Amruta makes cones for Babita as well. Virat and Shekhar dance on tenu le ke. Deepika asks Babita to come. Babita drops her juice glass and says let me stay here. She picks the pieces of glass and adds them to the cone Amruta made for her. She says I can tolerate the pain to shame her. Amruta and Virat dance. Everyoen claps. Deepika says they dance so well. Deepika says Didi why didn’t you apply mehndi? Amruta says let me get the cone for her. I made it already. She gives the cone to Babita. The girl says she’s your to-be MIL. The girl starts applying the cone. Babita says I will tolerate any pain for you Virat. Babita says let me spread it from my hands. She spreads it and screams. Babita’s finger bleeds. Her hand bleeds as well. Virat asks what happened.
The girl says this cone has glass pieces in it. Nimrit asks where did glass came from. Deepika says Amruta made her cone. Where did glass come in it? Babita says she did it. She harmed your mom. She will kill me after the wedding. Virat says let’s call the doc tor. Amruta is worried. Ishika says poor Babita, she’s to stay with such an evil girl.
Bhavani asks Amruta how did this happen. Amruta says I filled it like the rest of the cones. Babita screams. Her hand bleeds. The doctor takes out pieces of glass from her hand. Bebe says someone did it intentionally. Nimrit says why is Amruta doing this? Is it a joke for her? Bebe says that the girl is so cruel. Babita screams in pain. Virat goes out in anger. Virat asks Amruta did you do all this? Amruta says are you crazy? he says she tried to slap you so you did this? Amruta says are you out of your mind?
He says to see her condition. her hand is bleeding. Amrtua says so you’re doubting me? He says you brought that cone and filled it up. Virat leaves. Bhavani and Virat see a glass broken. Jahan says Deepika broke it. Deepika says it broke when I was taking Babita to dance. Jahan says it must have gotten from here. You just accused Amruta out of nowhere. Amruta leaves. Virat says sorry to Bhavanni. She says it’s fine. He says Amruta is always careful. Bhavani says I expect the same maturity from you. She leaves.
Scene 3
Jahan says he always falls for his mom’s drama. Bhavani says any child would get worried for their mom. And this isn’t a real wedding. it’s just a drama. He wouldn’t want his mom to get hurt. Virat comes to Amruta and tries to talk to him. She ignores him. Virat says sorry. She says you don’t need to say it. He says I will say sorry. Did you see my mom’s condition? She was bleeding. It wasn’t easy. You’re always overprotective about your mom too.
I am sorrover-emotionalonal. Please try to understand me. She says I do. He says once we get done with the wedding. She says we are only pretending to get married. Babita hears it. She’s shocked. She says we will find that person and end this drama. Babita says their drama has to end.
Scene 1
Virat’s detective calls him and says he found the face of the person who took the report. He sends his photo. Virat says to find out everything about him. It’s the same goon. Babita takes out a bottle from her closet. Kavita comes there. Babita says never come to my room without knocking. Get out. Kavita feels insulted. Babita says this medicine will expose all the truth of this wedding drama.
Bhavani says to Harsh your sister needs you. He says she needs Virat not to be. Bhavani says are you out of your mind? Bhavani says I will hit you with this nod. Amruta has always taken care of you like her own child. How can you back out when she needs you? You should trust her. I will hit you with this rod. Harsh recalls his moments with Amruta.
Scene 2
Amruta gets ready. Virat comes there. He looks at her looking pretty. He says here’s the stuff for pooja. He says we found the person who took the report. He will take out this guy’s info. He says close your eyes. Amruta closes her eyes. Virat makes her wear a ring on her foot finger. He asks how is it? She says why? He says you gave me a Marathi cap, so I got you this. I saw women wear it here. Amruta says these rituals are between a husband adn a wife.
Amruta recalls their moments. Jahan adn Bhavani look at them. Jahan says I was this was all real. Harsh comes there. He says see I came here myself. I am not scared of any rod. I’ve to be here to keep Virat in check. But I love my family and sister a lot. Amruta hugs him. She cries.
Scene 3
Virat serves everyone mangoes. Bebe says the girl’s family comes empty-handed. Virat had to bring mangoes. Kavita says they know Virat will bring everything. Babita says we have to do everything. Amruta comes there. Virat looks at her. Jayesh and Ishika come as well. Ishika’s face as marks. Jayesh says come here, Amruta. Everyoen will look at the bride today not Ishika. Jahan says looks like she’s paying for her sins. Bhavani says let’s start the pooja. Jahan says they look so good together. Bhavani does their pooja. She says give this coconut to an elder. They give it to Bebe.
Babita goes to the kitchen and mixes something in a juice glass. She marks it and asks the servant to give the glass to the right person. Everyone reads a poem. Babita reads a poem on how mothers train their daughters to trap rich guys. Virat says, mom. The servant comes and gives everyone juice glasses. He gives the marked glass to Bhavnai.
Next Tuesday update my journey