My journey to you update Tuesday 4 February 2025

My journey to you update Tuesday 4 February 2025


Babita asks the cook to give everyone mango juice. He gives Bhavani the marked glass. He nods at Babita. Bhavani drinks the glass and gets dizzy. She says Dildar, your name is so apt. You have such a big heart. Everyoen else bothered my Amruta but you always stood with her. You considered her your house’s Laxmi way before. You believed her when she was in jail. You went against your son and your family. Amruta feels weird. Bhavani says don’t ever change. She gives him the coconut. Amruta is confused. She says promise? He says yes. Ishika says looks like Bhavani wants to create a new drama today. Jahan asks Babita to sit. She trips. Amruta holds her.

Bhavani says to Ishika you shameless person. Babita says don’t do all this at the wedding functions. It’s your daughter’s wedding. Bhavani laughs and says wedding? who told you we have a wedding here? Virat and Amruta are shocked. Babita says what is she saying? Bhavani says don’t you know? I know everything. Amruta says aai.. Bhavani says silent. She asks Virat to keep her shut. She says let me talk now.

Bhavani gives the coconut to Jayesh and says you shameless person. You’ve become a dog in front of your lion. Do you still call her Ishi baby? How do you like being her tail? She laughs. She says to Nimrit you’re very pretty. You have such a pretty face. They are all less in front of you. Except for my Amruta. She is the best in the whole world. Babita says are you drunk? Ishika says her husband left her. What would she do? Bhavani says I am glad he left me. I am so happy without him. You’re the poor person who’s stuck with him. You’re the snake here Amruta says please do something, Virat.

Babita says we have to continue the wedding. Bhavani says oh let me tell you about the wedding. Virat throws water on her face. Harsh says someone mixed something in her juice. Virat wonders who did it. Amruta looks at Babita smiling. Harsh adn Amruta take Bhavani inside. Harsh says someone mixed something in her juice for sure. She calls the doctor. Amruta says in their heart this is Babita for sure.

Scene 2

Babita looks for the bottle. Amruta says you’re looking for what you mixed in my mom’s juice? Harsh checks the test results and says someone mixed something in aai’s glass as per the results. Virat asks Jahan how is? She says someone mixed something in her juice. She doesn’t drink. Virat says I know. I am still trying to find out who did it. Where is Amruta? Jahan says she went inside. Virat sits with Bhavani.

Amruta says I know you hate me. And you don’t wanna see me as your DIL. I’ve no interest in marrying your son either. I will find a way to not marry him. If you still wanna do things to me you can but not with my mom. Don’t ever dare to harm her. Babita says how dare you to talk to me like this. Get out of my house. No one can question me in my house.

Virat is worried for Bhavani. Abhiraj comes and says Amruta and Bhavani are fighting. Babita says I will destroy you. Girls like you are trash in front of me. You are a true copy of your parents, a characterless father and illiterate mother. Amruta says what are you after what you did? Amruta says you mixed pills in an innocent woman’s drinks? Have some shame.

Virat says stop it, Amruta. I know you’re upset about what happened but you cant talk to my mom like this. Babita starts crying and says I didn’t mix anything. What kind of people do you think we are? Amruta says people who keep their egos and grudges. Virat says stop it. babita says she has no respect for me. Amruta says I didn’t stoop as low as you. Virat says enough Amruta. She leaves in anger. Babita says she keeps insulting me. She cries. Virat helps her.

Abhiraj gives Babita water. He says do you want something else? She says no. He says I found this bottle in your room. Babita is shocked. Abhiraj says I am always with you. I know you’re doing this for Virat’s better. she says you’re such a good son. I will take your help when needed.

Scene 3

VIrat says to Amrtua I want to talk to you. She says not here. She goes out. Virat says let me talk. Hwo can you accuse my mom like that? Amruta says I defended her once. He says I am grateful for that but you can’t accuse me like that. She says i don’t have time for you. He says I do. What’s wrong with you? How can you accuse my mom? Amruta says my mom is the victim here. She’s already sick. Wpuld you like if this happened to your mom? he says I am feeling for your mom too. She says your mom is behind all this. She did all ths. I can’t tolerate anything against my mom. I wont back out when it comes to my mom. He says I wont back out either then.

Amruta says to Virat if it comes to my mom I don’t ever back out. He says I won’t back out either. I will stand here. Amruta says once we find that person who did all this I will go far away from all this. Virat says all of this will be over. Amrtua says I will go far away from here with my mom where no one disrespects her. He says yeah great, go away and leave me. I’d be happy too. He leaves. Amruta is upset.

Bhavani opens her eyes. Amruta asks are you okay? She says my head hurts. What happened to me? Amruta tells her what happened. Bhavani is shocked. Amruta says Virat didn’t trust me. I feel like Babita did it. Bhavani says no one can hear anything against their mother.

Whoever is behind this is very dangerous. She says I don’t feel like Ishika is behind all this. Amruta says it’s Babita for sure. She was smoking. Does Bhavani say those glass pieces, the ants in sugar? Who is doing all this? I am scared. That person has you at their target. I can’t put you in danger. We can’t find out who is doing all this. That person tried to defame you. I am scared.


Bhavani says I don’t know what should we do. That person won’t stop. I don’t know if we can play this game. I am not liking all this but I also wanna remove this stain from your name. She says I can’t risk your life. Amruta says I am fine. Bhavani says Virat protects you, he’s your shield. He will always be. Amruta says I get it. She says to stay close to Virat, don’t fight with him. You both have to be a team.

Scene 2

Bhavani comes to Virat and says it’s your sangeet today. Aren’t you ready? Jahan gets Amruta ready. Virat says wow aunty you look so nice. It doesn’t look like you’re worried about what happened. She says my daughter gave me this strength. He says I am there. Amruta says he can’t do anything to the culprit how will he protect you? Virat says please don’t start again. Bhavani says to focus on the plan. The sangeet is gonna start soon. Bhavani says you both will have to dance. Amruta says I won’t dance with him. Bhavnai says stop it or I will tell everyone you both are faking it. Go and practice for the dance. Shekhar plays the song. Bhavani says to start the rehearsal.


Kavita says to Abhiraj you found the bottle? We could blackmail Babita. This was our chance to get money. he says that’s such a small plan. He says I will take everything from Virat. That will happen when his mother hates him and gives everything to me.

Virat and Amruta try to dance. He says I cant do against my mom. I did once for Priyanka. I didn’t listen to my mom but my wife and I saw what happened. I was proved wrong. That became the worst mistake of my life. I cant hurt my mom. Amruta says I have a mother as well. I am not like her. He says you’re not. If you were like her I would have been talking to you. She says thank you for alerting me. Thank you so much.

Virat holds her hand. He dances with her. They dance on teray dil se. Virat looks at the ring in her hand. She moves back her hand adn says this is Priyanka’s ring and I am Amruta. He says you don’t have to be Priyanka ether. She broke me and lost my faith in everything. I don’t miss her. she says you only think about yourself. I forgot everything for all you did and moved on. But you can’t do that. You always say that I am an idiot. He says when did I say it? She says in your heart. He says you can listen to my heart? She says stop it. Virat asks what do you want?

He says trust. I don’t know what Priyanka did and why but you can’t keep questioning all women because of her. All women don’t deserve that label. Thsi isn’t fair. I don’t deserve this. I don’t judge anyone but you always judge me. I am done giving justiciations. He says then don’t. She says then don’t treat me like that. I didn’t give you that right. He says I don’t want any right from you. He says are you happy now?

Next Wednesday update my journey 



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