Never say goodbye update Wednesday 16 February 2022

Never say goodbye update Wednesday 16 February 2022


Never say goodbye 16 February 2022: The Episode starts with Atharv asking is there anyone else remaining. Vividha comes there. Kailash says yes, the loyal dog, he felt so bad and could not sleep, you should lie down and apologize to him. Vividha gets shocked seeing all this. Atharv sees her. He says I would have done anything else too, as I can’t see loved ones’ heart getting hurt. Kailash sees Vividha and gets shocked. He asks Atharv to go now.

Atharv says no, I have apologized to everyone, dogs are more loyal, I will apologize, I don’t want anyone to have tear in eyes and pain in heart. Kailash asks him to go and forgives him. Atharv apologizes to Vividha. He says this was a big thing for Vividha, I have hurt her a lot, which I never wished to do, her forgiveness is imp than everyone’s. He tells Vividha that her pain is his punishment, please forgive me. He says I m sorry. She cries. Kailash says I said I have forgiven you, whats the difference in my forgiving and Vividha’s, leave from here. Atharv folds hands and moves back.

Kailash asks everyone to get back to work. Sijata smiles seeing Atharv. Sujata asks Atharv to come and take Prasad from temple. Kailash gargles and spits infront of Sujata. He says this is my house. She says I was going to temple. He says that falls in my area, don’t dare to go there. She says temple is of everyone. He says this area is mine and spits water to make a line infront of her. Dadi, Uma and everyone come out and see Kailash. Atharv comes and asks whats this misbehavior, what do you want to do.Kailash says I m showing your place. Atharv gets angry and Sujata stops him. Kailash says I m showing the line which makes your stable separated from this house. Sujata says but this temple.

He says I also belief in Lord Krishna, that’s why I did arrangements to get this temple relocated in your area. He asks the men to do the necessary work as per Shastra. He asks them to reinstall the Lord idol. Sujata says you are doing a sin to move the idol from the place. Kailash says I told you I have devotion too, we pray to Mata Rani and Shiv ji, we won’t like if Krishna ji is not served well, I won’t be part of this sin, so I m giving the Krishna idol to you, you take care of it. The cow gets restless. Sujata asks Kailash not to move the idol.

Kailash says I m not breaking any idol, I m giving Lord Krishna to you with total devotion, you can keep the idol in your area, you should be happy. Guddi asks Dadi to stop Kailash. Dadi says Kailash is wrong. She asks Kailash not to do work. Kailash says I know right and wrong, don’t create hurdle in whatever I m doing. He asks the men to not damage the idol, it belongs to Sujata. Sujata tells Atharv to do something, your Nani founded this idol here and prayed all her life. Kailash scolds Atharv and tells his status. He says if you cross this line, you will be arrested for getting inside a private property, this time I won’t let you get bail, I m returning the Lord, else your mum has sold this idol too with the land, if you cross this line, I will make such a huge wall that you can’t see your Lord and this haveli, think well.

Atharv consoles Sujata. Sujata says your Nani did not give me birth, but gave me much love, it was her last wish to light diya in this temple every day, I can’t fulfill her last wish, do something and stop them. She cries and hugs him. Dadi says just Vividha can explain Kailash, where is she. Guddi says I did not see her since morning. Uma says I will try to explain him. They see Vividha coming there holding a Mata Rani idol. Dadi smiles and asks her to see Kailash. Vividha places the idol and sits praying. She also does puja of Shiv ji there. Kailash comes and calls out Vividha.

He asks what did you do, you placed Mata Rani and Shiv ji idol here. She says I was doing this for your puja. He says we have to place this Krishna ji idol somewhere else, it will get inauspicious to place Krishna ji idol away now. Sujata says this temple is yours, but don’t move Krishna ji idol, you will get good deeds. Vividha says yes, you told me Janmashtami story of Krishna’s birth and Shiv ji coming to see him, why can’t three Lords stay together, they have love in between.Kailash says Krishna ji’s rituals are different, if we do mistake, it will be bad. Vividha takes responsibility of doing the puja. Sujata tells Atharv that she has taken all rituals responsibility before becoming my bahu.

He says I did not had doubt on her smartness, what to do of her father. Sujata tells Kailash that maybe Lord has this wish to keep both families’ Lords together, so that both families can stay happy. He asks her not to step on his land, just my family will do prayers here.Vividha coming outside her house. Atharv holds her. She asks him not to touch her. He takes to her sweetly, and says fine, I will leave your hand if you say. She says you are not doing a favor on me. He says I know its useless to talk to me. She thinks how does he know if I did not say him. He says I know as your eyes say everything.

