. Cheetah says that there is no relation of an eagle and a sparrow. He says he is a road man, still he promises that he will not let anyone ruin her life. Swarna says the right of saving her is only with Lakshraj, Cheetah has no relation with her. He must not increase her problems, and she won’t meet her again.
Gayatri tells Rana ji that he won’t fight this challenge. Kunwar ji asks if they must hide in their palace if someone challenges him in their own palace. Gayatri says Rana ji must not have accepted the challenge. Gayatri says that subjects aren’t the property of Rana ji that he staked it. Rana ji says it isn’t about the subjects of Amirkot, it is about the respect of Amirkot. Should he have sat in the palace, like the women with bangles. Gayatri says this fight should have been fought with cunningness. She says that the man won’t fight like a true Rajput. Rana ji asks whom she doubts, his sword or bravery. He says there will be this fight.
Next Friday update once there was a King