She says fine, then you would be knowing I get irritated talking to you. He says wrong, you like talking to me. She asks him to be in his area, else her Papa will dislike. He says let him see, why did you get food if you don’t care. She says don’t joke, you did not see how much Sujata was having trouble while cooking on that stove, I did that for Sujata.He says you mean you have sent so much food for Maa, you don’t know her diet or you have sent it for me, anyways salt was high in the dish. She says what, I m so sorry. He smiles and holds her hand, pulling her close.

He says if you have sent even salt instead the dish, it would also have such taste. He asks her to forgive him. She says leave my hand, guests are coming tomorrow, if Papa sees, he will be angry. He says no, he will be glad seeing his would be son in law loves his daughter so much, infact I will tell him. He calls out Sasur ji…. She shuts his mouth with her hand and they have an eyelock. Kuch to hai……………….plays………… She smiles seeing him.She moves her hand away. He smiles. She says please, leave my hand. He asks her to please forgive him. She asks Sujata to see what he is doing. He turns and leaves her. He falls down.


She laughs and runs from there. He smiles and says Vividha went on her father or her father went on her.Guddi applies oil to Dadi’s hair and does the Champi. Dadi asks Vividha to apply oil. Vividha sees her hand and smiles recalling Atharv. Dadi asks her what happened, and tease her. Guddi says Vividha is blushing, whats the matter. Vividha says you say anything, don’t say all this, we have to prepare for tomorrow. She smiles and runs away.Atharv says who is coming that Vividha is so happy, whats the matter, I have to find out. He looks at the moon and sleeps. Its morning, Kailash asks the servants to shift some furniture and clean the house well.

He tells Uma that he does not want Sujata and Atharv’s any sign here. She nods. He calls out Vividha. She says Vividha is cooking food. He says he is very special for Vividha, she will forget Atharv in two days now.Sujata prays. Atharv comes and lies down on the bed. She asks him to sleep early at night and wake up early in morning. She asks him to get up. Uncle says milk is supplied at all homes and boiled too, get up. Pandit comes. Sujata greets him. Kailash says pandit ji, I m waiting since long. Sujata asks Atharv to get up, pandit Sharm has come.


He says what shall I do. She says you sleep like this, someone else will take away Vividha. He gets up by the shock. Sujata says pandit Sharma gets good proposals from rich families, maybe he got a proposal for Vividha. Uncle says maybe. Atharv says many guys are coming to marry Vividha, Sasur ji made Vividha’s marriage like a job application, shall I talk to him. Sujata and uncle stop him. Atharv says shall I just see her relation getting fixed, you have seen she was happy.

Sujata says yes, she was not ready for marriage and today she looked happy, we have to find out the matter. He asks how. She asks him to convince Vividha, and I will convince Uma, then we don’t care what others think. They join hands and smile. Everyone is busy in arrangements. Vividha makes Uma taste the sweets. Kailash saks Uma to go out and do the work, don’t forget things, its sign of old age. Guddi asks Vividha how will Atharv feel, he does not know who is coming. Vividha says leave it. Sujata sees Uma and thinks to ask her. She goes to Uma and asks is anyone coming. Uma says yes, some guests are coming. She gets pain in her hand. Sujata asks about her pain.

Uma says its small wound, will heal on his own. Sujata gives her the food plate, and says Vividha got food for me yesterday, remember when Vividha took glass while drinking lassi, you never returned it empty, how would I return the plate empty, I added an ointment, you apply it to your wound. Uma says thanks, keep this plate. Sujata asks how can I keep plate from bahu’s house, I will give to Kailash. Uma stops her and asks why are you encouraging Vividha. Sujata says no, Vividha is your daughter and has heart like you, remember in her childhood, she got a wounded pigeon and missed school for 4 days to take care of the pigeon.

Uma laughs and says yes, then that pigeon got fine and broke things by flying inside home. Sujata says I have seen you since many years, and all those multiple wounds. Uma says its small wound, stay away from my house. Sujata asks why are we forgetting our old relation because of children, we will see what happened with them, why should we get difference in our relation. She gives her the plate. Sujata recalls Kailash throwing the bangle, and says the man who can throw bangle and hit me, he can beat his wife too, I wish what I m thinking is wrong, Uma has much patience.

Next: Never say goodbye Thursday update



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